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GAMBLE-BOT 10-11-2012 04:58 PM

Can anyone confirm ?
That Auburn's Brian Van Gorder's contract includes a windowless van that says "FREE KITTENS" on the side?

GAMBLE-BOT 10-11-2012 05:00 PM

I hate fucking Auburn because those faggots cheated their way into a national title and got the fuck away with it. Fuck those guys. Everybody cheats. I get that. Hell, you can make a damn fine argument that through the years Bama has cheated more consistently than Auburn has. But at least Bama cheats with style. At least they use a little fucking finesse. There’s an art to Bama’s cheating. These sad pieces of shit cheated in the most blatant way possible, won a title, and haven’t gotten a single fucking penalty, despite everyone knowing they cheated. Add to that the fact that they won the title with a head coach who should, by all rights, be coaching fucking Southeastern Louisiana by now. Fuck those guys. Ohio State gets sanctions over some tatoos, and Jim Tressell gets fired, but Gene Chizik is still coaching away. I hope Nick Saban hangs 90 on their worthless asses this year. I hope they hire Bobby Petrino. They fucking deserve each other.

Willie McAboutThatLife 10-11-2012 05:39 PM

not sure who this guy is

can you link to the subreddit, so i can get an idea of the backstory?

boomroasted, bro 10-11-2012 08:26 PM

TCU QB is gone for good, Gamble. Who's gonna beat em this week?

Been 10-11-2012 09:45 PM

cool story

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