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nextlevelshit 04-06-2013 03:58 AM

Message from the great Cobson.
I don't have permission to post this and I might be kicked far out of any circle of trust but cobson was sharing these pictures/site. I said I wasn't sure what to make of it. He said it is disturbing to him becuase he thinks Tyde probably dresses Winnie up like that.

I would say only 15% if I was to make a line, but once Marty reads that site I'd put it at 85% chance he goes out and buys some pantyhose in the near future.

... just a thought...

Gare will tell me this post is horrible. I will defend myself with pointing out his glass house. He can only respond by DELETING my post and then banning me. Really. Please do not do that, Gare. This has nothing to do with you.

anatine 04-06-2013 04:01 AM

classic gare.

Tyde 04-06-2013 04:26 AM

wow Brian really wants to suck my cock and slurp down every last drop of cum I can pump down his junkie throat

Tyde 04-06-2013 04:28 AM

Brian is getting ready to babysit weed for the next 6 months for free rent

let him enjoy his moment of glory

Tyde 04-06-2013 04:31 AM

junkie piece of shit

god I hate heroin addict low rent vagabonds posting bi-weekly from fucking Starbucks

you smelly worm

admit you are camping on some shitbag property from one of your weed dealer buddies waiting to plant some new weed

fucking gimp

nextlevelshit 04-06-2013 04:34 AM

Old shit for brains has nothing new to bring to the table.

Whats new ?

Tyde 04-06-2013 04:34 AM

FYI I have not even once in my life ever entertained the idea of doing heroin you boring monotone semi homeless dweeb

honest question BRO

how much did you hate your shitty life in buttfuck texas before you jammed a needle in your arm your miserable awful narcotic addict

nextlevelshit 04-06-2013 04:35 AM

Maybe TydePoker VII is coming up soon. That'd be new.

Tyde 04-06-2013 04:36 AM

isn't it funny how you show up instantly when I decide to post

want me take a picture of of my shaven cock you can jerk off to before you mainline some more smack ?

nextlevelshit 04-06-2013 04:38 AM

Marty you should never entertain the thought of heroin. You are a known crackuser and that works for you. If that is your thing, stick with it. You once took 1 xanax pill and woke up in the bushes late to work. HOF. Booze and crack that brain in half.

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