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Hillbilly Jim 01-11-2019 11:09 PM

Time to get on the GABBARD galleon
It's a no contest narrative at this point.

CIALISipod please chime in about booger eating Kamala Harris now

GABBARD will win it all

See you on inauguration day bitches

blake 01-11-2019 11:20 PM

this is correct

blake 01-11-2019 11:21 PM

oh wow i didn't realize she officially announced she's running.

i feel good that we at skatz called her as the next president before anybody else

Hillbilly Jim 01-11-2019 11:32 PM

gay sex 01-12-2019 12:06 AM

Don't like Chang getting on his high horse here

VaughnP 01-12-2019 12:46 AM

I just don't think America will fall for this scam twice. And lol at the Hawaiian National Guard.

Bobby Wong 01-12-2019 12:53 AM

vaughan p thinks brown people from hawaii are a scam, y'all

VaughnP 01-12-2019 01:07 AM

The whole false image painted of her is what I mean, but honestly she's not that bad. One can make the case that she is a conservative in disguise on some issues.

VaughnP 01-12-2019 01:10 AM


?As Democrats, we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists,? she said at the time.

Gabbard has since done a 180, citing her military service in the Middle East as the impetus for her conversion to social liberalism.

?The contrast between our society and those in the Middle East made me realize that the difference ? the reason those societies are so oppressive ? is that they are essentially theocracies where the government and government leaders wield the power to both define and then enforce ?morality,?? she wrote in a December 2011 post. ?I began to realize that the positions I had held previously regarding the issues of choice and gay marriage were rooted in the same premise held by those in power in the oppressive Middle East regimes I saw.?

She effected a similar about-face on abortion, even receiving an endorsement from EMILY?S List during her 2012 congressional run despite her history of opposing reproductive rights.

VaughnP 01-12-2019 01:18 AM

Literally no one has came back from Iraq more liberal. If you can analyze her past and see how she has conveniently flip flopped into a "progressive" without thinking she's nothing but the typical scummy politician, you're delusional. This is what I mean by scam. Obama, a black guy from Hawaii, with no real connection to black America and slavery suddenly became a Southern Baptist preacher directly plagiarizing the words, style and mannerisms of another black politician - people forget that. You often speak of political performance artists, this is exactly what he was, but with a multi billion dollar marketing campaign. He will easily go down as the worst, least qualified, and most divisive president in history. No one wants to admit that his bullshit failure is the reason why we have Trump now.

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