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realneverstop 03-20-2011 10:41 PM

Reduction Of Submental Fat
KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (KYTHERA) presented additional efficacy data from a third Phase II clinical study with ATX-101, a first-in-class adipolytic agent that is under investigation for the reduction of submental ('under the chin') fat. The expanded analysis focused on additional patient reported outcome measures, including instruments measuring submental fat impact, subject global assessments and subject self-ratings of chin attractiveness...


Hillbilly Jim 03-20-2011 10:51 PM

maybe just not eat so much neverstop and you wouldnt have under chin fat?

gay sex 03-20-2011 10:52 PM


Hillbilly Jim 03-20-2011 10:53 PM

coats are so warm
maybe even throw on a scarf like a eurofag
and a balaclava

blake 03-20-2011 10:54 PM

IP resolves to vancouver

Hillbilly Jim 03-20-2011 10:58 PM

i dont get it either he is trying to troll or has became a turncoat

MistaCobalina 03-20-2011 11:09 PM

Pathetic. This forum won't blow up until we can get past our us vs them mentality. Boris was born out of NWP revolution, but didn't achieve it's golden age the Boris community got past it's NWP obsession and created something new and cool. Granted, that golden age lasted about 3 months until ian ruined it,but still. You trolls and creeps need to stop gaging on ian's nuts.

MistaCobalina 03-20-2011 11:09 PM

Oh, sorry about that gagging on ians nuts line, I got my double reverse tyde trolling confused with my reverse ian trolling.

MistaCobalina 03-20-2011 11:09 PM

trollin' ain't easy.

Steerpike 03-20-2011 11:11 PM

bobson is actually trolling me here, it's quite beautiful

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