kang is this true?
Report: Pirates Infielder Under Investigation In Chicago Sexual Assault Case
July 5, 2016 5:29 PM
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Pirates infielder Jung Ho Kang is under investigation by the Chicago police for an alleged sexual assault that took place last month.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the alleged assault took place while the Pirates were in Chicago last month. The Tribune says Kane and the woman met through a dating app. Kang invited the woman to his hotel room and served the woman an alcoholic drink. The woman said she blacked out a short time later. Kang then allegedly sexually assaulted her as she drifted in and out of consciousness.
The Tribune says the woman went to the hospital to have a rape kit done two days after the assault allegedly took place.
Kang has not been charged with anything at this time, and his status with the Pirates remains unchanged.