needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
Join Date: Aug 2012
Mentioned: 6 Post(s)
Tagged: 8 Thread(s)
I can regurgitate up to (the test only went so far) 26 random letter/number combinations verbally perfectly. There were two tests actually one being to repeat back to the lady exactly as she had said them to me and the other there was always a number then a letter, then a number/letter, each pairing I had to mentally put in sequential order lowest to highest so say you gave me 3F 4A it would actually be 3FA4 since A is lower than 4 in the alphabet. I hope that makes sense. On that test (which I took twice, for her amusement) I did perfectly 28 so 14 pairings and there was a silence gap of 8-10 seconds from when she finished dictation to when I started repeating back.
Supposedly the highest the lady had seen in 16 years of working as a counselor was 8, which is considered very high.
The average person gets 4-5, 8 is gifted, I could easily have kept going.
I also have a photographic memory, but truthfully I forgot how to turn it on/off, it just kind of catches what it wants to now. I can easily run back to an important day, say where say I had to go to court, in my mind, I can replay everything I saw smelled felt, I can relive the experience in my mind, see it, while doing something else, like having a conversation.
When I took anatomy/physiology I can't say I ever studied and never read either book, I just paid attention (sort of, was hung over a lot) and when test time came it's like the answers jumped at me. I can't explain it better.
I tend to get VERY fixated on something and when I do, I literally move heaven and earth to accomplish what I want, or acquire it whatever. I have no control over it, just a small piece of my insane puzzle.