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Old 09-28-2012, 11:55 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Solved Gangnam Style mystery.

Step 1.

Step 2.

Thai parody.

Step 3.

PSY feat. Hyuna

From comments:

Ding ding ding.

This is about reestablishing the Social Order. It's why people like it. This is an attack on young, "pretty", fashionista males.

Pretty girls should not like those guys; they should go for older guys with money. Who cares if they're silly, wrinkly, dorky goofs!

We're all dorky goofs! This way, everyone gets a chance.

Pro tip: Dress classy, dance cheesy, play into SOCIAL HEIRARCHAL stereotypes.

This is a "silver fox" backlash against being emasculated by young, attractive males. This is about the lie that is The American Dream; i.e. the Global Dream.

This is about slaves working their entire lives trying to get rich, but mostly dying trying; only for those who get rich discovering some brutal Truths about aesthetics, pretty girls and the (illusionary) value of money. It's a bitter pill which, somewhat ironically because I'm sfdashing, I noted wryly when I'd blush at someone introducing me or pointing out that I was a 26 year old kid millionaire. The blushing was redundant.

No one gave a fuck.

nb. That's not entirely true. The people who did give a fuck were guys, parents of daughters and the hospitality industry. But pretty girls? Outside of religious nations where children are sold in greed-obsessed horror (like the screaming, terrifying "young LADIES" of the 96% Catholic Philippines), no pretty girls gave a fuck.

you really are a dorky goof
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