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Old 12-12-2012, 01:42 PM   #30
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by WillieMcFML View Post
scooter, has your toddler brain ever considered the fact the maybe all mothers are not in fact whores just cause yours was?

Yes. Do you think I've been sitting on this realisation for my entire life of winning...everything?

I was deluded by my own inner drive to push on towards something I'd experienced but forgot about completely until I was ready to die (you know, cause I was a millionaire loser? that's true, but then not using any scale you've ever come across) believing "happiness" didn't even exist. I'd been looking for it my entire life and I just gave up. Sick of all you screaming little miserable gnats. Couldn't finagle a fucking cheerio in a whorehouse with a bagful bananas but that doesn't stop you from going home to suck your mother's sweaty toes and lick her toenails dry.

You're literally too raped to connect the dots between your colossal incompetence and fail and misery....and your leeching mother's love and lies. She makes her little broken balls of misery feel good. Awwh. No one cares but she does!

The latter is the reason for the former.

But then I realised something. Actually, I realised a few things. The first one was that yall were miserable and lying and faking it for no reason because no one was watching so your fucking "keeping up appearances" was comical bordering on nauseating. I have to remind myself of that all the time cause you know how you all fake it? hahaha. You know you do that shit for your mother and she's not even watching you? You know why you do it? She got concerned that your mental health wasn't all...there. Well she was right but not for any sane reason/s.

You see, you weren't making her feel good. So she made you feel bad so you'd do your fucking job that she bred you for.

Like a bitch.

You've never even been the boss of your own toilet breaks. Your mother smeared her shame all over you there away. You just can't remember. Trust me. You didn't imagine all your sordid horrifying shame. That shit was imaged onto your unserviceable, broken, spluttering brain. Love. Awwh.

To be fair, you needed it. If she didn't love and shame you and raise you with lies and emotional poison used to manipulate your demented face, why heck! You could have grown up happy and sane!

She wouldn't have liked that.

Then I realised that I had been happy a long, long time ago. Before a whore that liked to fuck and lie and love put her foot down on fun. The way yours put her foot down on your worthless...noodle. Well all the girls laughed so...they are the arbitrators of your worth are they not?

You're lucky I don't subscribe to their adjudication of your value because it wouldn't be very high.

I make up my own mind and this has no correlation to their scales of measurement.

It's purely coincidental that I don't value you at all either. You have no value and you have no intent or capacity to produce any. What the fuck do you want anyone to do? Abuse you? You could have fooled me with your shrewd intent.

no need to drag MumMcFML into this just cause you had a fucked up childhood that has left you as such a ridiculous little frog

How dare you talk about my mother in such a tone! She gave me the ability to take US$2 million from fucking failboats like you (well not you, per se; but the guys who beat the guys who beat the guys who beat the guys who beat your moronic face) in a couple years of "WTF this is too easy to be anything but horrifying" disbelief at the capacity of you morons to be exploited imagining you're lucky or Special or good. Fail. Fail. Fail. You're a slot Jackpot line of fail.

It pisses urine out at you instead of coins.

She gave me the ability to fuck stone cold models and other Society leeches (the ability and the poverty to start dealing pain relief). Deal pain relief in this world and even a fucking baboon as moronic as you will be swamped in misery. This is because your mother is a dirty whore rapist who likes sex; I didn't say she had a fucking mind. She just rapes yours so she didn't need to bother with getting a mind.

You see how it all makes sense? No? Don't over-think it. You could implode into a thought, or something constructive.

My mother gave me the intelligence to literally smash every academic hurdle placed in my survival from being uneducated and cocooned from Spam's malicious subliminal advertising to graduation with a degree in Thoughtless Academia Field of Study A. Topped classes. Got drunk, took drugs every other night. Yodawg.

My mother gave me the ability to convince the prettiest girls in Adelaide that I was dumb enough whilst simultaneously manipulative enough to be the most manipulative guy they'd yet seen (I can play Chicken till we both lose, basically). This was more or less my entire game plan and you know what? Women have been winning from a disadvantaged position of desire playing Chicken with men for 5000 years - women like sex more than men. If you're too stupid to connect the dots we should all urinate on your mother. Not out of any sense of justice or anything, who gives a fuck about you. You're worthless. We should urinate on the bitch for all the misery your moronic fail has and will cause this otherwise beautiful world of value and winning. You know, if we could vote 6.5 billion of you screaming leeches off the thing before the mushroom clouds of your mother's need to FUCK, LIE and LOVE makes Atlas drop the fucking lot of you.

My mother gave me the ability to do lots of things that are incomprehensible to a hobbled mind but then these aren't opinions? They're verifiable.

So go fuck your filthy whore mother in her filthy lying face. Because my mother bred me to aide her love of sex and lying just like your whore mother bred you for the same purpose. But my mother didn't care if I lived or die so rather than turn out like you, you know...

I turned out like me.

I'd be a lot happier if I could have competed against a stronger field but I basically have to win the hollow emptiness that one feels when they beat the babbling insane. I don't know whether to be embarrassed or what beating you fucking failboats. There's no honour in such an ignominious pursuit.

Mothers who what to fuck more than men do, but don't want to work or contribute or trade so they leech and love and lie...they're the reason you're a loser for life. And they're the reason why my winning is fucking redundant in a world of losers who lose for life but they're special, just ask them - you won't need to - they just share their opinions without capacity to be literate.

Go fucking review some cartoon popup books. This isn't an environment for you.

  too long didn't ribbet
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