needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
Join Date: Aug 2012
Mentioned: 6 Post(s)
Tagged: 8 Thread(s)
Originally Posted by WillieMcFML
aww. poor little johnny's mother didn't hug him enough when he was a wee lil lad so now he spends all day doing speed and writing 20 hours a day on the internet about 'toddlers' and 'value' in an effort to convince himself he isn't a life failure
keep on projecting you filthy crackhead. go fuck another tranny and then make fun of her on instagram when she doesn't understand what the fuck you are babbling about
you're not smart scooter, just mentally ill. the sooner you realize there is a difference the sooner you can get help and stop failing so badly
The only other person who makes it a point to call Scooter "not smart" or whatever is jewdonk.