needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
Join Date: Aug 2012
Mentioned: 6 Post(s)
Tagged: 8 Thread(s)
No clue what you are talking about willie. I happen to be doing fine, it's the fight I watch close friends going through on a daily basis as well as millions of addicts globally that I am talking about.
On a positive note I was able to get my only cousin to try nicorette two weeks ago, and she hasn't had a smoke since! I have been grinding on her since 17 (when she started to smoke) to fucking quit. Apparently watching her daughter turn 1 and realizing she wants to see every single digit that follows she possibly can and that she might miss a couple dozen if she doesn't quit pushed her to actually do something about it. Add to it the power of controlled release technology and voila, Life.