Unlike you, I must live deliberately. And without need, I have the ability to live when you are reduced to fighting each other to survive. Without the need to do what you do, I have only the desire to explain things to you. But in your needy snivelling, smirking, sneering Knowing All Of Knowledge Already, you know you don't have to listen to me.
I'm not your mother / father / priest / elder / coach. You're not afraid of me. I don't scare you. I can't make you listen. You know you don't have to listen to anything I say.
That's why you would listen if you were sane. All the people you Trust need to lie to you. I have no need. When I tell you that you're insane, you need to understand I am not trying to impress you. I have no interest in making you feel good until you stop needing to make innocents feel bad. You want emotional validation of your worthless existence and I cannot give it to you because your existence is not worth being sustained by you when it's in a Needy state. When you no longer need the emotional validation, you might be worth giving the time of day to.
And that's the day you will start considering your options for solving the problems you have with life. I have no motive to make you feel bad or good. That's something the needy would lie to you in order to do. I want nothing that you're in a position to offer so you get Truth. The Truth is you have no value. People who are exploiting you (abuse with a view to disposal) will tell you otherwise.
It's not ironic that the insane perceive your value a little...differently.
Watch out for the acid.
Firstly, this is what girls have been reduced to.
But it's only infuriating because she would make 99% of guys feel worthless. I don't care for the way girls do this. Suffering is insufferable when you are a human with empathy.
She can't make me feel worthless but that doesn't stop her from trying. She's falling in love in frustration but only because I have no need. Without need, I cannot be manipulated. But I have no need to manipulate. So I cannot win in this world of Toddlers reducing each other with their insane predisposition to snivelling deceit. You're all corrupted abortions of a human. You lack the desire to be humane. I was a very confused human in this world of Needy sociopath corruptions. I've always been humane.
I'm not confused any more. I have the capacity to live without need to lean on others and hurt my Self by hurting Humanity. If you need, you are an abortion. You need to lean on your Self or you need to die.
Utopia rests on your becoming an island that doesn't need to sweep clods away with the need for cheaper products and the need for more expensive misery. Utopia will begin from a place of neutral Needy but this will never happen now because only the sane should survive and only the insane would want to live in a cannibalistic world of raping children for value because...they can!
This girl below infuriated me into doing all this for you, and for Humanity. It's what I do when the Void hovers near because there is no value in insane people, i.e. you.
I solved the motive for those who promote the Bible where the Messiah is a sociopath who believes "Do Unto Others" is good advice. Sociopaths feel this way. Humane humans act in their own Selfish interests, which include the interests of everyone with value; i.e. not you.
Your mother locked you up with her exclusive love. You love her exploitation and lies still. What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do?
Whatever it is, silence yourself. I have power over my Self. You need to get control back of you, and then you won't need to keep urinating your Golden piss all over the world of sanity and fun and happiness and Self-reliance.
Below is a brilliant dot-by-dot analytical breakdown of the source of every single negative thing in this planet (barring accidents, disease, natural causes for pain). 99% of pain can be solved by understanding the horror revealed in this (very bright, but insanely Certain) girl's inability to see Sanity in a world of horror shows who hate "sluts".
But only because they want to be one!?
I'm not a slut but I've slept with more pretty girls than you can comprehend because girls are fucking lying to you. They are sluts. This girl is a slut. No one would ever dare to call her that, but she fucks a lot of guys. There's nothing wrong with it until you lie. Then there is nothing right in anything you do, especially 'charity'.
You need to save you. I don't need to be saved. I'm telling the Truth. You're lying. This isn't an issue which can be debated.
Stop lying, you son of a whore. Your mother didn't even want to be a prostitute but your lying - the lying of guys just like you - forced her to become a WHORE who breeds children to please everyone except Decency (their Self, people who have Self, etc).
You don't please anyone worth pleasing. You displease me a great deal but you wouldn't if you knew how to please your Self.
It is your fault. All your misery is your fault. It's you. All you. It's always been you who is at fault. You love those who lie to you convincingly. You love those who make you feel good. But you're too stupid to realise that can only happen when they've made you feel bad. Why do you wear clothes again?
They make you feel bad in order to make you feel good. Their motive is exploitation. They crack down on anything that will bring you relief from the pain you feel, because that's their job. And they don't like sinful competition when managing your pain for you.
This is what the pimps of Bangkok's child prostitutes SAY.
Your mother says the same thing to you? How peculiar.
You need to stop lying. You have absolutely no Right to impose your delusional insanity onto the world. You have no right to hijack this world with you. Utopia will begin when everyone stops limiting the world with their screamed opinions, feelings and corrupted views in the way you are limiting the world with you.
Stop your Needy lying. You need to be without need to see the view Narcissus fell in love with. It's an image of purity that is unpolluted and unadulterated. It won't be your mother's face staring back at you.
You need to fall in love with you.