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Old 01-14-2010, 01:53 AM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default ***OFFICIAL Skatz Cute [or close enough for government work] Emo Girls *** [OFFICIAL]

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Old 01-14-2010, 01:58 AM   #2
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  splash splash splash....splashy splashy splash!
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Old 01-14-2010, 01:59 AM   #3
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:05 AM   #4
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:06 AM   #5
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:07 AM   #6
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:11 AM   #7
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:11 AM   #8
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Hi, i would like to know, why do people pick on others for being so called "scene"? I got picked on at first then I actually stayed home for ages. Then I got popular on bebo. And now well everyone says I'm pretty, my pictures are amazing. I look like a model ect.

And you know what some girls moan about they wana be thinner cause apparently that's scene to be thin... err no it's not. I'm thin im size 12 but im tallish i got flat stomac ect i durno if your americans or w.e but your mad to think being ultra thin is scene i just dont understand why people fuss so much:/

Give it time ur learn new things and some advise - don't backbrush your hair so it looks like a birdsnest. And don't use stupid false colourd extecions most of them look so fake and tacky.

Most famous scene kids dont dress in bright stuff anyway its more indie style thats "scene" now so no affence ;]



05/01: 'heyhey, I get called emo constantly at school, even by my close 'friends'. What I do is I just call them *shudder* chavs and that shuts them right up. I have really dark brown hair (natural) with loads of bluee, and just coz i wear my hood up, and wear neon, i get called emo. They just call us it because they're too stupid to know what scene is. They even critisize my hair saying 'ooo theres waaaay too much spray in it, it's too biiig' and ur just like well fuck off then. I have also been called a goth because of my make-up :@:@. i just ignore it, and carry on, if they can't accept me for who i am then i really don't care what they think
' - Amy XD

31/12: 'This one kid keeps asking me if I cut myself because I always wear my hoddie and u rarely c my arms and this one girl - she is a stuck up snob - all of the sudden she starts dressing like me and apparently I made a bigger deal out of it than it really was so she goes around the school and says if you see faith wearin the same clothes as me tell her that I wear them better than her. Would she be considered a poser or just a wannabe??? (and it really tickes me off) (and we aren't close cuzs)' - XDFayKayXD

26/12: 'I have scene hair and I wear skinny jeans and whatever but everyone mistakes me as "Emo" and it's really annoying. Anyways, back on task.. I'm actually a size 11 and I have a flat belly but I think my thighs are big.LOL. Skinny jeans don't help. I live on a military base and I'm not aloud to dye my hair but I'm aloud to wear make up: D I am the only person at my school with scene hair and I think it's really cool and I stand out, off to try these eyelinerr tips,, deuces and thx btw(: byeee' - Julia A

22/12: 'omg you're soo right it soo cool to be scene i'm such a scene queen. i use like 5 bottles of hairspray on my hair for one night of raving and moshing to bmth and i love the guys that look anorexic because of their pants especially when their ass is hanging out.
All you people say "Don't label me." yet you kids label yourselves as a fake label or "scene". Stop whining about something you put on yourself or actually be a unique indiviual.
You are not different when you dress like people you see on MySpace or Bebo. The ghetto kids are more unique than you people. And go ahead say your shit about how I'm wrong. I am right.' - the scenest person ever

22/12: 'i think scene is beautiful. i hate when people fucking judge you it's not like we are harming them in any way except by looking wayyyy better hahahah.' - Monica Perry
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:14 AM   #9
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I'm off.

Gonna go get hella popular on Bebo.

Stay away from the Haterade.

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Old 01-14-2010, 10:02 AM   #10
mama luigi
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mama luigi will become famous soon enoughmama luigi will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by DakotaBurnsInHell View Post
I'm off.

Gonna go get hella popular on Bebo.

Stay away from the Haterade.

that's me
There is a room service cart in my hall. Be careful
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