did you run vwls off skatz? thought you and her were friends? Weird, and this site is def missing the feminine touch THANKS BRO (taking back the thanks bro if I'm wrong)
go Giants! and 45-3, the only thing funnier than the lopsided score was my good friend who is a die hard raiders fan started bitching about (what else) how lucky we are and how long he's suffered.
I told him if he would just picture the silver and black colors on us he'd be in business. he told me he's got no imagination left after imaging all the winnings seasons/games/plays/picks that haven't come true,so I told him I could imagine for him, and he asked me if I was coming on to him while backing away somewhat invitingly..since the voice says NO but the body says NOW I think he was coming on to me, weird.
you know, a case could be made here that you made that whole idea up to deflect blame onto someone who will probably just curse me out, if anything, rather than respond directly and ruin your cover...
you're cool for now, and obv i much rather despise a man with a beard that should be burned rather than cut off than you, but my paranoia is on to you broski.
And then there's that. Bravo sweet baby grapes. You catch that motherfucking rainbow, grab a hold with all of your apian might, and you ride that fucker to the promise land. God speed sir.
The recipe seems to be starve for 18 hours or so, watch a lot of porn/fuck around on net/read things/pretend job hunt (fuck california, I am no longer willing to be a prisoner) and do drugs, when finished (finally) consume multiple nature valley protein bars (with dark chocolate) and suddenly I feel more me again, it's been a while.
Also prob a link between my energy/happiness and being semi-allowed to post the main forum, and Scooter is more at ease, I can feel it.
I am a woman right, so I'd be expected to feel and internalize such things, the alternative prevailing theory has something to do with the inner workngs of dark chocolate, but that's in it's infancy anyway.
I am still basking in the afterglow and truth be told, the only thing keeping my eyes open is knowing I have a mission and after that, I can rest.
poison is great and would be perfect if it were more precisely controllable. Like, you rotate a knob turn something and presto, for a 7 hour window you can reach the moon,then during x hours you are forced sober for work/sleeping/eating
this invention is worth BILLIONS and it's somewhere in my mind now, but i will find it, and buy gaysex a surfboard the likes of which have never been seen before.
Personally I think meth addicts add a lot of flavor to a forum.
So does your avatar actually, Tapper MUST have found that for you. I have NO idea how/why he's so good at finding just the right pic right time rght situation, but it's Godlike no atter what. obv Gaysex is no slouch, Jim as well