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Old 06-21-2012, 04:24 AM   #311
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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Calm down chang
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Old 06-21-2012, 04:32 AM   #312
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Please tell me you guys ware watching the Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp.
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Old 06-21-2012, 04:33 AM   #313
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Old 06-21-2012, 04:34 AM   #314
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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Was that shrill homosexual right up ur alley jaybone
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Old 06-21-2012, 04:35 AM   #315
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Originally Posted by blake View Post

a gook manc

how typical

  yeah there's something really disturbing about the level of investing in franchise loyalties, bit its a product like Cha...
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Old 06-21-2012, 05:59 AM   #316
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
Ok so presume for a moment you are 32 and have done almost nothing like how you have lived your life so far, does that make sense?

Well, when Meen dragged me down from my hermit apartment with all it's 'easy' chains, I realised I had never done anything I was proud of. Everything I'd done was motivated by a Need to impress creeps. So I did something for me.

But as far as experiencing things, I can't think of anything really that I wanted to that I hadn't gone and done long before. What interests you?

Almost all of them are going to require $. This world has rules. Remember who writes them. They want you to crawl through their shit before you can have fun.

Satisfy my need for attention?

Yes the question was for you. I will 'ask' it again for you. Why?

I mean that's actually now on the list of plausible outcomes to my solution. Would never have even considered.

Ah yeah but you'll want to research that a hell of a lot more before signing a 5 year contract where they own you. You can paid SFA but it's more of an entire lifestyle change option where people whose lives have gone to shit or just want to start from scratch sign for 5 years and at the end of it you get French citizenship which is pretty valuable I imagine. Not really sure if the EU will still be around in 5 years but France will always be socialist-leaning because only excessively SLAVERY-obsessed plantations are as heavily exploited as the US or subjected to the requisite levels of propaganda required to trick SLAVES who have very little into thinking the rich shouldn't get taxed through their exploiting noses.

Conversely, can a foreign born legionnaire become French ?
Yes. A legionnaire of foreign nationality can ask for French nationality after three years service. He must have been through “military regularization of situation” and be serving under his real name. He must no longer have problems with the authorities, and he must have served with “honour and fidelity” for at last three years. French nationality cannot be granted under declared identity.

It reeked of trolling imo, but you know better than I...

Pretty strong emotional reaction there. I doubt it was trolling, probably something over my head but even if it was, you probably don't want to let trolls get a rise out of you like that (as a general rule).

no...normally I do these things for free because my parents are old and unable themselves, and I have been living there and all....but right now, I am seeking legal aid (that's the name of the place) as I have been forced into the street and denied all rights afforded under california state law.

I don't know about any of that, but I don't bale for free. I can only speak for me and my baling policies.

I intend to go all the way with these parents want to make an enemy out of me, so they have one.

Why? To what possible end?

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
So kosher to give ones opinion when asked directly and no other time yes?

If you need Rules to decide these things, then sure. I guess. You don't want to be giving your opinion to people who are going to say "Who are you?" when you're finished because they'll have heard nothing and just be wondering what the fuck someone they've never met is giving them life advice for.

What about whne I am sitting on light rail and a woman says on her cell "so GOD TOOK HIM away, to teach me a lesson girl. i know it! i just gotsta treat my man better, or god take him away THAT'S HOW IT IS!!!"

I hold my tongue of course, but WOW, just wow.

Would you ever strike up a convo here? I am curious.

Not if she and I were the last two humans on the planet.

Tough to put oceans between my family and I, but you've done it, and it seems to be working for you...

I did it at 14. It has worked except when my siblings' life and death predicament created some complications. There's no complications now they're dead.

My biological parents are not human. They're horrifying beasts made to believe they're human by the beasts that exploit them. Everyone else they've met in 30 years has been too polite or two shrewd to give them reason to believe otherwise.

I don't have emotional ties to dead beasts if that's your issue?

That is exactly what I am trying to do. Perhaps I should have been more clear- I wanted to see if it's possible to cure an alcoholic, point blank. Happens to be related to me (sort of) and this I thought would be good as in close proximity I can make observations/comments you know?

I don't understand the motive. Why would you want to? Why is curing them a superior line to euthanasia?

I had hoped to make some progress in the short time that I have, but idk, seems a waste of time to you. I can accept that, and just move on.

Progress requires progression. I think you might be confused about that?

Was my premise at least logical? How might you approach the same idea but with a person say 30 years old or something?

A 30 year old friend doing that shit? I tolerated my mate doing that shit for a year or two. It all came to a head one morning at a recovery party where I was in very rare form (though the rarity was never my preference). I was delightfully delighting. I was sprinkling happiness and good will about the place and there was this girl who was amazing.

That's where it all ended though because my buddy comes up and says "You see that girl?" And he pointed to another girl who was the g/f of our host. My heart skipped a beat and I prayed a silent prayer that the insanity was not about to...He says "I must devour her."

The insanity was about to start.

"Do not talk to her. I forbid it. You are not to talk to her nor are you to bother anyone here. Are we clear?"

I knew we would not be.

I cringed as he said "Yes yes, I understand" and proceeded to walk up to her and grab her on the ass and whisper "I must devour you."

In normal circumstances I would have already been well on my way to safety. Seeing problems before anyone else realises there's going to be problems has always allowed me to skip out of tense situations like the one I suddenly found myself in - yet again - never my fault, on the contrary. You're all just a bunch of Toddlers who can't play with each other. I had not escaped to safety because of this girl who was watching proceedings bemused.

I was not amused. Not really all that surprised either. Lots of people want to be my friend. Toddlers who are demented narcissists are very _hard_ to be friends with.

I probably saved his life (or at least his consciousness) with my _perfect_ handling of the situation, combined with the good will I'd incurred during our short time there but there were some unhappy lads and they were not small and I was instructed to take him and leave.

I was looking at the girl who wasn't bemused anymore and she realised we were getting thrown out and I did something very out of character but I was desperate. I asked the guy who told me to take him out, "Yep, then I come back right?" And the girl's eyes light up.

"No kid. Just take him and go."

I didn't see her reaction. I didn't want her to see my eyes. I pushed him, half threw down the stairs, he was 6'2" and a gym animal. He knows he's done wrong but he starts getting shirty regardless. I was burning with fury; of the kind that can get you killed I imagine. He imagined something because he just starts running away. I'm standing there thinking "WTF", watching him run off into the distance. Weirdest fucking shit, and then I realise the fucking cunt has my keys. He borrowed my car to run some retarded errand earlier and I wasn't happy about it but I had to weigh the negative vibes of being forced to say "fuck off" to his 20 min pleading (I estimated) or say "sure thing!" with a smile for 0 min negative impact and I might literally have been talking with Steven Bradbury at that very moment.

Some people who are retarded say "no", "fuck off" for like 10-15 min then give in or whatever and every time I see that happen, I feel nauseous. Fucking morons can't process a single thing intelligently. Everyone just screws up things they're oblivious to. I've always tried to show people how they could have been more optimal doing this or that, and people always thought I thought I was their mother or something. Which is pretty insulting. Almost as insulting as simply blowing their own best interests off because you know.


Steven Bradbury though. Fucking champion. Literally. Australia's first Winter Olympic Games Gold medalist.

But the way he won Gold was...surreal. He wasn't supposed to progress past the 1/4-final, which he won to go into the semi, where he was gone. Until the leaders fell over and he scraped into the final. He's 5/5 heading into the last turn.

That in itself is something but that's not the reason I was babbling about fanciful and speculative and magical things with Steven Bradbury. I had been impressed with the perfect way he had handled all the faggots of Australia. the faggots in that country. Egalitarianism is all good and well, but it produces the "tall poppy syndrome" where anyone rises above or shines, and Australia will love them but...not if there is something they can use to denigrate them or throw their success into question or be faggot Toddlers. The faggotry was out of control after his Gold Medal win but I liked the way he handled it; so close to optimal for Toddler appeasement.

Self-deprecation has to occur before the snivelling Toddlers will listen to a word you say.
Then once you've got them warming to your denigrating yourself, you can appeal to sanity. You have to give them a chance to get out of the corner they've pinned you both into, and once you give them the illusion of agency they will choose to allow your rising 'above' their fucking mediocrity.

Bradbury nailed it. And it's not an easy thing to do, because it's nauseating to deal with. I dealt with it on 1/10000th the scale routinely, and I fucked it up actually. Overkill on the Self-deprecation and before I knew it, I despised mySelf. I would have been trying to get mySelf back on track (because I spent a decade doing that, as my snivelling friends dragged me back) when I someone asked me if I could help them party and I could but I said "No". They said "It's for Steven Bradbury" and I looked around and there he was, chewing on his cheek trying to pay attention to some fan gush, and what do you know, I could help after all. So half a hour later, Steven Bradbury and I were having a MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT conference in a Surfers Paradise nightclub discussing MATTERS OF INTERGALACTIC GRAVITY (not merely our galaxy, we expanded the scope of our genius) and though I couldn't remember a word of what was said I have every reason to believe for one hour, Australia's first Winter Olympic Gold medal winner and I solved most of the problems in the UNIVERSE. In theory. It was a very productive conference which I had to interrupt eventually as Bradbury was falling asleep and I wanted to sleep with a girl. Somewhere in between, my fucking mate had hijacked my keys and returned with the car and conveniently held onto the keys.

Toddlers think this sort of thing is shrewd. Playing dumb. "Oh the keys, didn't I give them back to you? Oh here they are, sorry mate." Yeah. With Toddlers, life is an endless marathon of chasing their faggotry up. I forgot to chase the faggotry up and my mate had driven off with my car and I had no cash and had forgotten my PINs for my credit cards and locked them up both up by entering the wrong PINs so I couldn't get a taxi home.

A couple hours of brisk (furious) walking later, I arrived at my mate's place where the boozing car thief mate was staying with us for the weekend. I heard the pleading voice of non-confrontational friend and I knew someone was being a cunt because Tim hated confrontation. And he was annoyed about something. Being woken up, as it turned out because the Toddler who'd stolen my car to spite me by driving home without me(?), got bored as I walked home and was annoyed that Tim was "being a faggot" by not waking up and entertaining him.

Before I'd said a word, the Toddler started urinating on our kitchen floor to get back at Tim for telling him to be quiet, neighbours were sleeping etc this is like 7am Sunday morning. I ditch friends very flippantly now, but back in those days I had trouble on account of demented shit like "loyalty" and idiocy like that. I had my limits though and this Toddler had been pissing me of for months.

Tim threw his hands up at the urination and went back to bed. I became very warm, and very alert. And then I started giving him Truth.

When I start drilling Truth, no one else really talks. I was not giving him constructive criticism. I was giving him vicious, brutal, merciless Truth. I ranted at him for 40 minutes and then I summarised in a long list his pages of transgressions and told him to get out of my sight because I didn't want to be disgusted for one more second than was necessary. His head bowed, he went to grab some towels to clean the urine and I cut him off. "GET THE FUCK OUT." He left.

I have given a handful of people Truth like this over the years, when I no longer cared if they lived or died but was vaguely considering killing them. If you had value to me, you'd never hear this kind of a speech. The only people who heard it were people I never wanted to see again. It's a pity. Had I never valued anyone, I would have ended up valuing most of them.

I cleaned the urine from the floor, fridge / pantry doors. Didn't hear a word whispered about him for two years and at some wedding I bump into him and he's a little awkward but clearly conciliatory, so I make small talk "hitting the gym I can see, what you benching blah blah, what you doing these days?"

He'd just graduated RAN Aviation Pilot Training. He was a Navy Pilot. This made very close to zero sense, until he said "I've been wanting to thank you for letting me have it, you're the only friend who cared enough to tell me the Truth I needed to hear - my parents, my brother, sister, all our friends, everyone was lying to me but you were the only friend who wasn't interested in making me act like an idiot, only you cared enough to give me the truth. So thanks. I got my life back on track. I think I'd be dead now if it wasn't for you."

Just because he's flying choppers for the Navy doesn't mean he's especially bright.

"You moron," I told him. "You've got it all wrong. I'm the only one who no longer gave a fuck about you. That's why I gave you Truth. They all cared about you. I couldn't have cared less if you lived or died. You've got it all confused."

Have you an idea of how one might cure alcoholism, in general? Or are the underlying factors/motives too complex to form a generalized "How-do" or something?

For Christ's sake, you cannot cure alcoholism. The day you recode the human genome to be okay with living in a perpetual state of pain, then you'll cure alcoholism and a great many other vices as well; perhaps all the vices.

The vices are not the problem. The poisons kill but they are not the problem. Aside from the tame physiological withdrawal symptoms, no one is addicted to alcohol. They're addicted to pain relief.

Remove the need for the relief, and you'll have 'cured' the alcoholic. But until you negate the reason why a human being is seeking pain relief, he will she will never be 'cured'. All your efforts to target their dependancy on a substance will be in vain.

Because how did they become an alcoholic in the first place?

The reasons are varied and many. Some would be unimaginable. Some would have been imagined too vividly to erase. But I dunno, you could probably start with Truth. I have reason to believe Lies are the only reason anyone ever lives in pain.

I have reason to believe that when you no longer have USE for those you lie to (for their sake) , you can change their lives with Truth.

  this was a good post
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Old 06-21-2012, 06:36 AM   #317
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i enjoyed that story on the toddler
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:01 AM   #318
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
Was that shrill homosexual right up ur alley jaybone



  Wasilla braj but u were close
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:55 AM   #319
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Originally Posted by blake View Post
loving the scooter is a private dancer tag

more like tiny dancer amirite

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Old 06-21-2012, 08:57 AM   #320
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~hes a primate dancer...~

  winner winner chicken dinner
  wow i have to concede- just wow
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