I can admit that there WERE email exchanges between myself and Scooter at one point and they would shame me because I lost several hundred dollars to him because of the Oakland fucking Raiders.
Originally Posted by Rum Dick
I'm not annoyed enough yet. But sic pike or tine on me and you can probably get me pissed off enough to do some unilateral transparency
You're a sickening little rat victim of your mother too insane to realise how transparent the threats of someone who has smugly feigned friendship and appreciation for who they went chasing up on forums where I had forgotten about Skatz to sympathise and ascertain what went wrong
Rum Dick has face planted here so tragically it's almost comical. Little rats who PRIZE deceit suddenly threatening to do some 3 year delayed transparency ahahahah
You fucking moron.
I want evidence of these 'funerals'. Otherwise you're as transparent as everyone who prizes anonymity whilst talking about valuing 'transparency'.
mr. and mrs. rumdick we regret to inform you that your toddler david has several unexcused abscences and as such will not be permitted to graduate with his class unless you can provide documentation of the funerals that he claims to have been attending
I can admit that there WERE email exchanges between myself and Scooter at one point and they would shame me because I lost several hundred dollars to him because of the Oakland fucking Raiders.
The only time I can ever remember thinking poorly of you was when I ranted about religion for maybe one of the first times I ever did, and you snapped at me which I didn't understand but assumed I had offended your religious beliefs or something. I was literally stunned and flabbergasted.
But everyone is liable to misperceive or lash out or over-react or - in my case - scream horrifying vitriol at friends or about friends we've been led to believe have betrayed us in horrifying ways.
This is all Religion's work. Privacy is religion's tool to hide malice. There is nothing that can embarrass anyone beyond the shame of being a victim of THOSE WHO PRIZE PRIVACY AND SECRECY.
Only they are malicious. Only they could ever even Want to hide anything.
I'm not annoyed enough yet. But sic pike or tine on me and you can probably get me pissed off enough to do some unilateral transparency
Look at this Christian filthy shit. Post the fucking shit you moron.
Humans who have no motive to hide their non-malice will never be ashamed.
Filthy little rats who value privacy imagine they hold all the cards whilst implicating themselves.
Let's have everything out. My name is Jonny Vincent. I'm a fucking champion. Have never had malicious intent and have always valued transparency.
I've already posted my ID and photos.
What's this thread called again? Oh look at the OP:
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
From now on, any PM that is sent to me will be posted on the main notice board with my reply.
Don't be Catholic. If you're doing something you have a problem with others knowing about, stop doing it. Or don't. But from now on, if I reply to something sent to me via PM, your private message will be quoted and posted publicly.
This is sane. Private Messaging is insane. Fuck your dumb Toddler reservations, secrecy, confidentiality, non-disclosure and deceit.
Time for transparency. It's time for you to grow up.
Anyone who isn't prepared to lay everything out as I have done - anyone who isn't prepared to follow my lead - they will be the ones who value private shame and hidden deceit.
You fucking moron. So fucking Toddler. So fucking retarded to think you can go up against Decency in a game of Transparency and play your demented coy face into a win.
The only time I can ever remember thinking poorly of you was when I ranted about religion for maybe one of the first times I ever did, and you snapped at me which I didn't understand but assumed I had offended your religious beliefs or something. I was literally stunned and flabbergasted.
But everyone is liable to misperceive or lash out or over-react or - in my case - scream horrifying vitriol at friends or about friends we've been led to believe have betrayed us in horrifying ways.
This is all Religion's work. Privacy is religion's tool to hide malice. There is nothing that can embarrass anyone beyond the shame of being a victim of THOSE WHO PRIZE PRIVACY AND SECRECY.
Only they are malicious. Only they could ever even Want to hide anything.
Without checking the exact date of that post which must have been a couple of years ago at least, I'm pretty sure I thought you were just being another one of those utterly boring people who 'hates' religion and does nothing but take shots at easy targets. I've always found that sort of thing to be very teenage and quasi-intellectual.
Essentially, at that time, I doubted your sincerity.
Of course that's not my view now nor has it been for a very long time. Given your personal story and subsequent writing about the subject I don't think there's anyone that doubts your sincerity, least of all myself. You made a believer of me old boy *wink*
Also I'm not at all religious so it would be impossible for me to take offence in that way, that's quite dumbfounding tbh but then given what we now know you must find my doubts of your sincerity on the issue equally confusing.