one of my best friends blew out his colon yesterday after a series of major surgeries and has to carry a portable shitbag side-saddle for the next 7 months
but at least he doesn't have to spend a single day in 408's used thrift store shoes, living his horrible joke of a life
big shout out to hoser who motivated me (via his obsessive trolling) to ship sol some cash a couple of days ago for a long overdue poker debt pre-black friday
thanks for caring
just out of curiosity Brian...
its just about that time of the year where your landlord is planting the new crop you can babysit for free rent all summer living in Shitbag, Texas
Hoser is very proud of the fact he can sit around on his ass all summer and not pay rent, and get his stupid fucking cats stoned while making free rent for being a weed babysitter
come back and post so you can be banned immediately for being your awful self
I don't like to reference 408 that often, because it's almost like fishing with dynamiite
I will say, that I did have an 'overseas' conversation about a week ago with a very well known member of these forums, and we both agreed...
he deserves ZERO sympathy
Mike is not only stupid, and clueless and ignorant...but he is also an asshole who stabs people in the back who reach out to him
basically horrible on all fronts....worthy of no empathy whatsoever
If I happen to drive by him in the line to get soup at the local homeless shelter, I am going to throw a hard boiled egg at full velocity in his general direction while shouting obscenities