So yeah worst pirates ever. Dont want to ruin it for anybody by going into too much detail but we watched it yesterday for the first time too, and i was slapping my forehead every ten minutes or so going what the fuck is that idiot thinking.
Also, for the love of god the only thing more useless was the locks. Really they weren't bulletproof? Really?
I'll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get fran dreschers asshole
Its also worth noting that Captain Phillips crew has been extremely outspoken about the sheer volume of Hollywood bullshit they grated into the film, and how they totally white washed the good Captains' conduct, a sample of which is how he decided to ignore pirate warnings and sail through infested waters so he could wrap up the trip quickly.
Also there is an ongoing mystery about what happened to the money they stole from the safe IIRC. It was never recovered.
Its also worth noting that Captain Phillips crew has been extremely outspoken about the sheer volume of Hollywood bullshit they grated into the film, and how they totally white washed the good Captains' conduct, a sample of which is how he decided to ignore pirate warnings and sail through infested waters so he could wrap up the trip quickly.
Also there is an ongoing mystery about what happened to the money they stole from the safe IIRC. It was never recovered.
Probably not too huge a stretch to assume that money bought many a drink at Danny's palm bar and/or McPs and/or the east versions of those bars.
I'll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get fran dreschers asshole
Probably not too huge a stretch to assume that money bought many a drink at Danny's palm bar and/or McPs and/or the east versions of those bars. Also, for the love of god the only thing more useless was the locks. Really they weren't bulletproof? Really?
Dude we know, we know. You're from Coronado. Bulletproof locks huh? Um yeah no Dave. Also never seen the movie but the blue hairs must love it b/c it's literally still at the cheap theaters like 3 months later. Bulletproof locks. Whatta sweet kid.
simmer down fagnerds before i make cookies at you.
Originally Posted by Behemoth
Dude we know, we know. You're from Coronado. Bulletproof locks huh? Um yeah no Dave. Also never seen the movie but the blue hairs must love it b/c it's literally still at the cheap theaters like 3 months later. Bulletproof locks. Whatta sweet kid.
My bike lock is legitimately bulletproof for almost anything short of a .50 cal (and it cost maybe at the most $40). So yeah...bulletproof locks. in the movie they use high school locker locks to secure gates that are supposed to keep the pirates from accessing the bridge (a hella minor plot point and a ridiculous real world defensive fortification).
Btw --- I love how in your world, I live in oklahoma, but I'm from coronado. Lemme guess bizarro superman was your favorite super hero
I'll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get fran dreschers asshole
My bike lock is legitimately bulletproof for almost anything short of a .50 cal (and it cost maybe at the most $40). So yeah...bulletproof locks. in the movie they use high school locker locks to secure gates that are supposed to keep the pirates from accessing the bridge (a hella minor plot point and a ridiculous real world defensive fortification).
Btw --- I love how in your world, I live in oklahoma, but I'm from coronado. Lemme guess bizarro superman was your favorite super hero
Don't you sass me Dave. You were born in Oklahoma but live in Coronado now. Whenever it suits me, you're an Okie for life though. Now that we've got that straight, let's proceed to this new topic. I remember you posting before about the flower show, which, btw, I never heard anything about this year's show or saw a thread about it, so I'm guessing someones roses didn't quite get with it this year. I'm also guessing a gardener was fired and/or reported to ICE as a result.
Lastly, just because the package says "tough under fire", doesn't mean a motherfucking thing.
On a related note we have a friend who used to be a merchant marine (he was an engineer so unlike tyde he actually served a purpose on the vessel other than tormenting old black women). Anyhow, one night they are cruising through the Malaccan Straights, and he goes over to the railing to take a leak and sees some pirates in a skiff trying to attach a ladder to the railing. My friend goes and finds the biggest non-essential piece of metal that's handy, walks back over to the railing, looks down at the pirates, whistles at them, shows them what he's about to drop so they have a chance to move out of the way, and then drops the hunk of metal into the middle of the skiff. The hunk of metal goes right through the hull sinking it. Pirates swim off yelling at him. Day saved, and no one had to sit through two hours of tom hanks doin a vermont accent. Note, he's an older guy (but he is like 6'5" 230 so im guessing it was a big piece of metal) so this all happened decades ago back when pirates would roll around with knives and pistols trying to get at the ship's safe instead of having AKs and trying to hijack the crew, cargo, and vessel for ransom.
I'll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get fran dreschers asshole
On a related note we have a friend who used to be a merchant marine (he was an engineer so unlike tyde he actually served a purpose on the vessel other than tormenting old black women). Anyhow, one night they are cruising through the Malaccan Straights, and he goes over to the railing to take a leak and sees some pirates in a skiff trying to attach a ladder to the railing. My friend goes and finds the biggest non-essential piece of metal that's handy, walks back over to the railing, looks down at the pirates, whistles at them, shows them what he's about to drop so they have a chance to move out of the way, and then drops the hunk of metal into the middle of the skiff. The hunk of metal goes right through the hull sinking it. Pirates swim off yelling at him. Day saved, and no one had to sit through two hours of tom hanks doin a vermont accent. Note, he's an older guy (but he is like 6'5" 230 so im guessing it was a big piece of metal) so this all happened decades ago back when pirates would roll around with knives and pistols trying to get at the ship's safe instead of having AKs and trying to hijack the crew, cargo, and vessel for ransom.
Ive got this really good friend who was a merchant marine. He date raped some silly drunk skank in South America, knocked her up, then fled back to the states to let his biological child rot while he pursued his degree in organic brain damage and getting trolled to atoms on every internet forum he ever showed his face on.