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Old 08-24-2012, 02:18 PM   #1
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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Default my hair is feeling particularly dry today

does this happen to anyone else
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Old 08-24-2012, 02:19 PM   #2
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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gamble bot were all looking at you buddy
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Old 08-25-2012, 05:37 PM   #3
Things could be worse...
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I have never had sex within a couple days of washing my hair.

I vaguely understand there to be a scientific correlation between the filthier my hair is and the chances I'll impress a girl into wanting to be 'naughty'. It's so wrong! *teehee*

You wanna know what I think is wrong? I'm just being snide. You're too dumb to care about what I think. You think you know everything. But anyone who doesn't concede that they are insane and know only what they've been permitted to know by Power & Their creepy conditioning, is batshit retarded.

Like getting horrified by this (which is mildly disturbing):

And not getting horrified by this:

We're all entitled to our opinions. Mine haven't always been better than yours but you haven't ever been convincing or mine would have been. I have to make the corrections to my incorrect positions almost 100% of the time and I'm getting sick of it.

But it's telling that you cannot tell who is telling you the Truth and who is lying to you, or you'd do a Rambo on your Self.

Both images are disturbing, on some level. Getting disturbed is disturbing, on some level. But to be horrified by one rather than the other is the proof that you are insane. It's also proof that you don't have the first clue about how to have fun. I'm not saying you can or should be having fun with girls who are 13. 13 year old boys should probably be concerning themselves, in that regard.

I'm saying your demented Protection Rackets preclude my sleeping with women who aren't emotional "women children". They are not fun.

It's fucking degrading. It's a pity we live in a world of cannons rather than Thais. There are different kinds of exploitation, and there are different kinds of horror. The Thais exploit children better than you; they are taken advantage of in ways that I'm not entirely sure are traumatising at all until the horrified do-gooders of the world have that eyebrow-raising instinctual reaction to impose emotional degradation onto what they have been conditioned to believe is wrong. It might be. But it would be more wrong to Prohibit what they've been conditioned to do or imagine you should cover their actions with - your - filthy emotional degradation. They're doing what they have been led to believe they want to do.

Sleeping with 13 year old girls is creepy but imagining that it makes sense to legislate against it is how you shoot everyone in the foot. Who am I and who are you to tell a child who believes he or she wants to do something, that they cannot?

They're just going to do it.

This is wrong. It was wrong when I'd do it to literally everyone I'd meet...everyone would snicker, because they knew what was coming. People would tell me I couldn't. I would just do it.

I'd start waxing lyrical about this cool [insert something here that victim-to-be had just expressed an interest in, which ostensibly triggered my remembering I had a image on my phone that was relevant] and the snickering and the tittering would almost blow the con.


I'm not entirely sure about whether or not that in my best interests, which made me realise if I was unsure, then it's in everybody's best interests. I know. Who knew that shit could be in the public interest? I'm not sure it is. I mostly wanted to make the OneStep Point.

Is he less or more likely to look now that I've warned him NOT TO DO IT OKAY!? Are you really as dumb as you pretend to be; or do you think your insanity is fooling me so that makes you shrewd? I never know with imbecilic creeps who give the Bible to children to fuck them.

I don't mind that so much as the emotional trauma which fucks children for life. I'm not sure about the above pic, but then I'm simply not important enough to give a fuck. I think it's cute how non-celebrities will take celebrity precautions with their 'valuable' lewd whilst snickering at questions I can't answer about inexplicable system files and corruption.

What is it with the West's obsession with beating children into controlling them? What is this madness.

A good way to ensure children don't eat greens for life is to start hitting them into associating greens with your psychotic insanity. Children should do what they want to do. If you cannot make the case to your child for why he or she should act in their own interests, what business do you have breeding children for Humanity? They're not your own. I'm not sure how you got confused about human property but they do not belong to you, exclusively.

They actually belong to me.

Stop hitting my fucking property, you demented vassals. They don't belong to you. They belong to everybody. Or are you going to take responsibility for the insanity that your violent insanity creates, over time? How can you when they might only start killing when you're dead? Society bears the cost or benefit of the child you raise, whilst you imagine that you have the right to do whatever you want to it because it's yours.

You run your demented Confidence Tricks on your children you raise to suffer to please and you run your demented Christian Protection Rackets and your Purity Balls and all your creepy horrifying filth but then where is the protection for Society from the horror shows your children grow up to be?

I know why the Law legislates your ownership of your slaves. They need you to raise them to be insane. I know why Power intervened in the States v the CoG in NSW / VIC in '91/'92. To be humane there was stepping over a dangerous line. Parents should be allowed to fuck their children for life. Religious freedom, motherfuckers. The right to fuck children is literally the only topic of debate between Religion v Sanity. The government tends to favour religion for the same reasons magistrates who might be decent (if very confused about honour / respect) defer to power. They're mixed up in games of power. Power always respects a greater power. Only the powerless are surprised when things pan out in horrifying ways.

But then you only scream when it's you v Power. Why can't people care about your plight? You would care about theirs!

Shut your face or get vocal now. Your selective caring is too shrewd not to be nauseating. The government is a Protection Racket that has to keep killing and scaring you or you'd realise you're a human being and not a [insert nationalistic, patriotic and racist vassal fool here]. I know why you're insanely tolerant of their killing of your children. They let you raise children however you want, you hand them over when they come "of age".

And everybody gets raped.

You think sex is traumatising for your children?

Only the way you fuck them, for life. I just clued onto this Protection Racket business. Of course we all grow up to be Presbyterian creeps wanting the lights off so no one can see our naked shame. Eww. The world has been traumatised.

You have Reality confused with the Fantasy where you were never forced to disclose why you're breeding children of your own in the first place. Trauma is the product of misperception. Children are traumatised by protecting them from Reality and then dropping them in it to be pathetic and hapless with their 'developed' anti-social skills courtesy of their exploited mothers who are provably anti-social or they wouldn't feel compelled to breed children of their own. It's either that, or the breast-feeding dolls you give them to play with.

Yeah that's not creepy at all.

Children will be as creepy as the parents who breed children of their own will be, in their private little holed-up rabbit holes where their screwing with their children's sanity is their business and they'll scream bloody murder in outrage that anyone else should tell them how to raise their child.

I'll tell you what. You tell me why you want children of your own in a world where 21,000 children of our own are dying every day and maybe we'll consider why we should let you manufacture children to be self-less creeps, raised to please...but they do not please humans with their suffering to please. Humans scream at suffering. Oh you don't have that problem? How curious.

You're empathy-less? You're narcissistic.
Oh that's wrong? You practice selective empathy then? You're a sociopath.


Counter that logic, parents.

In Thailand, if you're not bothering anyone you almost certainly won't be bothered. The problem with do-gooders is that they're not interested in doing good; they're interested in feeling good. There's a pretty huge difference. The latter molests. The former gets depressed. Thailand can be more brutal and less caring but then there is a level of humane in the exploitation that is not prevalent in the deceit-ridden caring of Christian denialist societies. Thais are more decent creeps, is probably the best way I can put it. But they're fighting a losing battle against indecency because emotional insanity corrupts everything it touches.

Thailand are not sociopaths, or they are - but they're less deceitful about it. Today, the Thai Finance Minister (who is a Thaksin PTP Cabinet Minister, i.e. UDD, Red Shirt, interventionist-allied and therefore someone I am predisposed to think poorly of stunned a great many people by stating what politicians never say but which you have to be an imbecile to fail to understand is going on across the board). Thais are so brilliant and the political free-wheeling is so intricate and complex and bewildering, it would be a mistake to jump to conclusions about why he said what is literally anti-Thai culture (admission to a lie? the media, which is like 90% lies non-stop, well I don't know how they're going to react but it'll be interesting to find out because there is always something going on behind the illusion behind the illusion behind the illusion of the facade presented to you, in Thailand).

So basically it's non-news.

Except, one has the feeling it's going to be made into a storm in the same way the PTP Education Minister (who I should be predisposed to disagreeing with, if I was as insane as everyone who divides along lines and gives their loyalties and their minds away in the process) was torn to shreds for suggesting that the out-of-control secret payment system for prestigious schools should be taken out of the hands of the administrators and made to be more transparent. The rich are buying their children spots and the rich have so much money here, it's hilarious how much trickles down in ways it does not and did not trickle down since Reagan started the US on the slide that's going to end in horror.

Terminal21 has Japanese-made public toilets that, I mean, watching Toddlers not wash their hands after urinating, playing with chips I then had to stack up - Narcissistic Toddlers are insufferable. You need these toilets. Indians would have a clue what to do with them, probably bring their laundry into the mall for a wash.

Thailand is great, is my point. Your imagining exceptionalism is exceptionally unfair on Thailand when the victims of your emotional exploitation get all emotional in public. It pisses me off. Thais can't distinguish between his insanity and my sanity. Do something about this, would you?

The Thai Education Minister made the inherently sane suggestion that schools which cared about their school brands rather than the principals could and should legitimise the payment system and make it all less secret and more sane. Everyone knows it happens anyway, everyone knows which children had their places bought because they didn't have the grades, there are no secrets really; the only possible beneficiaries of the secret payments are the administrators taking the bribes. They get to negotiate with parents from a position of confidentiality and power; i.e. the parents are forced to make the offers which amount to silent tenders which inflate the black market prices. Parents could talk to each other but there are two many variables in play. It's not like Parents A can ask Parents B what they're paying because they're going to lie, ROFL. In a world of secrets and lies, it's ridiculously obvious to establish who benefits from the deception, and I don't care what your political leanings are, the only people who could possibly be served by the present system are the school principals. So maybe like 20 people in the country v the Thai Education Minister? Not sure if he was forced to resign over that debacle but the imbecility of the morons...

You imbeciles literally deserve your exploitation. That's how exploitation 'works'. You buy into the stupidity and everyone shrewdly imagines they're getting the best of it and no one wants to lose their 'edge'. So everyone gets raped.

Thais are brilliant but then they're not, in reality. They're just more brilliant than most, comparatively. And that's because they're all playing games which only make sense to play if you imagine you're way above the mean; but then I'm merely talking about the imbeciles imagining lying is in their best interests. That's just insane. The Thais' lying makes sense (to Thais, who do not value you or me because, not to put too fine a point on it, but you are worthless when you come to Thailand looking to exploit and get your face owned and then whine about it) but lying is just stupid because it's an illusionary trick of perception that is corrupted, at it's core. You're either in this game alone, or you're all in. Imagining it makes sense to get confused about who you care for and why you're exploiting them simultaneously, you know...

That's called love.

I'm not sure they love in Thailand, not in the sense that Westerners do love. Children are exploited but then so were you by your after-school jobs. And by your present employment, which either pays you less than you're worth on account of your incapacity to freelance or they're paying you more than you're worth which does not make them shrewd. It makes them stupid, and you'll be out of a job soon. The point I'm trying to make is that you have to contribute. If you don't want to contribute, then what is your fucking problem? Why are you here? What is your agenda, you leech? GET OUT.

I'm so sick to death of Christian Compassion. I have people still trying to get ahold of me to help me but then they won't help me with stuff I need doing, like chasing up the people who are not avoiding me because I'm simply incapable of lowering myself to the level of recovering debts owed to creeps who, like Dan Francis, free-rolled on my money as I screamed at him for burning it on tourneys he was not permitted to play with the money racking up vig which is structured to penalise lies, not take advantage of misfortune. I had no interest in lending to the misfortunate. But if you have no reason to be a filthy liar, and every reason not to be, then I will structure a deal if you're not lying brazenly to me. Daniel Francis wins $600,000 or something which is literally ALL my money because he was in breach of contract and unauthorised to do so, in the most explicit terms, but because that's extreme I am going to charge him the contracted amount, the terms he agreed to which were structured to punish brazen lying to my face and abuse of Trust.

He's not going to like it. Which means he's probably going to die, but then he has nothing to worry about, in the next few months.

My friends who know I need their help but refuse to do anything to help me - connect the dots on why I left overseas, are still screaming in my Inbox, my Twitter, they just fucking scream the world insane with their horrifying Needy. I want nothing to do with them. I've told them this in explicit terms and I've told them why. They ignore all that, because they know I need them now more than ever. They are making a big mistake if they're confusing themselves for Catholics and me for Africa. I think that's what they're doing.

But then I think they love me.


Love is the imposition of creeps who cannot be negotiated with because they will just ignore everything you say and continue to assert your need for them. They're your friends. Your family. They need me. I don't need them. I need to find out if I it's possible to make my siblings sane without traumatising them because they've been setup to be traumatised with the deaths of their Selves. I was going to die anyway, when I came back to life. I don't want them to have to go through an experience like Aun only to be rewarded with the sanity that allows them to see the Reality of Horror beneath the sheets. To what end does it serve? Am I being patronising? Should I not let them make up their own minds? To what degree am I affected by the very strong chance they will not understand a word of it and merely imagine their older brother lost his mind before...

I'm just thinking out loud. But threads like today's in response to a politician admitting - shock! horror! - that politicians lie, leave me wondering why I'm even bothering with any of you degraded beasts.

You really couldn't make this stuff up.
it is one thing to be a patronizing liar, it is another to admit the fact.

rixalex and kiniyow like this Like This

"the whole world knows about these 'white lies' but they've been inspiring confidence." preposterous

drdoom6996 and steenasger like this Like This

I have heard it all now! I hope none of the major corporations who were considering investing in Thailand read this article! Any confidence that this moron has tried to instill in the market and the traders who make it move has now just been blown straight out of the water. Thai politicians all seem to share a common fault, non of them have been media trained yet they all seem to love listening to their own voice and giving ill considered interviews. This should be another one destined for the axe at the cabinet reshuffle. Morons, morons, morons!
On the bright side it could be a good time to short the SET today!!

manstr23, rheinwiese, clockman and 2 others like this Like This

What the poor man forgets is that in his position, once you lie and the admit to lying from that point on in time no one will really believe what you say, because he's a self confessed liar.
How will that inspire confidence?
How many other 'white lies' has he told that he hasn't admitted to?? Sorry, but the question has to asked.
Well at least he's made Yinglucks job slightly easier in the cabinet reshuffle. Your P45 is in the post khun kittiratt

manstr23, rheinwiese, kiniyow and 2 others like this Like This

Well, as Finance minster, his public statements have a far larger importance than keeping the reds happy. Statements like his are so typically Thai, and misunderstand the way of the financial world, that he has basically proven himself to be completely unsuited for the job.
Why is Europe in a mess? Because people made white lies for far too long a period of time. Greek debt
Why is the US in a mess? Because people made white lies for far too long a period of time. Subprime mortgages
Disappoint the markets for too long, and eventually it smacks you straight between the eyes. The longer the lie is perpetuated, the bigger the whack, because the shock for the market to readjust is greater than it needs to be.
His public statements effect the value of the baht, they effect domestic and international demand for Thai products, they effect Thailand's interest rate perception, risk perception, investment environment and the list goes on and on.
In fact, I wonder if it is a criminal offence to lie to Parliament?

Bagwan, fractrain and steenasger like this Like This

I cannot believe this guy had the arrogance to actually say what he did. This may go down in history as the dumbest comment ever made by a Finance Minister in the history of global business. I would love to listen to the sniggering in the national banks in the region over coffee this morning.

This may go down in history as the dumbest comment ever made by a Finance Minister in the history of global business.

Hardly. Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg and chairman of the Euro zone finance ministers was quoted in May saying "when things get serious, you have to lie". And of course they all do because fiat currencies the world over are a confidence game.

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Actually there is a positive side to this story.
Think of all the Thais with guesthouses and restaurants who will no longer feel paranoid that all those tourists have been avoiding them.

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I actually think this is quite encouraging. When he maintained, as lately as a few weeks ago, that Thailand's exports this year would increase by 15%, everybody with an elementary economics insight considered him a complete idiot. What he is saying now is that he is not a complete idiot, just a habitual liar. That just might be better
/ Priceless

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As to admitting lieing well.... they just cannot do this - he should be removed immediately and banned from politics/economics for life!!!

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Kittiratt is obviously a brainless idiot, or plain naive. I guess he is just a crook descending from a Greek father. At the very least this gentleman will never ever get a job anywhere else in the world. He cannot be trusted anymore. Bet you that this gentleman has falsified as much statistics as the Greek financial people did before entering the Euro.
He still has a chance though. He could become a board member of one of those sleazy Wall street banks.

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This is the reaction to someone stating the obvious Truth.

I could go for many pages more than the first two. But you imbeciles How are you alive if you cannot distinguish between Truth and Lies? What are functioning on? What is powering you? Morons. Morons. Morons.

A world of morons, and something is trying to get my attention and I keep running away. How can anyone be sane with you morons screaming your insanity into the airwaves.

In moments like this, my sympathies go to people like Cpl Manning, the Pope's butler, and other whistle-blowers because it all makes sense. And you jokers cannot understand a word I say because you speak in (deceitful) grunts and whistles.

Thailand, which could do a bit more to protect children from YOU, will just let you be if you're not perceived to be a nuisance. Who are you harming with your actions? The insanely offended don't count. Thais are emotional manipulators which means they're not as emotionally manipulatable as you. They don't get frustrated as easily. They don't get angry as easily. They don't get traumatised by what is not traumatic as easily. They don't get horrified very easily. But they will pretend to do all these things and more, if that's the game you want to play; they'll play it and beat you. I have never been fooled by a culture until the Thais played my face.

They're losing their touch. It's been dissipating. I'm not imagining it. Everyone is more emotional. One day in 2010, I was watching the Bangkok riots and something was bothering me about all this emotional insanity.


Hah. I could do it a lot more surreptitiously, but subtlety goes over your heads.

But something was bothering me. Way too much emotion. It took some children on the barricades, a lot of senseless fire and destruction, some backstabbing when humane interests overrode security concerns (something you should always take advantage of, if you're Christian - being humane is weak) and a lot more non-negotiation and lies and endless Christian hijacking before I eventually worked it out.

Christianity's emotional corruption had come to Thailand. I knew what that meant.

Everyone was going to get raped.
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Old 08-25-2012, 05:51 PM   #4
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I fucking cannot abide prostitutes.

They're too horrifying. They're imprinted with Christian creepy.

They imagine I could want them to a) suffer and b) perform a service. Ewww. They're obsessed with "getting you off", as if that could be the point of the exercise. If I can't finish, that means I'm not into the girl. I think that's why they get horrifying (but then they've been led to believe I would insanely imagine the blame lies with the girl - it does, but then I'm not caught up in horrifying religious emasculating illusions so it literally doesn't bother me if I cannot...'perform').

I don't know why they're so obsessed with ignoring me when I tell them it's cool but it is not going to be cool if they keep on insulting me with their assertion that I'm lying. It's very hard to remain emotionally sane around people who don't fucking listen to what you tell them and then get offended when their insanity has gotten out-of-control intrusive.

They just know better than you about what you want.

Whatever could have made this entire world so confused about whether or not you're telling the Truth, to the point where they no longer believe anyone and just decide for themselves what you want, no matter whether it's what you want or not? I wonder how this could have happened hmm?

I'm not you, you fucking creeps.

I don't need services performed for me. And I certainly don't need victims of sociopaths making me scream with their suffering to please. They think their pain is my gain, they think that's why I'm paying them. Fucking insulting imbeciles. They don't listen to me.

I tell them if they need money, I have money I don't value. But I pay people to have fun. I pay contributors. If they want to have fun, they can have as much money as they need; depending on how much fun they are capable of having. If they don't want to have fun, they will be told - rudely - to leave. I explain that lying is not my thing. I don't want to pay someone to insult me with demented politeness. I want to have fun and I'm sick of creeps. I wish I could pay the entire world to have fun with me.

I make it very clear to them.

They just nod their head and proceed to lie to me once they're in a position where it's insane.

I wish I could make everyone who didn't understand how to have fun to leave the planet. I wish I had ALL THE MONEY for that reason. I'd make this planet a world of contributors instead of hoarders who value illusions because they remember being made to suffer when they didn't have any promissory notes.

You wish you could have ALL THE MONEY so that everyone would suffer to please you. We're all entitled to our opinions. Mine have usually a little more...logical. That's all I'm saying. Today I found out what I suspected. Most of you can't distinguish Truth from Lies. How ironic.

It explains everything.

You think violence is cool and consensual sex is horrifying. Of course you would. Sex probably is horrifying with your child. But if sex with 13 year olds traumatises them, what kind of creep Protection Racket are you running on your children, you filthy creep. Children should be made to be independent so that they can protect themselves. But you make them dependant. I've noted the phenomenon.

Are you into incest? What is your problem with women and children doing what they want to do, when they're not hurting anyone? I don't want to fuck 13 year olds. This is my beef. By the time they are attractive to me, they've all been screwed so many times by creeps...I don't want to know them.

The fathers of daughters screw them, whether they fuck them or not. Toddlers will do what they want to do and the only way to make them want to do something which isn't in their best interest is to Prohibit it on the grounds that they're not old enough to have fun. Fathers are so fucking creepy.

"Not under my roof."

Which means, take her to where she will be less safe? Or where she'll be safer? It gets very confusing with creeps who don't like other guys fucking what is THEIRS.

God I love Jeselnik. First joke off the rank.

You get a little creepy when you get horrified at irrational things.

I'm not saying sex with 13 year olds is cool.

I'm saying that you exploit children with your emotional degradation. Your lies and your denial and your illogical traumatic imposition of your horror onto those who are not horrified (until you come along with your emotional insanity) - insanity like this is simply impossible to Protect against, but the Thais are going to try very soon. The resistance to the horror of your cultural emotional insanity is going to reach a Tipping Point, and either way, everyone loses.

You probably don't understand a word of this. You just want to fuck "women children" and kill the creeps that are your perceived competition. But protecting little boys from creeps? You're not gay.

Or you'd become a priest if you were into protecting the purity of little boys. The purity of their voices, gosh! What did you think I meant? Get your mind out of the gutter.

Everyone knows little girls cannot sing.

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Old 08-25-2012, 06:19 PM   #5
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scooter i need $1000 to have some fun
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Old 08-25-2012, 06:31 PM   #6
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The proposal, as submitted, is going to be rejected by the board I'm afraid.

I wish I could pay the world to have fun, but I only burn money on cute girls & drugs really. It seemed to make more sense than burning it on computer systems and horrified 'experts'. But cute girls can be horrifying in their own shrewd way.

You don't happen to look like this perchance?

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Old 08-25-2012, 06:44 PM   #7
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ask grapes, pretty sure i do look like that
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Old 08-25-2012, 07:24 PM   #8
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i hadnt washed my hair for a week until yesterday. my hair was fucking fabulous.
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