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Old 05-01-2012, 01:04 PM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default The USB Conspiracy (draft / ah hoc thread)

The title of this thread was the title of the thread I envisioned would be a central place to store the mountain of evidence, 'unknowns' and 'unanswered questions' that contribute to prove the irrefutable existence of a conspiracy of 'powers' (who only have the illusion of real power, because Power is sovereign which means all other powers who wish to play games of Power are Forced to play by the rules set by the Power - and there will only ever be one sovereign Power in any sphere of influence, which the entire pyramid defers to whether or not they fucking have a clue. If you dip your moronic beak into power, you will be playing by Power's rules whether you're bright enough to realise it or not.

Most of you are not. And because I do not have the power to communicate with those who have forfeited their right to control their own minds and act in their own best interests, I neither have the requisite level of ability to make the case to imbeciles why they really should be thinking for themselves and acting in their own best interests, nor do I have the motivation to attain the level of skill that wouldn't be that hard to master - I have ample premium 'real'-life examples to reference and mimic - if I had the inspiration to drop down to the lowest common denominator in order to communicate with a Humanity which has been brutally drilled deep into the dark and pain-filled and horrifyingly insane emotional territory that lies underneath or to the left of the mark that really should denote Normal and Standard and Sane; but in this farcical and nightmarish world of toothless beasts (who were made to be toothless by those they Loved or, at least, by those who Loved them enough to make them insane and toothless enough, for Love) frantically slobbering all over themselves and their much-Loved young (who lose their teeth for that 'reason', because Love is to reason what War is to sanity and when the Insane stand to reason, it is almost exclusively in order to protect against the perceived 'threat' of anyone or anything sane), the mark that should denote an emotional state far too mundane and generic to discuss - let alone trigger an emotional reaction - at present, denotes the no-longer-achievable and the no-longer-attainable 'utopian' reality (where the concept of Utopia would not, obviously, exist).

I'm talking about The Reality that could be the Reality for all of Humanity for want of only a generation or two of Leechers doing the decent thing by themselves and their families. If a generation or two of Leechers stopped hacking their own children to death with their vomit-inducing Need to smash the teeth out of those who could use Independence to Free themselves from those who Love them (so children are Made to be Dependent, instead - made by the Demented who imagined they would be pleased if they had some, Human children are literally Made to Please, and of course, cannot realistically please anybody sane [but if you want to fuck a demented human robot with no free will, nothing interesting or even - worth - learning another language to hear them say, if you're a demented human robot who wants nothing but human robots to breed with - you can leave before the unpleasantness of your shrewd denial eventuates - come to Thailand. There are millions of robot children for sale.

They are cheap to buy, you imbeciles. How poor can you imbeciles possibly be? Ah, I forget the answer to that is "as poor as you need to be kept, to feel the need to fight and breed". In that case, you had better be tight-fisted with your leisure spending. Be mean with those who have taken a leap of faith on you, only to splat against the concrete of your imagined aversion to the illusion of 'generosity'. You'll never be even fair to yourself. In a world of the demented shrewd who think "tipping" is a great place to eliminate 'loose' spending (better tighten those purse strings slave, you'll always need to pull tighter and tighter in a world where unsolicited solicitation has gotten so out of control, you no longer even Need to be blasted with some "messages from (your entertainment) sponsors" but if they must, "the sponsors" will make that illusion happen for you, albeit begrudgingly-so.

The sponsors of your entertainment purchased the entire fucking show.

Not the TV program, I'm talking about the entire - fucking - show. Your show. Well, it's put on for you. It's free, so that means it's for your benefit. It's also why they have to shroud everything in Secrecy. People keep secrets from you for your benefit. You are lied to for your benefit. They wouldn't want to hurt you with the reality of their raping you without your realising it. What kind of rapists would they be?!

These are rapists that Love you. Who else would ever rape you? The Chinese? They're too busy getting raped to even bother showering. Or sleeping. Or, for some of them, too busy getting raped to even bother getting old. Too busy getting raped to give a fuck about you. You fucking inconsequential fool.

Who told you that you mattered? Write their names down.

I'm fucking serious, if you are serious about not being raped, write down the names of every single person or entity that told you that you mattered.

That's your list of personal rapists. And, if you're a real piece of raped work, that list could include some of your victims. Do your children routinely tell you how much you matter to them? Gosh, that's sweet.

Maybe you should fucking let them fly away on their own? Instead of clipping their wings like the horrifying beast that you are. Dependent children? Vomit. You got all confused didn't you, Leech? Confused (sometime probably before you had them) into thinking your job was not to make Independent - HAPPY - children, you made them addicted to your vile Needy instead.

Anyone who tells you how much you matter to them, is either one of the most dangerous threats you will ever face or face-to-face or on the phone with one of the most dangerous threats they will ever face. Sane people don't need to be told how much they matter to those they trade with; their trade is simply assumed to be welcomed. It's not quite "actions instead of words", that I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the illusion of 'gratitude'. What are you - grateful - for? Write that down. Write down anyone whom you feel gratitute for their giving you something. Like sex. Or god. Or protection from those fierce-looking and funny-sounding threats who everyone knows wants your dumb shit. Who wouldn't? When they barely have any shit of their own.

I dunno. All you know how to do is covet. Which makes you the danger, to those who do not covet your chains of insanity. Your need to conquer, and vanquish, to quell, preferably preemptively, any perceived threat to what you have painstakingly slaved away to hoard. I know why you covet insanity.

You were Commanded not to covet insanity, weren't you? God was looking out for you, and you fucking went against his DIRECT ORDERS not to FEEL that way. God was looking out for you, that's all the Ten Commandments were. God bothering to write Laws to tell you how to FEEL about envy. Honor. Respect. Love. Iniquity . Don't do it...! No I'm talking to your great-grandson, not you. Pure as the driven snow, your great-grandson, but he's about to be punished mercilessly. Well he didn't stop you from your iniquity, did he? And so he must be punished for his crime of being your distant unborn relation. He should have Chosen a better grandfather. The Ten Commandments are not catechisms unless you're too stupid to read. And when they were written, the ability to read made you as powerful as your willingness to convince those who were liable to believe you, believe you. You could hurt them only as far as their willingness to be your victim allowed them to become and remain.

Now human children are taught to cipher and read, by parents who are so in denial about the reason why they had children (to suck the life out of those who, with life of their own, have no need for sucking or to be pecked at or feasted upon by demented Leeches and cannibalistic Crows). All in denial of course, they believe they have children for the most horrifying reasons, so easily disproved they will attack you for pointing out that you are not as imbecilic as a toddler. Toddlers have every reason to be imagine they should be grateful, and couldn't possibly ever have a valid reason to be made to Feel that way. They will be made to feel that way by those horrifying tortured beasts who have children denial about their capacity to face their MISERABLE lives 'alone'. And in Feeling so strongly about their Need to Make little companions to Love them (when they know they're not lovable and they Need to be Loved or they will cut themselves or Die alone), they first make the little humans who are bright and magical and inspiring (so full of life! innocent! uncorrupted and precocious. happy for as long as they can manage, until those who have been imprinting them for as long as they can remember, and for a long time before, become afraid - their little human being is out of their Control - zomg! They won't do what you tell them to do like they used to, when they used to be a 'good' little girl or boy. They would if you could make the case for why they should, but of course Insanity cannot make the case to Sanity "Don't have fun!" - "Why not?" - "Because...because I'll make you miserable if you're not." - "Why would you do that?" - "Because...because everyone knows you will be miserable if you are not enslaved at maximum potential for as long as and as brutally as is possible, in order to become a doctor who never heals anyone [no money in that, that's for CERTAIN], a lawyer who never acts in the best interests of anyone [without the charade of the Law, who would Need them], a scientist who never discovers anything other than a more optimal way to sully the discoveries of those who are driven by a hunger for knowledge, rather than "peer review" approval - why do 'peers' of the peerless insist on reviewing the work of those who would prefer to Give their discoveries to Humanity rather than be forced to promote, argue and defend their findings against the sneering opponents hired by firms who imagine they have an interest in silencing scientific discoveries that 'threaten' the exploitation of their own...species.

Why aren't the self-described 'peers' of the peerless making discoveries of their own? Have they ever discovered anything except a way to censor science? These are pretty good questions, and I have ALL the answers to them. I'm not even smart, nor am I 'lucky'. How could someone with answers be lucky, in a world where every bright child born to Humanity should be reason for Humanity's collective celebration and yet - a curious 'situation' has developed - Humanity does not celebrate Intelligence at all. Steve Jobs was not intelligent, I read his biography cover to cover. Loved it. Was horrified. More than anything, what frightened me was how terrifying and obvious (though not fault of the author, who simply couldn't fabricate his way ethical integrity away no matter how often he must have been tempted - and it shows) the pressure weighed on Jacobson to fluff up the devil's advocate argument for a possible element of decency to explain the motivations that drove the tortured demon victim of Society into torturing his own - morons would cry out as Jobs' insanity brutalised them (morons can never see brutality coming, no matter how many times the whip is cracked across their adoring faces) and Jobs simply didn't get it.

What was their fucking problem?

Jacobson knew the answer because he's brilliant, uncelebrated by a Society that is interested only in being made to suffer, and in this Society with this 'situation' that has developed (hah), Jacobson is a nobody, worthless but handy in so far as he can be used to write blistering biographical prose celebrating the lives of those who lived not for themselves because they were selfless. They didn't live for others, or they would be used up and spit out and ground up cold like an 11 year old child prostitute in Silom so desperate to please everybody, they effectively have zero interests other than getting raped.

Jacobson writes biographical accounts of those who are not selfless (they do not live for themselves, they invariably are driven by the need to whip themselves to the bone and, more often than not, into an early grave). They do not live for others. They rape and abuse, and molest anyone who dares to get close. Maybe dare of course, for the same reasons that so many adored me when I was ruthless and brutal and impatient and unforgiving (even if nothing really warranted the 'illusion'; and it's an illusion that makes imbeciles think 'forgiveness' is their right - you can do whatever the fuck you like and you can imagine whatever dumb fucking illusions you like, but if you think you have forgiven someone, what have you really done but say "It's okay to rape me with stupidity or with malice, I will allow anyone to do that to me without protecting myself."

That's what forgiveness and turning the other cheek is all about. You'll get slapped for as long as you are capable of being slapped without saying "No."

Or "Yes". But then humans who are forced to love their exploitation are perfectly horrifying, and so full of shame they will stab anyone who threatens to offer them help, if they want it (they don't, and it will be unlucky for you to have asked the unsolicited question - don't offer your filthy help, you creeps - you want to help humanity? try to help the ones who aren't at a fuckable or exploitable age, which in this world (which is forced to PERMANENTLY live and fight and bicker in the dark horror-filled arena that is to the left and underneath Zero) really means "helping the Humanity are not yet born".

Welcome to the Reality of Charity.

Saints who GIVE of themselves to children want to give children their penis. Fact. There are exceptions, of course, like Mother Theresa who - to the best of my knowledge (and you'd have to be pretty hilariously stupid to ever really be sure, without having some carnal knowledge - less carnal if it's clinical, but carnal be carnal ese - "those X-rays are SMUT, pure SMUT - it's child porn!" - "Yes, if you're demented and use them to jerk off, but this child has a broken rib from a gymnastics fall and I am her doctor." (not a very good one though, is he? I know an older brother who tolerated the exploitation of his little sister, when her prodigious capacity to be exploited by failed gymnasts, was unearthed - both the doctor and the older brother have conflicts-of-interests don't they?

Don't be ridiculous. They will be horrified at the suggestion that they would profit from her suffering, as they simultaneously contribute to or tolerate the brainwashing that tells little girls that destroying your body and smashing your ability to endure pain against pain (one's gonna break, and which one does Society celebrate?) and sacrificing everything (how badly do you want...the chance to maybe...have an outside shot - assuming everything goes 'your' way for a decade - at Competing for Our Entertainment?)

Dream on, future Olympians. It's an honor just to have a - chance - to compete for our entertainment. This is a valuable honor, alone. Of course you will want to compete and compete very well against the most competitive competition Insanity has ever dreamed of Producing; or you will be mocked, ridiculed, agonised over, pitied and continually reminded of the fact you blew your chance to make those you were REPRESENTING happy in the war of emotions which could quite logically be won if everyone staged everything. China wins 1/6th of the Gold. India only a few Silvers behind. The Americans would really 'struggle', if struggling was not the entire fucking Point of Competitions to determine who can boast the greatest capacity for Pain.

Across a wide range of disciplines of course! The Olympics aren't a collection of the guys you watch in videos who drop bricks on their balls because they - imagine - they love it. Or they Love the idea that you'll watch it. Or they Love something about something like yellow squares of rectangular chalk, and they use this to lie to themselves for whatever 'reason'. It doesn't really matter, when there is no fucking sanity involved.

And there is no sanity is suffering for the amusement or joy or pleasure of others. I don't care how to market it, or package it, or hide the horrifying realities of Insanity at the Elite level of anything - it's ugly and it's brutal, it's vicious and it's cold and it's - always, always so creepy it would horrify any Human and even 99% of Leeches - who are quite comfortable with what little they know about Knowledge that would preclude their capacity to enjoy the proceeds of their Denial.

They want to create suffering. They just don't want to know about it. In denial, they tell themselves they're being crafty. A documentary about battery chickens? Hmm. Best avoid that, chortle. I like KFC don't I?

It's provably intelligent to lie to yourself. I can prove it, to anyone who doubts it. Find me anyone who Wants to Lie to themselves and I will show you someone so smart, you can show them anything - any kind of evidence - and they will just be too smart to be 'fooled' by Reality. Leave someone who CANNOT be 'tricked' with evidence or Reality with me, and I will hand you back a body that represents a former victim, now released from your horrifying exploitation. Well I would, if I wasn't a horrifying victim of Exploitation but who has the time to "play at being humane" in this world of terrifying sniveling Leeches who, by virtue of their capacity for Stupidity, are able to be tricked into believing just about anything really.

Like, for example, their fucking relevance to anyone or anything when in reality, they're not worth the consideration of a single 7 billionth of caring. How could they even expect anyone to care rationally (1 / 7,000,000,000) when they matter far less than that. They matter far less, when in their unfathomable stupidity, they are tricked into thinking they matter to Everyone or All the time. Or Most of the time. They will only horrify you Most of the time with Their Insane Narcissistic Dementia.

They will settle for Most.

SHIT. I lost the last one aaround this stage.


Posting...nd it really doesn't get more intelligent than that, for victims who Want to Lie to Themselves - you a victim, probably dead but then it doesn't get more intelligent than that for victims, who will be so shrewd 00 dreamers for every reamer with an actual shot - at nothing worthraf shooting for, because it's a shot at a prize far below nothing, it's in that dark and seedy zone to the left of and under Zero, on Humanity's Scale of Suffering and Pain. sics) - sstead forced to endure childhoods so horrifying their only option ault of is Denial and Fraud or they will forever sleep alone. arfor why Snaity they corrupted by horrifying parents who, having done the most Indecent Thing in they world (create a human life on which they intend to feed, or maybe you have another theory for they they feed on their own, and for why the lifeless who cannot face the prospect of life, 'alone', are overcome by this Need to make little Lives of their own ever feel gratitude to those who imagine their Need to control humans should be welcomed and appreciated and . er and rape. Wait.

No promotional campaigns of Spam Inc; "tipping" only really functions as an arguably-serviceable remuneration "standard"

stopped lying to themselves about their putrid child-producing Miserybut will never even be realised in fiction (it will never be permitted to be imagined by those who regulate imaginations with their unique brands of 'fiction' [the faithfully dictated screams of rapists, murderers, self-molesters who don't have the dignity to mercifully kill those they molest, who don't have the decency to burn in private, ional and tortured - if only by their imagined, and therefore very real, suffering and pain - sociopaths or sociopaths-in-making, get awful prickly towards those who idly dream of what should be mundeir thane) otionless point of nothing that is, hilariously ironically, the unattainable and utopian Zero.

nition of Power is unnatural and immoral and paneed to act in their own best interests ey ey necause the definition of Power is unnatural and immoral and pathetic and lame.

theretain whatever illusionary or limited powers they and Power does not fucking share or play nice with lesser powers, any of whom could potentia

  devoured every word/keep it comin
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Old 05-01-2012, 06:29 PM   #2
Things could be worse...
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That needs heavy editing to be readable but I am a writer, not an editor. I can edit, but only when the readers matter.

No. It hurts me as much as you. Your hurting yourselves. But I would not kill you for your hurting yourself.

That's the mistake I made with a whore who Knew Everything about Everything There Was or Would Ever Be Worth Knowing. True story. Yeah she was kinda so stupid she couldn't open her mouth without being horrifying. Which is why she's really very meek and quiet and keeps to herself.

Her opinions. She's never shared one.

No problem, right? You fucking geniuses. All so shrewd, you think her stupidity is a boon, for you? Maybe if she wasn't a demented husk of nothing, she wouldn't sleep with you. Maybe. I doubt there'd be competition for this robot whore, but who knows really; if she wasn't a robot, or a whore for Christ.


The cult that first started me lying to myself - about your value, because before I found out the state was paying FOR my torture (which I was getting seriously concerned - if I didn't get to a school quickly [I was 9 or 10 I think, at the time] - I wouldn't be able to makeup the shortfall in education and that would mean I needed to die instantly; because only a stupid whore like you races to be a loser. Not me. I had to lie to myself intensely when I was like 10 because it was INSANE to imagine I could catch up so many years of education without being a freak imbecile ridiculed by a Society which would scorn me for my stupidity without saying "hey, for a damaged and demented victim of disturbed child abuse, he's pretty smart!"

I would be, I knew that much. For a victim of child abuse, I'd be in a real shot at competing at Life's Paralympics.

But what I didn't know was that I was a little bit more than "pretty smart". Because I knew no one was going to give a FLYING FUCK about my 'excuses'. And I knew I wouldn't be making any, because who makes excuses for failure? I mean, really. You know how many horrifying beastly madmen and women have tried to convince me they were - some thing - at some point, at least, somebody said so. Had a real shot, someone claimed, within earshot I guess. To a parent, who literally pays people to say that to them about their shared victim. It doesn't really matter. It's invariably someone utterly meaningless or worse; compromised to the point of being horrifying - because no one, literally I was brighter than all of you when I was 5, no one on this planet really gets MOTIVE.

What's a conflict-of-interest? I'll tell you. It's what insane people have when they're unable to look out for their own best interests. And imagining, in their moronic imbecilic sniveling delusional shrewd, that they would like X more than Y; they find reasons to support X and reasons not to support Y. Fail.

Interests get conflicted when everyone is lying to everyone, in order to facilitate the exploitation of everyone. You can lie and debate that irrefutable Truth until you're dead, but it will still be as provably True as it reads off the page. It couldn't get less complex than Lying for the Sake of Decency.

YOU FUCKING MORONS. And then I realized, you don't realise your morons. You think you're on the other side of the exploitation foot. Oh bravo.

Your idiocy was just elevated to Biblical levels of despise. It's true of course. You're all Filipinos. You have nothing. Literally, they cannot even afford to eat 3 squares a day. Children eat even less because they live at the pleasure of 'Charity'. Do you understand what that means, in the reality you deny to your shrewd succubus of a face?

Of course you do. You see, I never actually understood this. I suspected it, I think; when I very nearly got convincingly sick of all of you miserable wretched robots - blew a million of your worthless USD in flames, all burned for you. Well no, it wasn't no thang. I enjoyed burning the invoices of pain. If I needed more I'd PRINT money out of human imbeciles. You are literally so emotionally damaged, I can print money out of humans faster than they could tell me how much i meant to them.

I would, you know? Mean a lot to them. I'd have to, to print money. I would have to earn it, otherwise. To print money out of the sweat blood and tears (and occasional death) of human vassals, you have to mean a lot to them.

Because I wouldn't be there to fuck spiders, and because I'm so brilliant I'm actually sane (and that's saying something miraculous in this world of demented leechers who FEEL all over everyone and everything, humping dolls and kissing dogs, and blushing as they hurry to awkward leave the room in order to give their toddler some privacy.

Because toddlers become sexual beings mere days between your giving them zero privacy and blushing when they pull down their pants for a Number 1 or 2? You have no idea how creepy you are. Neither did I, or I'd have killed myself when I was 5, 9, 11 or 14, 21, 22, 24 and I only really understood when I became a creep as horrifying as any of you at 29.

Well that's not entirely true. I became a creep as horrifying as all of you would like to be. And which none of you can be. You don't want to be. You only think you do. I'd been creepy before, when creeps forced me to be. Girls who wouldn't sleep with me and had to be 'persuaded' that they wanted to. How does it matter how I did it, it's tantamount to rape no? I was never forced to make the argument for why I deserved consideration. Actually, when I approached after girls would test me thinking they're shrewd (lolz - they really do think this shit is crafty - to be 'fair' to the most unfair tortured beasts in the world, I thought it was magical how they just Knew I wasn't invery smooth - it wouldn't matter, I'd approach, deliver the pretext, they'd look at me like I was dreaming. How did I think I could fool them? This is the scorn or sneer these demented pretty beasts would use to say "No" after testing me with "Yes?"

That should have been ALL that would have been needed by me, if the entire world of creeps wasn't 100% obsessed with lying to me in order to either impress me or exploit me (repetitive). I asked SO MANY fucking questions about friends, to friends about girls, trying to work the delightful mysteries and puzzles which grew increasingly perplexing when I could not solve them. No, I never really thought I was stupid, on the contrary. I dreamed.

Stupid dreams yes, but then they're a special kind of stupid dream when you're dreaming of being stupid-happy. Hitler could be stupid-happy if he was stupid enough to laugh at those he slaughtered. But it doesn't really work that way, with stupidity and happiness; does it? I used to think it did, when I was too busy force-feeding stupidity down my own throat, I imagined I was becoming a moronic fool and when you imagine something that moronic, you might get what you hope for. I got what I hoped for but what I got was frustrated because I was stupid but still smarter than politicians who were too stupid to be plausible; I used to spend so much time laughing at Dubya the laughing became a little awkward and forced because really? Is this funny? I'm supposed to believe this guy has the power to affect the lives of billions and he's too stupid to be plausible?

You were supposed to believe that. And you were supposed to believe that other thing too. Neither are true. You idiotic fools. I became a mildly-moronic fool. Still capable of destroying the finest minds in the world. When I was a fool, I destroyed the finest minds one imagines cares about money. There would be finer minds I'm sure but where are they? If they hate money, what are they doing with their minds? If they don't hate money, what is it that they're doing where they can make as much as easily as only semi-rigged poker? I cleaned almost 2 mil in a 3-4 years, and I was a demented emotional buffoon until I accepted the money was worthless, which afforded me superhuman capabilities in session, and made me (appear) to be a failure, socially. I wasn't really a failure, when I stopped valuing you.

Society and their moronic shrinks you give the time of day to, will completely back you up. "He told you that you were valueless? Uninteresting? A fucking bore? Did he really - swear - at you? He raised his voice? Was he...emotional about your friendship not panning out the way he imagined it would? What are you supposed to do? Are you responsible for his happiness? Come on. How dare he lash out at your being miserable. You're not responsible for his mood swings. Maybe it's time to cut him loose? Too merciful? How about an intervention? Talk to him. Confront him. Use the insulting caring techniques we've discussed, for victims who are getting restless at your snout poking out of their ass. And the slurping sounds, which haunt their every move."

I was the be all and end all of so many filthy creeps' happiness or misery, it was all I could do to stop from screaming. I wanted to fake happiness, I wanted to make them happy if only because their need was terrifying, but I couldn't do it. And when I tried - which was like all the time, for the last few years of desperation; I would flat on my face. Because I cannot be amazing when an emotional gun is leveled at my head. I need to be inspired and then...

What's the point of me telling you. You could verify it. But you wouldn't. You could press, ask questions, until you're satisfied. You never believe a damn thing until it's proved. And then, you believe it's MAGIC!

I have to take a photo of something and then upload it, a process that will certainly span a substantial amount of reboots -

* And yes, I have heard of Google. I know they do Documents which autosave. And yet, you lose my brilliance. Ponder your fucking moronic asses' inabilities to beat physics and sanity, as you stuff them into jeans and ask yourselves "Why?"

Why are you all - batshit - insane. No question mark. I have ALL the answers. None of you. Pretty fucking pissed about that, too. ************** (so I know where I was...) - back in a sec. All two of you.

uch aWhen I was busy blinding myself in order to be stupid because the ONLY thing preventing my happiness was the capacity to be human. Ierested in whatever pretext I was using, awkward or non-existent initially; evenually )
I don't know and wouldn't ever credit with the time of day who may or who may not exist (and if they existed, they're always someone who has a vested interest in saying that, to everyone who is stupid enough to believe they have what it takes to Win, when they - fucking - could not be more delusional.

YOU FUCKING MORONS. Yeah I'm talking to you, cabbie. There ain't nobody else there, is there? YOU FUCKING MORON.

You know, Taxi Driver was one of the most brilliant and one of the least enjoyable films ever made. The Taxi Driver represents ALL THAT REMAINS OF THE HUMAN RACE. He knows - literally - nothing. But he knows what he knows. So he knows Everything. And because he's too moronic to understand why victims are victimised, he parades himself to their rescue. They need rescuing all right, and so does he. But victims who need rescuing from their victimisation need a BULLET IN THEIR HEAD if they refuse to accept the inoffensive Truth.

You're not dangerous if you're a victim of this horrifying Society of Lying for Decency's Sake. hahah. Everyone is a fucking victim of these imbecilic creeps.

You're dangerous - and you Need (needed by YOU) - a bullet in the head if you cannot realise the Truth. You will become the most horrifying human alive. You will breed human life in denial about why you are breeding. Leeches should not breed victims. It should not be allowed. This isn't my OPINION. There is no such thing as 'opinions', unless the answer is NOT KNOWABLE. I have a right to my opinion, morons will squeal; like little filthy pigs they'll quote Voltaire (of all people; Voltaire ate squealing pigs like you for breakfast) because they know LITERALLY only the shit they need to know to protect themselves from attack.

I know, right. They can be destroyed as easily as tweaking on their emotions. I will go to my grave knowing that ultimately, for all my brilliance and best intentions and fierce adherence to Truth - I mercifully killed no one who needed a merciful hand over the line, deader than the deadest inevitability, flailing and thrashing around in horrifying terrifying magnetic (? fml) fashion meters from the merciful FINISH LINE. Life is a race to the end of Pain. And humanity is stretched out, encamped along the marathon route. Breeding little babies, because they're in too much pain to continue.

Too stupid to be killed. Too afraid to die.

They'll breed, because why not. It's what God gave them reproductive organs for. God. It used to drive me to breathless choking as the most imbecilic imbeciles in the world who look for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to PROVE the existence of a specific God they knew about; who happened to be the most laughably comical demented sociopath literature has ever dealt with. A lot of people worship Jobs.

Jobs abandoned his daughter and the child he impregnated because lol what are they going to do? Make him be a father.

Pretty much. Well, they tried. What could the Law do? Actually, in this case the Law is right. They only get it wrong when they get confused about FORCING someone to assist in the raising of children they were responsible for - it's not, as the most vile creepy parents in the world want their gullible victims to believe, the other way around - and whether someone who hates / despises / is apathetic towards a child (to the point where they have to be Compelled to assist with some coin, to the expenses of raising Life which is not left to die on the street - if only street-kids were that lucky, hey?) should be given access to that child. You understand the insanity or are you one of the insane?

"You despise the child and would prefer it died, for want of your parting with some of your money. But sure, by all means, access it freely and do as you like to your expensive property."

The Law did not force Jobs to be a father and it - never - should. By all means, make them pay; don't? What do I give a fuck. The problem is being ignored by everyone. And it's horrifying. No one is asking "Why?"

Why does a child exist in such a ludicrous situation? Was it unexpected. How did this happen. You're a little too old for birds and bees. Were you hoping for a miraculous conception, in reverse?


Gotta post now cause I've lost 3 long posts to Random Access Memory running out. And I ran out of patience after post 1. The next four have been fucking abysmal because I'm FUCKING FURIOUS. I believe the first was brilliant and I had every reason to believe that. I had no DESIRE to write. I just wrote. Lost it. RAM ran out. It tends to do that, when your OS won't operate your system and your hard drives won't play ball. I can get an OS operational (but it would be an illusion) as quick as 8 minutes starting from a clean hard drive, or I go through dozens of clean and brand new hard drives pretending that the drives are somehow faulty when I've already proven the firmware is horrifically corrupted but you know I only did that oh 10 months ago.

Gotten nowhere since then. Spent a lot, suffered a lot of horror (almost all of which was the result of lying to myself, about what I already knew was the Truth), endured unfathomably hilarious and almost peace-inducing (as in, the desire to accelerate the arrival of the final - or only - peace has been induced) insanity from literally anyone I show. I've always been horrified at the prospect of demented vassals who are willing to die for the cause of those who only really have one cause; and it's kinda mixed in and around and up inside the murdering of those who are willing to die for their stupidity and fear. If you will die for your "way of life" you are hilarious because how would you know how you even live?

You are shown. Do you think you'd be shown how to live better? Or would you just be shown how to be afraid of losing the Misery that you have? "It may not be much, but the Miserable have their Pride."

Did you know that the Philippines is so nationalistic, they suck the life of out anyone who - stupidly - represents their horrifyingly Need for delusional dreams and identity / belonging / it's home?

Well it's where they get raped. It's where their children get raped. Home? They don't have one, they can't afford it! They can't afford to rent TVs to watch Pacquio fight...for Pacquio. Well that's not entirely true, but it would be SO much better for Manny if he had someone who didn't Care about him (in relation to themselves) to tell him the Truth.

Pacquio needs to be loved.

I have to post here, in FURY. I've lost 3/4. This is the fifth. Only one has been good. I have to post this drivel though, because failing to post the infuriating inferior drivel that occurred after brilliance, was the story of my 2011. In 2012, I post. Well it's not great. But no one else is saying the brilliant things that I am saying so...

What am I saying?

Nothing. Really. Oh you're all filthy creeps who suck the life out of everyone you care about with love. Incapable of living, alone. And incapable of dying. So you kill everyone or anything you can get your creepy Need around. Entrap them, drag them away from Humanity, isolate them and FEED upon them.

But only until they're dead!

Then you discard their carcasses because what value have they got left? None, after you've killed them. And I watched my mother kill my siblings. And I'm unsure who's the bigger coward. The coward that watched her kill knowing full well they almost all would die.

Or the coward who saw death in their eyes and ran screaming, unable to confirm between untenable possibilities.

What do I know. There are terrifying implications if they hold onto life. Perhaps they could be brought back. Perhaps that would be the cruelest 'humane' of all.

You're all murderers. Cannibalizing your own species, with your filthy NEED to LOVE everyone to DEATH. Whilst you live to mop up the tail. good work. I'm about to lose 4/5

Murderers. Who slaughter their own species.

  premium, PREMIUM
  absolutely NOTHING needs editing big dawg
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Old 05-01-2012, 11:47 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post

That needs heavy editing to be readable but I am a writer, not an editor. I can edit, but only when the readers matter.

No. It hurts me as much as you. Your hurting yourselves. But I would not kill you for your hurting yourself.

That's the mistake I made with a whore who Knew Everything about Everything There Was or Would Ever Be Worth Knowing. True story. Yeah she was kinda so stupid she couldn't open her mouth without being horrifying. Which is why she's really very meek and quiet and keeps to herself.

Her opinions. She's never shared one.

No problem, right? You fucking geniuses. All so shrewd, you think her stupidity is a boon, for you? Maybe if she wasn't a demented husk of nothing, she wouldn't sleep with you.

I'm totally going to go back through and make all my genius presentable for you. Well sure I mean it. I mean it like people mean what they say when they say "Hey, how are you?"

No I don't want them to mean it. I want them to stop screaming their insanity at me. They want me to insult them back. I'm not a moron, but morons will confuse you with them when you don't insult them back. It's hilarious, I mean it's sheer insanity. Because why are they insulting random strangers in the first place? Step into an enclosed space with a random stranger and you - where no one could hear him scream and you could get off on any floor you choose - you have a choice there to be afraid or to be sane. Chances are, I'm not going to kill you. Why not just press your 'luck' with sanity?

Well it's just that I don't think it's overly intelligent to insult sociopaths. Call me crazy (and IMBECILES literally will DO THAT when you refuse to insult them back after they have done the "right thing" and insulted you with UNSOLICITED insanity) but if you are small talking random strangers, you have a few screws loose. I know you Think you're very crafty but are you? Let's pretend I am a sociopath (which morons instantly assume when I ignore their vile unsolicited provocation, and return to my ignoring their existence) - morons get so offended, they loose their minds. It's so predictable, that it's never going to be very intelligent because I can just Hurt them by ignoring them. I can expose their sanity as easily as looking up, looking them up and down, sneering in disgust at their pathetic - IMBECILIC - attempt to sleaze their faux caring all over me as if I was as stupid as a toddler; and humans more emotionally retarded than any toddler I've ever met, instantly lose their fucking minds. They get really aggressive. Why?

They're bumhurt.

They believe they've made the first step. They've broken the ice. They blame me for all their misery and failure. Come on. If you're pretending to care about random strangers in elevators, you're going to be a failure in so many important things; like fatherhood? Marriage? Interpersonal relationships? Friendships? Partnerships? You'll be so awkward with acquaintances, no one will want to get to know you. I know all these things and I handy with a bit of ESP. Well, I dabble. Only Aun could ever speak silently and make me understand literally - everything she wanted me to Know. That was unfortunate for me, because I'd already been defaulting to eye and face to know the Truth about morons think when everything that comes out of a moron's mouth is a lie.

Why? It should be obvious. They like their chances of deceiving you. They fancy themselves. They're shrewd. Morons think they're shrewd because horrified people let morons lie to themselves and they let morons lie to the entire world when they don't correct their stupid, brazen lies. It's not their job to police insanity. I'm okay with that position, as far as rationality goes. I'll be okay with it right up until you engage the moron. You let people lie to you because you are the moron who imagines they're shrewd. You see morons lying and you think "this is good, if I know they're lying and they don't know I'm lying, I can really take advantage of this moron - I'm gonna rape him blind".

You're all Filipinos. You sneer at them, Thais sneer at you. Oh trust me, Thais sneer at everyone because they're social geniuses. So manipulative, they literally had me fooled for almost two years into not giving a fuck whether they lived or died or lied to me or didn't. I didn't notice any lies but it's very hard when you don't really give a fuck. "Too stupid to bother lying," I idiotically figured but then only because the idiotic Always lie.

There is not a human alive smart enough to be lying to others, or to themselves. When I started caring about Thais (who were getting murdered by CNN and BBC - I mean literally the only reason they were dying was for CNN and BBC cameras who were getting pissed because you can only keep a non-story afloat for a limited amount of time before you start looking like the fools you look to anyone who has a clue about what they see (only what they're shown) and what they know (~0.01% of Knowledge). Red Shirts were getting murdered by those they loved, because they loved. Thaksin would have to really stretch to kill me; make a phone call or two, snap some fingers and hope some moron doesn't fuck up the easiest job in the world. But what good would that do? Because I don't love him, I wouldn't ever die for him except in some really demented but amusing hypsotheticals. I'm trying to make the point that when you love and trust someone, who asserts that you should love and trust them and be grateful for all the nice things they've done for you (have I written about gratitude yet? I never know what's been deleted or fucking...gratitude is pretty important to talk about). Whomever is asserting that you should be grateful for something they have done, ask yourself before asking them, "Did I ask you to?"

Kill them if you have not. Though it's by no means guaranteed that they are not if you have asked them to (your state feeds on you in order to provide you with protection you demand which you imagine keeps you safe from the threats that don't exist at all - don't get confused by the actions of the master and the motives of the slave to fear / hate / kill you. Try not to give 3 million Iraqi orphans the idea that you killed their parents. That could get very uncomfortable down the road. And it did, on 9/11.

9/11 was down the road, to some killing. Well, the state kills in your name. It's classified. The government of the people, for the people and by the people right? Who kill the people after lying to them about why they need to go to war (to kill and die) and they want to kill people who tell the people the unadulterated and unbridled Truth about your actions. There's a theory worth taking seriously about Assange and WikiLeaks but I WANT to believe another theory which is WAY more likely. The US hasn't killed him or the traitor to Westphalia (sure he's a traitor, and humanity's hero; the question is not whether Manning is a traitor, the question is WHY AREN'T YOU?)

I have all the Answers. Got none of them from you. The Answer is that you have been fooled into thinking you should exploit humans for your benefit. It's cute.

I could even tell you how you got this stupid but I'm having massive troubles with my keyboard which is confused and thinks its my touchpad and blocks of words and letters get deleted or moved around all over the place and you're not worth the effort of Impressing. Or any effort at all, really.

The fucking insanity I have to put with because morons aren't capable of understanding why I show them things - morons think I'm asking them to help me. Morons imagine I could imagine they could be in some kind of a position to help someone when they cannot even be sane. They can't help themselves or act in their own best interests; what crack are these demented fools smoking when they think I could be soliciting their assistance. Act in your own best interests. When you don't, you kill prodigiously. You don't hear about it, and this makes you shrewd. When I say you kill what I'm saying that You kill You.

When I show you things, it's proof that you're not - remotely - shrewd. Your stupidity and your denial kills everyone. There's no way to make this point to you because you're all looking for victims to befriend, Love and lie to. Humanity will never die out, and this is too horrifying a prospect for any human to cope with. Humanity will not be Permitted to die out because Leeches are breeding like Cannibals who have run out of Food.

Every human that remains is alive only for as long as they can be expected to withstand the barrage of your Suffocating Need. I know why you Need things. I know all the Answers now. You need to suck the Life out of those you Love if you are a Leech with no self-worth. You place your chances for happiness in the hosts you latch onto, and you suck them clean of the will to live because you do not know how to have Fun. All you know is your Demented Needy.

The first post I wrote which I lost was brilliance about Love. I can't reproduce it because brilliance doesn't WORK that way.

Love is Death. It will be in eternal friction with the magnetic pull of an interconnected Humanity, from which humans (not to be confused, with you) derive the inspiration which is the fuel that motivates their will to live productive lives of Fun. Love is the Creepy killing of those who you would sequester away from Life, but only to Kill in private. Of course you murderers don't realise it, you're all in Denial. So busy lying to your victims, you probably even believe your own Insanity.

Damaged humans Need to feel Loved because they have no value. Sanity has no such Need, no Dependency, no Addiction and therefore, no stirring desire to suffocate the
life out of those Love needs to Control.

Love is Hate, Immature. The insanity that is the demented narcissistic delusion that makes imbecile Leeches believe that Human hosts should deliver them happiness or carry them indefinitely...this is the horror that has killed Humanity. The hosts stagger and drop you; and when they do, you become the ugliest tortured beasts in the world.
I'm tired and my contempt for your stupidity is growing and that's a 'bad' combination which is likely to result in nothing more than a tirade of (valid) abuse. But this is the kind of shit I have had to put up with for 14 months.

I've started the video at a place you only need to watch 30 seconds of. I know how much your time means to you, because I know why people made you believe you're a VIP. It's nothing to be worried about. They were merely trying to kill you. They're not trying to kill me and I've known that for so long, it's's horrifying, what they're doing. They're trying to discredit me. It's what they do, when you talk about the most important things in the world.

The rape of children by Needy Leeches. And the Catholic Church. Humans that cannot act in their own self-interests. The Orwellian job they've done on selfishness. And Love. It's very sweet, yes. Those you love should obviously choose You and Death over Humanity and Life. Why I cannot imagine why they'd even be confused by your need to Protect them from their own best interests.

They will only EVER need to be protected from you.

I know why you exclude humans. It's because you're stupid but you think you're being shrewd in your denial which is to cover the fear you don't want to admit to. So you hate other humans because you have been made to fear them and no one has explained to you that you're imbecilic when you doHowever, lack of ammunition meant that the Iranians were now launching human-wave assaults with no support from other branches of the military. that. You have nothing to fear from Iran's vassals. All they have to fear is fear itself. In fear of those who exploit them with fear, this is what happens to imbeciles who cannot understand they have nothing to fear except those whom they trust, in their imbecilic ignorance and blind faith.

Under the slogans "War, War until Victory" and "The Road to Jerusalem Goes through Karbala",[76] Iran advanced. A tactic used in this advance noted throughout the world was the encouragement of heroism among young Iranian basij volunteers who launched human wave attacks on Iraqi positions. The volunteers were inspired before battle by tales of Ashura, the Battle of Karbala, and the supreme glory of martyrdom, and sometimes by an actor (usually a more mature soldier), playing the part of Imam Hossein himself riding a white horse, galloping along the lines, providing the inexperienced soldiers a vision of "the hero who would lead them into their fateful battle before they met their God".[77] The "martyrs" signed "Passports to Paradise" (as admission forms to the basij were called), received a week of basic military training by the Pasdaran, and were sent directly to the front.[75] Iran suffered massive losses in these attacks, as they were met with fierce resistance from defensive positions, along with artillery and rocket fire.[55]
Iran had been using combined-arms operations to great effect when it was attacking the Iraqi troops in its country, and had launched the iconic human-wave attacks with great support from artillery, aircraft, and tanks. However, lack of ammunition meant that the Iranians were now launching human-wave assaults with no support from other branches of the military.

During the advance on Basra, the Basij were used to clear the Iraqi minefields with their own feet in order to allow the Pasdaran to advance.[79]

In the Basra offensive, or Operation Ramadan, five Iranian human-wave attacks were met with withering fire from the Iraqis. The young, inexperienced Basij suffered particularly severe losses, especially since they volunteered to run into minefields in order to clear the way for the regular Iranian soldiers behind them. The Iranians were also hard-hit by the employment of chemical weapons and mustard gas by the Iraqis.

I know you know you're too sharp and crafty and shrewd to be Basij but you know, you're not. You've given the enemy the power to destroy you with fear. You don't realise you're as victimised as those little Iranian boys were.

All you have to fear is fear itself. I literally can't believe an American President said something so fucking true. Your governments exist exclusively by virtue of stoking your fear. Prodding you, whipping up imagined 'threats', duly reported to victims in order to make them afraid. If you are capable of being frightened, Fear will Make you Afraid. Up to the point you are capable of saying, "Enough."

You need to stare your exploiters down and say "Enough. Time for some tough questions." (get someone smarter than you are to ask them, because there are SO many questions which will show you the Truth but you refuse to ask them or even view the Reality of Your Horrifying Shrewd). Watch Collateral Murder, the video that Corporal Manning...

Never has someone risked so much to bring unwanted Truth to so many shrewd victims. You make me sick, but then I know you are stupid enough to think he was actually betraying you. Which makes me nauseous, because you think you choose things.

You don't choose. Everything you think you choose, is chosen for you.

Even your preference to kill because the imagined effort of establishing some semblance of self-respect is beyond you.
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Old 05-02-2012, 04:58 PM   #4
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Industry Leaders Develop Superspeed USB Interconnect

Popular USB Computer Connection Technology Expands performance with Proposed USB 3.0 Specification

INTEL DEVELOPER FORUM, San Francisco, Sept. 18, 2007 – Intel Corporation and other industry leaders have formed the USB 3.0 Promoter Group to create a superspeed personal USB interconnect that can deliver over 10 times the speed of today's connection. The technology, also developed by HP, Microsoft Corporation, NEC Corporation, NXP Semiconductors and Texas Instruments Incorporated, will target fast sync-and-go transfer applications in the PC, consumer and mobile segments that are necessary as digital media become ubiquitous and file sizes increase up to and beyond 25 Gigabytes.

USB (Universal Serial Bus) 3.0 will create a backward-compatible standard with the same ease-of-use and plug and play capabilities of previous USB technologies. Targeting over 10x performance increase, the technology will draw from the same architecture of wired USB. In addition, the USB 3.0 specification will be optimized for low power and improved protocol efficiency. USB 3.0 ports and cabling will be designed to enable backward compatibility as well as future-proofing for optical capabilities.

"USB 3.0 is the next logical step for the PC's most popular wired connectivity," said Jeff Ravencraft, technology strategist with Intel and president of the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF). "The digital era requires high-speed performance and reliable connectivity to move the enormous amounts of digital content now present in everyday life. USB 3.0 will meet this challenge while maintaining the ease-of-use experience that users have come to love and expect from any USB technology."

Intel formed the USB 3.0 Promoter Group with the understanding that the USB-IF would act as the trade association for the USB 3.0 specification. A completed USB 3.0 specification is expected by the first half of 2008. USB 3.0 implementations will initially be in the form of discrete silicon.

The USB 3.0 Promoter Group is committed to preserving the existing USB device class driver infrastructure and investment, look-and-feel and ease-of-use of USB while continuing to expand this great technology's capabilities.

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Old 05-02-2012, 05:01 PM   #5
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It took me over 8 months to find this USB flash drive. Found it in my third country I searched high and low for it. Everyone said it didn't exist. I was intrigued. Why would it be so hard to find, didn't everyone agree it was a good idea?

No one felt strongly about it. Don't have it. Doesn't exist. Whatever.

"Do you know where I might buy one?"

I would get yelled at.

Can't make this shit up.

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Old 05-02-2012, 05:11 PM   #6
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Old 05-02-2012, 05:12 PM   #7
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lol DELL.

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Old 05-02-2012, 05:14 PM   #8
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Old 05-02-2012, 05:17 PM   #9
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Not sure if this is USB related but it's just a top screenshot because Microsoft doesn't want users to know that Windows Updates aren't in their control. But they're all "no comment" on stuff like this.

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Old 05-02-2012, 05:19 PM   #10
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They were really drilling me that day. They finally forced the updates onto my machine - not sure why they were having issues.

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