One of the finest minds of his generation mentioned something impossibly brilliant a few months ago, and I've been pondering on it ever since.
Originally Posted by BigDMcGee
I think you give too much power to narrative in shaping human behavior. I think most of human behavior is shaped at a much lower brain level than the frontal lobe, which is narrative's domain.
It had bothered me since I read it, but I couldn't put my finger on it until yesterday, when I obliterated the red button. And my thumb.
Of course, I knew it already. I had just suppressed it in understandable (but not justifable - and the difference lies at the very heart of the Catholic con) horror. I worked this shit out at a very young age, when I would preach at my IMBECILIC horror show parents; literally drilling them into Hell with their own Bible. Unsuccessfully, of course; because Hell is where is Heaven was going to be installed, prior to the Catholic emotional demolition of the planet.
nb. when I say Catholic, I really mean Religion. They merely have the slickest distribution of the open-sourced code to control imbeciles.
Nothing I could say could even pin-prick my parents' dementia. But one day I was listening to the vomit I normally auto-blocked for reasons of sanity, and the horror at the realisation sent me screaming for the Dept. of Repression. My parents were listening to the vomit, as well. Except they weren't - really - listening. Something else completely different was happening.
They were being entertained. They were having fun. And they were learning how to continue losing their minds.
19. IN INDIA THEY OFTEN HAD CHILD BRIDES AT SEVEN YEARS OF AGE! They can get married at that age! Then they could do all the fucking they want without having to worry about any kids until they are 12 years old!
Maria: And by that time they'll for sure be ready for some!
21. WE'RE GETTING YOUNG TEENAGERS IN THE FAMILY RIGHT NOW WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO GET MARRIED & HAVE CHILDREN AT 13, 14 & 15! What are we going to do with these kids? Are we going to prohibit them & inhibit them just the way the System does,& refuse to let them have sex & get married or have anything to do with each other, as I have already heard of in several cases? Why? Why? The kids need it, they want it & they could enjoy it.—Why can't they have it, huh?
22. "OH, SHE MIGHT GET PREGNANT!" SO WHAT? She gets pregnant, she has a baby! She's young enough, strong enough & smart enough to be trained to take care of children at that age, & it would get them serious & sobered down to what life is all about at a nice early age!
23. THAT'S JUST THE AGE WHEN THEY CAN TAKE IT, when they really need it, & they need to start getting trained.
25. OF COURSE THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TIME FOR A BIG EDUCATION EITHER. BUT WHO THE HELL NEEDS IT! See, that's another reason why they don't let them get married: "Oh, you haven't finished your education yet! It's so sad! You're just going to have to take some menial job, some dumb thing & you can't make a huge salary like you could in some big highly technical job!" All of that is not of God anyhow!-Technology is destroying the Earth!
30. THEY DON'T WANT THEIR KIDS TO GROW UP, number one. They don't want them to have babies they're going to have to take care of, & they don't want them just to have an ordinary menial job of some kind that they haven't got to have a big long long education for.
31. IF THEY WANT TO HAVE A LOT OF EDUCATION, THEY SHOULD FIGURE OUT SOME WAY SO the kids could be married & have children & some relative or the grandparents take care of them. By that time the grandparents are old enough to take care of them & have got enough money to take care of them, & can let the kids go ahead & get their education. It's all selfishness, it's just selfishness!
32. MARIA: STRENGTH IS A REAL IMPORTANT POINT,because when they're younger they have a lot more strength to take care of a child that has so much energy & is active every minute of the day.
Goodness gracious yes! Even at Alfred & Sara's age they're much stronger than we, are & can be so active & play with Davidito & everything. He's so full of energy!
33. 15-YEAR-OLD TEENAGERS ARE REALLY STRONG & FULL OF ENERGY & CAN HANDLE IT. It wouldn't get so much on their nerves. They're kids themselves & they could play with them & enjoy it! They know enough to teach that child the simple things of life, growing up.
34. BY THAT AGE THEY OUGHT TO BE SMART ENOUGH TO TEACH THEM. They say, "But they're too young to train the children!" Why?--Why are they too young to train them? If they've been trained properly themselves at home & been trusted with responsibility & taught to work, they're not too young to take care of them.
Maria: They're actually closer at that age to their training, their beginning training, & it's easier to teach a child.
It's easier for them to remember how it was when they were a kid because they're still kids themselves!
35. I BELIEVE GOD'S SYSTEM IS THE BEST! He made kids able to get married & have children at 12, 13 & 14, & if you ask me, He must have known that was the best age, because then they could kind of grow up with their own kids.
62. MARIA: DO YOU THINK OUR KIDS MIGHT FEEL A LITTLE FUNNY about what people would think?
Yes, but Honey, we're revolutionary! Why worry about what people will think? We live in a different style of life in defiance of the System, so why shouldn't we do it on that score too? If the System won't permit us to let them actually legally get married at that age, why not just let them live together & have children anyhow? So what?
They'd probably accuse us of contributing to the delinquency of minors or corrupting minors!
That's the God-defying System!
That's brilliant. Every single "Mo Letter" was brilliant in the way the Bible is brilliant, because David Berg never - EVER - preached to my parents. He was just a humble vessel, a flawed servant of the LORD. Just like Pope Benedict, who faithfully "toils in the vineyard of the LORD". He's "The Servant of Truth"; just ask him or buy his biography titled "The Servant of Truth."
They never preach. They simply have thoughts maybe you would like to hear? Only if you're into the LATEST and FRESHING BREAKING NEWS from God. The "Mo Letters" allowed my parents - who were loved by Moses more than any other Children of God - in on the Secret thoughts of God. Soon everyone would have God's Word, obviously. But the cult...
They got the Good Word, first. They were ahead of the game. The System was the field, way out behind them struggling to catch up. They had the edge, their man who was in with the Big Guy Upstairs. He got all the goss and passed it along to them. The Children of God (because we are all God's children, but they were His CHOSEN favourites) was fueled by the raw, uncut, cutting-edge, tickertape conversations between Moses and Maria - who were just chatting. Shooting the wind. They didn't even realise anyone was listening! They were just solving the mysteries of God's Words and TRUE Thoughts, working the puzzle out, putting the pieces together WITH the faithful and letting their CHOSEN people get first dibs on smoking, piping hot BREAKING NEWS.
It's a little loose, of course. Just a little raw. When I was 17, I would lose my mind in horror at these imbecilic girls who would literally read the Required Reading list purely to look for supporting arguments for what they already believed, which they'd then 'paraphrase' (cut / paste one after another) into their submitted papers. This is Catholic Toddler logic. Toddlers already KNOW all of knowledge. And they're only interested in validating what they already KNOW. Everything else gets ignored, blocked out. It's irrelevant.
They're a little bit like you. Funny, that.
Indian child brides can fuck all they like without even worrying about children! Wouldn't that be nice. If they get pregnant, so what? It's a good thing.
At that age, they need to start being trained! Of course, at that age they should already be trained and ready to train.
No time for a LONG LONG education and that's a good thing! Who needs that crap. If education is so important, this is what they should be doing to let their children be educated. It's not about education. It's about SELFISHNESS.
But the most brilliant of all tricks, is why you cannot bring logic to a fight against a brainwashed religious imbecile. They've heard all the logic already. It's been sneered at for them, already. They just shake their heads. They knew you would say that.
"They'd probably accuse us of contributing to the delinquency of minors or corrupting minors! THAT'S THE GOD-DEFYING SYSTEM."
They just KNEW you were going say that. Gosh, you're so brainwashed with Wrong. They know Right. They will try and help you, but only if you're capable of being shown the Light. If you don't have an Open Mind, then...what can they do, but pray for you?
The dumbest mistake made by people who try to CONVERT the Catholic Toddlers of the world to Sanity is their - incorrect - assumption that Insane people want to be Sane. They KNOW they are not insane. They KNOW you are blind and nothing you say will even be heard. They Know what they know, and so they Know Everything.
The second dumbest mistake made by people who try to CONVERT imbecilic Toddlers to Sanity, is their - incorrect - assumption that the Toddlers are capable of PLAYING FAIR. It's all a game to Toddlers, and every Christian knows they're not the PERFECT Christian. They'll be the first to admit their flawed HUMAN nature. I'm not the only person quoting Jesus Christ at them. They don't want to forsake all that they Hath. They're not perfect.
They just want to fuck children.
If you cannot understand this fact, Toddlers have fooled you. They've outplayed you accidentally, with their idiotic stupidity. They don't realise how stupid they sound. They think they're being shrewd.
You got fooled. You morons.
Morons never got fooled.
When you understand that, you will understand morons. They never got tricked, or scammed. You have to progress to the point where you can go backwards, to get fooled. Toddlers who live their life as Toddlers, never got to that point. They never learned how to learn. So they learn by being let in on Secrets. Inside information. You have to give them the illusion of shrewd Control or they won't trust you. But if they're shrewdly assessing whether there is any Value in what you're saying...
They'll first make sure you have a clue.
So you give them a little of what they know, just to show them that you're in the Know as well. They will spot it, identify with it, and if you do this well enough soon they won't Need to keep on VERIFYING your bonafides by cross-checking it with what they already Know. You clearly Know the Score. You'll be their Servant of Truth. And then...
Then something happens called Imprinting. And to the imprinted, you can say whatever - the - fuck you like. They will obey. You have been permanently associated in their minds, with truth.
Steve Jobs understood a great deal about the murky dark shit I'm talking about. Every human is capable of being imprinted. We're all victims of our limited exposure whilst impressionable. From that point on, everything is referenced back.
Researchers have noted that computer users exhibit preferences towards the first system they learn, then judge other systems by their similarity to that first system. The result is that "users generally prefer systems similar to those they learned on and dislike unfamiliar systems."
Apple became the largest company on the planet without really producing much at all. They didn't cure cancer. They didn't invent the television. They just fiddled with products that already existed and made them more idiot-friendly. And that's the cold, hard Truth. Idiots be trapped now, of course. It's Commerce 101, for Geniuses.
It gets a little creepy when Religion does it.
It gets horrifying when Religion has been doing it for so long, idiots don't realise everything they Know is a horrifying illusion. A sick, twisted, demented, corrupted abortion of the reality that should have been; were it not for some tortured beasts who screamed at imbecilic Toddlers and made them afraid of ETERNAL TORTURE ZOMG. Frightened by the Bible, and terrified of a VIOLENT God who has no time for questions or complaints (He'd rather just KILL you for your nerve), Toddlers imprint to their version of Terror because He's THEIR Father. And together, they will fucking obliterate you. hahah!
Once they work out TERROR is on their SIDE, they're locked into being a Toddler Victim for life.
If something they read or hear proves otherwise, it's nonsense. It's gibberish. It's poppledock. They will just hear you ramble your stupidity, and they will smirk at you. You don't know what they KNOW, and they KNOW you're stupid because of that.
They don't HAVE to fucking listen to you!
You're no BETTER than them!
Who fucking made you the KING of them?
They don't fucking give a damn about YOU. They don't fucking CARE what you THINK. So why don't you just keep your OPINIONS to yourself.
They don't HAVE to fucking listen to you.
It literally doesn't matter if you're giving them directions when they're driving, or begging them to act in their own best interests. They won't 'fall' for it. They can spot criticism a mile away, and BANG. They're blocking anything you say.
The entire world is populated by Catholic Toddlers who already KNOW what is what. But they don't know what is what. They just strut.
I was saying WHAT THE FUCK until I realised one day how you communicate with Catholic toddlers who already know what is what. You entertain them. You let them in on a Secret. Make them feel privileged. Tell them a story. Let them into an exclusive club. The inner circle. Then you give everyone a little piece of what they Know. You can't hit them with hard and fast rules, you gotta compromise. Give everyone a taste.
Seven years old in India! Crazy, but food for thought no? Hey we all know 13 is fine. 14, 15 if you're not into 7 year olds. Let's discuss it for awhile, chew the fat, weigh up the pros and cons and puzzle it out. How about we meet in the middle and go with God's OPINION?
12 years old.
It's really as simple as that.
In the 96% Catholic Philippines, there are 90 million Toddlers.
"I was saying WHAT THE FUCK until I realised one day how you communicate with Catholic toddlers who already know what is what. You entertain them. You let them in on a Secret. Make them feel privileged. Tell them a story. Let them into an exclusive club. The inner circle. Then you give everyone a little piece of what they Know. You can't hit them with hard and fast rules, you gotta compromise. Give everyone a taste.
Seven years old in India! Crazy, but food for thought no? Hey we all know 13 is fine. 14, 15 if you're not into 7 year olds. Let's discuss it for awhile, chew the fat, weigh up the pros and cons and puzzle it out. How about we meet in the middle and go with God's OPINION?
12 years old.
It's really as simple as that."
It's becoming clearer to me now that we aren't opposed in our beliefs, we are in fact on the same team.
You hate sick fucks who use religion as a tool to manipulate and subversify children into being sex toys when young and robotic wallet-opening drones when they get old,
I also hate sick fucks who use religion as a tool to manipulate and subversify children into being sex toys when young and robotic wallet-opening drones when they get old.
The only difference is that I find truth and logic in believing in God and you dont, for whatever the reason (its not my fight)
The paradox I see is somewhat scary-
If you don't believe in God, then heaven and hell do not exist, thus the cretins who did you harm (and other sick fucks the world over) are never really going to suffer. You want them in hell, thus you want God to exist.
But you really don't want hell to exist because if it does, guess who you'll be spending eternity with?
I thought I was tripping for a moment until I realised Apple Macintosh was 3-0 (or 3213-0) and my thread was posted twice.
Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath
It's becoming clearer to me now that we aren't opposed in our beliefs, we are in fact on the same team.
You hate sick fucks who use religion as a tool to manipulate and subversify children into being sex toys when young and robotic wallet-opening drones when they get old
No. This is not what I hate. And it is NOT what is happening.
Sick fucks don't use religion to do anything. Religion is like Power. You cannot use power to get what you want for the same reason that you cannot rape girls into sleeping with you.
You cannot use Power.
Power USES you.
It's more or less the same thing, with Religion.
The only difference is that I find truth and logic in believing in God and you dont, for whatever the reason (its not my fight)
The only difference is you've been imprinted. You reference everything back to 'your' God the way a Windows user is turned off by Linux distributions like ubuntu or Mac OS X. They're all terrible, but that's not the point. People who have had limited exposure when they were impressionable only know what they Know.
Every human is capable of being imprinted. We're all victims of our limited exposure whilst impressionable. From that point on, everything is referenced back.
Researchers have noted that computer users exhibit preferences towards the first system they learn, then judge other systems by their similarity to that first system. The result is that "users generally prefer systems similar to those they learned on and dislike unfamiliar systems".
Apple became the largest company on the planet without really producing much at all. They didn't cure cancer. They didn't invent the television. They just fiddled with products that already existed and made them more idiot-friendly. And that's the cold, hard Truth. Idiots be trapped now, of course. It's Commerce 101, for Geniuses.
It gets a little creepy when Religion does it.
The paradox I see is somewhat scary-
There is no paradox. There is nothing to be afraid of, except the HELL on Earth created by imbeciles who reference everything back to 'their' version of God.
If you don't believe in God, then heaven and hell do not exist, thus the cretins who did you harm (and other sick fucks the world over) are never really going to suffer. You want them in hell, thus you want God to exist.
Who wants them in Hell? I don't WANT them to go to Hell. Who would want such a demented thing? You'd have to be a Catholic Toddler to want or imagine you could want 'revenge'. I don't even want them to be punished. If they were capable of not being silly, I imagine they wouldn't have been. If I NEEDED them to be punished, I would have taken care of (revenge) business. No one in the world would be safe from me if I needed them to hurt or die. It might take me 20 years but if they can bleed, I would let their blood because I win like nobody I've ever met. And when I say that, it's with sadness.
Winning in this Catholic world of Dementia is directly correlated to Capacity to Endure Pain.
Where I fucked up was imagining it was all about me. I was not stupid enough to allow childhood trauma to destroy me for life. I just went out and won - everything - until I couldn't take the pain anymore because I couldn't rationalise or justify it. But when I was off busy winning, a hero who did not see the world as being all about himself took a crack at Evil and smashed head-first into the Horror of Imprinting.
Ricky Rodriguez did not do what he did out of 'revenge'. He was fine. You would have to watch the hour of his PRISTINE logic to understand why he needed to take the shot at killing the vile beast who was CONTINUING to blast the world with her demented misery and pain.
But CNN isn't going to show you the Truth. They're just going to smear him. Fucking Anderson Cooper. Revenge? Sick and twisted?
Anderson Cooper is very fucking lucky that I am not a demented Catholic Toddler. Because I'm a little fucking pissed off at myself because I am BRIGHTER than the person who was wowing the world with my 'brilliant' ability to destroy them. I don't believe in 'fate' or 'destiny' because those are Religious constructs designed to manipulate the minds of the feeble into being Inshallah about life. But I was supposed to be helping Ricky do what humanity needed him to do; take his shot and WIN.
Ricky took the shot, alone. I was too busy beating up on 25/50nl morons and chasing girls. Ricky didn't fail. He took his best shot and that will - never - be a fail. Ricky couldn't connect the dots home because I wasn't there to draw the lines for him. I could have drawn those lines in my sleep. Ricky couldn't beat imprinting.
I thought I was tripping for a moment until I realised Apple Macintosh was 3-0 (or 3213-0) and my thread was posted twice.
"No. This is not what I hate. And it is NOT what is happening.
Sick fucks don't use religion to do anything. Religion is like Power. You cannot use power to get what you want for the same reason that you cannot rape girls into sleeping with you.
You cannot use Power.
Power USES you.
It's more or less the same thing, with Religion."
Religion is using the people who are trying to use it as power? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, not sure I see the connection to religion. If you said religion corrupts because it leads to absolute power over the mindless and, thus, is evil because if anyone gets religion "right" they automatically gain so much power they are instantly corrupted- I think I can get behind that.
"The only difference is you've been imprinted. You reference everything back to 'your' God the way a Windows user is turned off by Linux distributions like ubuntu or Mac OS X. They're all terrible, but that's not the point. People who have had limited exposure when they were impressionable only know what they Know."
When you are finished being very dense and only pretending to listen perhaps you may explain how this "Imprinting" came from because I seem to remember a childhood raised by two atheists one of whom used to beat the shit out of me, throwing my toys at me while I was forced to face a fucking wall. I don't know bro, maybe you are the one who needs some damn time off the shit, because if you take a look at my childhood and in ANY way see christian imprinting I am 100% flying the fuck to thailand and landing a lifetime supply of whatever the fuck you are smoking.
And you are quite right about the OS's all being similar and all sucking, though I find Apple does an OS best. Running Mountain Lion now actually, and I laughed within minutes of installing it as I know Apple is going to make a big noise about this new wild and crazy operating system which is, at most, just Lion 10.7.4 or 5. I mean, it's a joke that they will charge money for it (Which i would never pay) but then again, apple is run by businessmen far smarter (and richer) than I am, go figure.
"There is no paradox. There is nothing to be afraid of, except the HELL on Earth created by imbeciles who reference everything back to 'their' version of God.
Who wants them in Hell? I don't WANT them to go to Hell. Who would want such a demented thing? You'd have to be a Catholic Toddler to want or imagine you could want 'revenge'. I don't even want them to be punished. If they were capable of not being silly, I imagine they wouldn't have been. If I NEEDED them to be punished, I would have taken care of (revenge) business. No one in the world would be safe from me if I needed them to hurt or die. It might take me 20 years but if they can bleed, I would let their blood because I win like nobody I've ever met. And when I say that, it's with sadness."
So you are saying you would never wish revenge on the people who killed your siblings and did unspeakable things to you and your family while you were too young to do anything about it. Turning the cheek, I am impressed, that is a very admirable and Christian thing to do.
"Winning in this Catholic world of Dementia is directly correlated to Capacity to Endure Pain."
This I agree with, though I would add the caveat of also being able/willing to play the games the people who are where you want to be want you to play.
And win at them of course...
"Where I fucked up was imagining it was all about me. I was not stupid enough to allow childhood trauma to destroy me for life. I just went out and won - everything - until I couldn't take the pain anymore because I couldn't rationalise or justify it. But when I was off busy winning, a hero who did not see the world as being all about himself took a crack at Evil and smashed head-first into the Horror of Imprinting.
Ricky Rodriguez did not do what he did out of 'revenge'. He was fine. You would have to watch the hour of his PRISTINE logic to understand why he needed to take the shot at killing the vile beast who was CONTINUING to blast the world with her demented misery and pain."
Violence begets violence, there are more intelligent ways to take down religion and I am somewhat surprised you would so staunchly support a worthless lunatic rather than a real game changer. BUt you are the genius between the two of us, so I have to assume I'm wrong... but I don't see how.
"But CNN isn't going to show you the Truth. They're just going to smear him. Fucking Anderson Cooper. Revenge? Sick and twisted?"
One would be foolish to assume anyone in the media would do anything but sell something that seems newsworthy. The color of the day is for journalists to decry religion and typically defend a fairly atheistic stance but that can change overnight of course. The truth at times is stranger than fiction, and really it would be interesting to see the truth of this story, no matter how bizarre.
"Anderson Cooper is very fucking lucky that I am not a demented Catholic Toddler. Because I'm a little fucking pissed off at myself because I am BRIGHTER than the person who was wowing the world with my 'brilliant' ability to destroy them. I don't believe in 'fate' or 'destiny' because those are Religious constructs designed to manipulate the minds of the feeble into being Inshallah about life. But I was supposed to be helping Ricky do what humanity needed him to do; take his shot and WIN."
Interesting way to put it...
"Ricky took the shot, alone. I was too busy beating up on 25/50nl morons and chasing girls. Ricky didn't fail. He took his best shot and that will - never - be a fail. Ricky couldn't connect the dots home because I wasn't there to draw the lines for him. I could have drawn those lines in my sleep. Ricky couldn't beat imprinting."
Haha yeah, you certainly do a lot of chasing women around, I'll give you that.
You might be quite content in life to toy around with 17 year old girls on facebook and laugh at their simple minds, all the while grinding out a living playing scrubs on "chili poker" and what not, but there is a big world out there you could really be fucking, so forgive me if I don't share you zeal for chasing down "kaiwa" and exposing her many facebook accounts etc, I mean, we aren't in high school anymore.
There comes a time in a mans life when he must put childish things away. I have already passed that point, let me know when you catch up. There is an important book to be written, afterall...
Religion is using the people who are trying to use it as power? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, not sure I see the connection to religion.
Religion = Power. They are shortcuts which are NOT shortcuts. Morons think they are shortcuts to getting what they want, i.e. Control. What morons don't realise is they only want control because they've been molested by religion.
The rape analogy is perfect. They can't impress girls into sleeping with them so they rape them. It's not a shortcut. They haven't gotten what they wanted. This whole world is demented about "free will".
Another good example is Thailand's lady-boys. They are guys that want to fuck guys, right? But they don't want to fuck gay guys. They want to fuck straight guys. So they become 'women' because that's what straight guys want. Then they will lie to the face of guys who don't want to fuck guys, and they get the SHIT kicked out of them. Literally, some of them get killed. It happens all the time. They're demented about "free will" the way your mother is demented about face paint.
Imbeciles who grow up wanting power because they're powerless turn to Religion to control humans. But it's not a shortcut. They control robots, not humans. They control imbeciles.
Like you.
When you are finished being very dense and only pretending to listen perhaps you may explain how this "Imprinting" came from because I seem to remember a childhood raised by two atheists one of whom used to beat the shit out of me, throwing my toys at me while I was forced to face a fucking wall.
I already explained all this to you and I'm not going to keep on repeating myself if you are worthless and refuse to listen. You're all ME ME ME and you're demented. Your parents weren't raised when you were being raised. Have you considered why they were atheists?
They grew up in a Catholic world of Imbecilic Toddlers. They became Catholic Toddlers. It doesn't fucking matter if they were atheists when they were throwing toys at you. If you cannot see the hallmarks of Catholic Toddler behaviour in their actions, you're an imbecile.
You got imprinted onto the first God you came across. You're so imprinted demented, you cannot fathom the possibility of a God creating the world who was NOT the JEALOUS LORD who rapes children, hates women and kills EVERYBODY in the Christian Bible.
I cannot explain this simple shit any better. I'm not going to keep explaining simple shit over and over to you. You either have the capacity to become human again or you can continue to be a worthless shell. The choice is yours.
Running Mountain Lion now actually
Is ML out or are you running the Dev beta?
I mean, it's a joke that they will charge money for it (Which i would never pay) but then again, apple is run by businessmen far smarter (and richer) than I am, go figure.
You're the joke. They're just confused about money and power. I already explained all this and I hate repeating myself to imbeciles.
So you are saying you would never wish revenge on the people who killed your siblings and did unspeakable things to you and your family while you were too young to do anything about it. Turning the cheek, I am impressed, that is a very admirable and Christian thing to do.
You imbecilic moron. It's not a Christian thing to do. Christians want revenge. I'm not turning the other cheek you braindead twit. If my shell of a mother was capable of slapping my cheek again, it would NOT be revenge, it would be self-protection. If she is not capable of slapping my cheek again, THEN it would be revenge.
You're just too fucking dumb to understand basic logic.
Violence begets violence, there are more intelligent ways to take down religion and I am somewhat surprised you would so staunchly support a worthless lunatic rather than a real game changer.
She was still slapping cheeks, wasn't she? It not revenge, moron. He wanted to put his mother out of her misery because she was raping thousands of children every day. You're the worthless lunatic.
One would be foolish to assume anyone in the media would do anything but sell something that seems newsworthy.
You imbecilic moron. The 'news' doesn't sell what is NEWSWORTHY. They sell lies to braindead twits like you who think the 'news' reports on the news.
Haha yeah, you certainly do a lot of chasing women around, I'll give you that.
I don't chase women, you moron. That's what they want.
They chase me. I just try to have fun. TRY being the operative word. Succeeding at having fun in this world of shrewd imbeciles, is another matter altogether.
You might be quite content in life to toy around with 17 year old girls on facebook and laugh at their simple minds, all the while grinding out a living playing scrubs on "chili poker" and what not, but there is a big world out there you could really be fucking
Religion = Power. They are shortcuts which are NOT shortcuts. Morons think they are shortcuts to getting what they want, i.e. Control. What morons don't realise is they only want control because they've been molested by religion.
The rape analogy is perfect. They can't impress girls into sleeping with them so they rape them. It's not a shortcut. They haven't gotten what they wanted. This whole world is demented about "free will".
Another good example is Thailand's lady-boys. They are guys that want to fuck guys, right? But they don't want to fuck gay guys. They want to fuck straight guys. So they become 'women' because that's what straight guys want. Then they will lie to the face of guys who don't want to fuck guys, and they get the SHIT kicked out of them. Literally, some of them get killed. It happens all the time. They're demented about "free will" the way your mother is demented about face paint.
Imbeciles who grow up wanting power because they're powerless turn to Religion to control humans. But it's not a shortcut. They control robots, not humans. They control imbeciles.
Like you.
I already explained all this to you and I'm not going to keep on repeating myself if you are worthless and refuse to listen. You're all ME ME ME and you're demented. Your parents weren't raised when you were being raised. Have you considered why they were atheists?
They grew up in a Catholic world of Imbecilic Toddlers. They became Catholic Toddlers. It doesn't fucking matter if they were atheists when they were throwing toys at you. If you cannot see the hallmarks of Catholic Toddler behaviour in their actions, you're an imbecile.
You got imprinted onto the first God you came across. You're so imprinted demented, you cannot fathom the possibility of a God creating the world who was NOT the JEALOUS LORD who rapes children, hates women and kills EVERYBODY in the Christian Bible.
I cannot explain this simple shit any better. I'm not going to keep explaining simple shit over and over to you. You either have the capacity to become human again or you can continue to be a worthless shell. The choice is yours.
Is ML out or are you running the Dev beta?
You're the joke. They're just confused about money and power. I already explained all this and I hate repeating myself to imbeciles.
You imbecilic moron. It's not a Christian thing to do. Christians want revenge. I'm not turning the other cheek you braindead twit. If my shell of a mother was capable of slapping my cheek again, it would NOT be revenge, it would be self-protection. If she is not capable of slapping my cheek again, THEN it would be revenge.
You're just too fucking dumb to understand basic logic.
She was still slapping cheeks, wasn't she? It not revenge, moron. He wanted to put his mother out of her misery because she was raping thousands of children every day. You're the worthless lunatic.
You imbecilic moron. The 'news' doesn't sell what is NEWSWORTHY. They sell lies to braindead twits like you who think the 'news' reports on the news.
I don't chase women, you moron. That's what they want.
They chase me. I just try to have fun. TRY being the operative word. Succeeding at having fun in this world of shrewd imbeciles, is another matter altogether.
I've fucked it.
I hope you're just having a bad day, I mean really dude...
I made my own custom installer for Lion and Mountain Lion today. Took out all the crap packages and language nonsense and added in a few utilities so I can launch from dvd and monitor my files and what not from unwritable media. Also removed the parental crap from safari so one can browse the web while dvd booted and not be so heavily restricted.
I am still hoping you will come around to helping me with my DCO situation, I can not restore my hard drive to factory DCO settings.
Damn this 5 minute editing window, I just saw the fucked up quote at the end of my last post. Damnit...
I use Monolingual, it's very good. BatChmod basically looks like a GUI way to do what be more easily achieved using the Terminal and the chmod command, but I'll check it out. Why would I want to unpack a kernel extension? I don't understand the middle one's usefulness.
I made my own custom installer for Lion and Mountain Lion today. Took out all the crap packages and language nonsense and added in a few utilities so I can launch from dvd and monitor my files and what not from unwritable media. Also removed the parental crap from safari so one can browse the web while dvd booted and not be so heavily restricted.
Have you tested it? When I took out the language packs from Lion, it worked like a charm until it got to Select Language only showing English, so far so good. I selected English and it said "Cannot proceed. Missing vital system files" or some filthy infuriating shit.
Can you remove elements of the BaseSystem image as well? That's where all the corruption is.
I am still hoping you will come around to helping me with my DCO situation, I can not restore my hard drive to factory DCO settings.
I already told you how. With - boot up and use the GUI or follow my Terminal commands to Secure Erase / Enhanced your SSD. You'll be able to test it afterwards by piping to stdout #dd if=/dev/sda
I use Monolingual, it's very good. BatChmod basically looks like a GUI way to do what be more easily achieved using the Terminal and the chmod command, but I'll check it out. Why would I want to unpack a kernel extension? I don't understand the middle one's usefulness.
Going from SL to Lion there used to be a master kext called Mkext I believe with which you could control all of the kext files at once. It was useful, and made fucking around with kexts easy, and lion made that hard, so theres an app for people who miss the good ol days.
With the app you can take whatever kexts you want to use and create your very own mkext, and additionaly it does a good job at breaking down what in the hell you are looking at.I on't know about you but when I you look at sys/lib/extensions the first thing that jumps out at me is "WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS MORONIC SHIT??????" That app breaks them down first by telling you which kexts work with which others and second by breaking down where on your machine you can actually find what the hell "APPLIONVRAMN80211-CONTROLLERHID" fucking does. Just as an example, as the app gives you the addresses and such. It's not a HUGE help, but it has it's perks, and yes it's just a gui but theres nothing wrong with that imo.
The batchmod app is by far my favorite download of the last 60-90 days. I tend to get annoyed (highly) when I want to read a plist or file of some sort, and of course it's owned by root, and I shout at my machine about the $1200 I spent just to be told I can't reaad a fucking file, and now I don't shout anymore. It's certainly faster than the command line, try it out, you can change rw privs ownership as well as extended attributes, quickly easily and with STABILITY. I have yet to see that app crash or fuck up a file and make me angry, it just brings me happiness quite honestly. Dragging and dropping click click you're done beats opening terminal and either typing or copy and pasting (or dragging) a file to the window, then typing commands, then making sure they work, then remembering you need write privs because of something, and then doing it all again. Some are particular to the command line, I'm really not one of them.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
Have you tested it? When I took out the language packs from Lion, it worked like a charm until it got to Select Language only showing English, so far so good. I selected English and it said "Cannot proceed. Missing vital system files" or some filthy infuriating shit.
I cheated and spent more time than any human being should looking at property lists and receipts only my moronic self could ever find worthwhile. In so doing, I realized that the OS is a fluid system with each part contingent on something else being there. This is how they keep strict control of course. You have to meticulously look for system receipts and property lists and also verification files in other areas that don't seem to make sense. EVERYTHING has to line up correctly, if just one property list someplace says the installer is dishing out XYZ, but it's seeing BYZ, that's it, back to the apple store. I am pretty sure your problem there was in a plist somewhere either in migration assistant or install
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
Can you remove elements of the BaseSystem image as well? That's where all the corruption is.
corruption?? THAT'S MAC OS X BRO. It's the ONLY drive or partition mounted to ROOT. Take a look for yourself, boot into recovery mode either internet recovery or just lion recovery and see for yourself. When you boot into the OS you are essentially bootting into that image with some tweaks done to it depending on if it's Lion or Mtn Lion.
Snow Leopard may well be the last REAL operating system Apple products ever carry. You REALLY installed an OS, not you can't get rid of the fucking thing and pay $40 just to watch it change clothes more or less. And then who pays for dinner? Why you do, of course! That's the apple way.
I know you kick ass at computers, and it's foolish to presume i have anything to teach you, but for the moment I'll humor the thought and yes you can easily modify the Base System Image. Either get your hands on installESD.dmg or boot into recovery and go to disk utility. There you see the yellow (I think it's yellow, might be orange) system image as a removable disk. You can't fuck with it of course (afterall, it's mounted on ROOT, permanently) but the image right above, where the mount point might be, you can. Base System is a partition of a disk image, hold the opt button until "convert" becomes selectable and pick "compressed" for the image type. I sometimes pick read-only, for the time being you can't just have yourself some base system, the OS will reject the idea and screw you eventually.
Save your image someplace and then exit and re-boot the OS, get a terminal window open and a DU window and mount with DU, enable owners in terminal, convert the image now to read/write and voila, you almost have yourself a fully editable base system image.
You're close, and this is where I got stuck for almost a year of dicking with that image. It's owned by root, remember? This is where BatChmod comes in handy. Eject the partition of base system and right click the dmg hit info and select rw privs for everyone, then re-mount the disk and go one at a time to each file system (you know, library, system/library, /etc) and take the root file folder and drop in onto batchmod and give yourself ownership as well as rw privs for everyone and dont forget to click the "apply to all enclosed" and you're all set.
After all that work it goes to shit if you unmount the image for any reason, the system will "forget" who owns what and you'll have a read-only file system again. Of course it doesn't forget, there are ram-disks mounted to varying places to ensure nothing gets too out of whack. You can't see them normally, unless you get crafty and enter hdiutil plugins while booted from the installer or recovery drives, in which case you'd find out the horrifying truth- mac osx is just a bunch of magic, it has not real substance. Only THAT yellow system image is REAL, as hard to believe as that is.
There you go have fun, if you're bored try attempting to get safari to work without the dns-content filter (the family controls nonsense that says NOPE to just about every webpage on the internet not owned by Apple) on the installer, I had a blast. Took me 10-12 attempts to get ti right, but I won, and that's all that counts. You can modify the system image now and make your own installer, one with a working backlit keyboard and functioning internet and even whatever random utilities you want, you can even modify usr/bin and sbin and actually (*gasp*) have a functioning terminal ffs. And the best damned part is, once your done, eject the parittion and hit into on the dmg, select read only for everyone, including system (since you own the bitch now) and the system won't write to the image. If you forget, before you know it a 1.3 gig compressed image is 1.7gigs, in a week, without you having fucking touched it. I don't trust that kind of thing to NOT be a rootkit or something ya dig. Keep the size reasonable and you can burn to a standard DVD-R and have a very nice disk to do whatever you want and be reasonably sure it's not being fucked with every time you insert it into your machine.
Oh wait, you have a mac air-better get an external dvd drive I suppose. I hate USBs, both slow and insecure, and plus Airs do not have this glorious blue algae like backlit keyboard. I love my mac, when I'm not screaming at it.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
I already told you how. With - boot up and use the GUI or follow my Terminal commands to Secure Erase / Enhanced your SSD. You'll be able to test it afterwards by piping to stdout #dd if=/dev/sda
White space.
I tried everything Scute, my hard drive will NOT allow me to reset the DCO. It has someting to do with the Bios and I haven't figured it out yet. I managed to get the drive to sleep and unfreeze, and secure enhanced erased, no hpa, but the damn dco configuration is hiding some 17 gigs or so of my hard drive away from me. At least it does when booted from usb or dvd, anyway. It's probably just where base system really lives, which of course means to me I have a rootkit and a hacker reads all my posts while laughing maniacally waiting for the day I am foolish enough to enter a credit card number on this thing and instantly boomboxes and playstations will be heading toward every-single-person he knows.
By the by if/when you boot up into mountain lion there is a 1.5ish gig update waiting for you if you hit software update. Its makes mtn lion substantially better, more fluid and dynamic. I worried it might zombify my machine but fortune favors the bold, or so I'm told.
when I you look at sys/lib/extensions the first thing that jumps out at me is "WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS MORONIC SHIT??????" That app breaks them down first by telling you which kexts work with which others and second by breaking down where on your machine you can actually find what the hell "APPLIONVRAMN80211-CONTROLLERHID" fucking does. Just as an example, as the app gives you the addresses and such. It's not a HUGE help, but it has it's perks, and yes it's just a gui but theres nothing wrong with that imo.
kk I'll take a look at it. I was fucking around with kexts for awhile late last year and got tilted. When I'd remove some kext there is NO way my machine needed, RAID or some Firewire or Thunderbolt bullshit, my machine claimed to need it. Apple are the creepiest company on the planet.
The batchmod app is by far my favorite download of the last 60-90 days. I tend to get annoyed (highly) when I want to read a plist or file of some sort, and of course it's owned by root, and I shout at my machine about the $1200 I spent just to be told I can't reaad a fucking file, and now I don't shout anymore.
I don't really understand?
The whole ACL permissions thing is so fucking insulting. It's impossible to even function or do anything beyond save a TextEdit file to your desktop or w/e as a User. I just do everything as root.
The morons on Linux forums a year ago couldn't even make a lick of sense when I was asking about it. Ostensibly root can control and delete any files on your system right? In Linux when you try and modify your /proc and /sys corrupted filesystems as root, you just get a lot of "Operation not permitted".
In Windows the whole BUILTIN Administrator thing is a ludicrous insult. It's ostensibly for security right? How secure can a system be if I can write a .bat file with Notepad which turns off Access Control for the entire registry (and I can). So every time you download something and click Yes on the elevated prompt, you're basically giving whomever wrote the program access to your ENTIRE machine. A few lines of code hidden somewhere in thousands of pages of obfuscation, and the 'solution' to this is to "make sure you're downloading ONLY if you trust the source of the program". I don't even trust Microsoft for reasons like this so...:
You can't fuck with it of course (afterall, it's mounted on ROOT, permanently) but the image right above, where the mount point might be, you can.
Save your image someplace and then exit and re-boot the OS, get a terminal window open and a DU window and mount with DU, enable owners in terminal, convert the image now to read/write and voila, you almost have yourself a fully editable base system image.
There's an easier way to manipulate .dmg images which I've used but where I get 'stuck' and start screaming in fury is every time I manipulate an image, it just doesn't boot. Take out Portuguese or Catalan and it doesn't boot. Take out a kext and it doesn't boot. It sounds like you have worked out the booting issues, though.
A shadow mount allows you to mount a read only file system (from a dmg) as a read-write structure.
If you shadow mount, the file system will be mounted read-write but it will leave your original image intact writing all the changes to the shadow file. In the following example, we will mount up a disk image called badguy.dmg that is stored on /Volumes/Images with a shadow mount at /Shadow. We could do so without a shadow mount using the following command:
hdiutil mount /Volumes/Images/badguy.dmg
Instead, we’re going to add a -shadow option and follow it with the location of the shadow mount:
hdiutil mount /Volumes/Images/badguy.dmg -shadow /Shadow
You can now write data into the image or remove data from the image and then unmount it:
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Images/badguy.dmg
Your determination to get things done must be superhuman without using the Terminal. I used to abhor using CMD in Windows or Terminal in Linux but you literally can't get things done without using it - I don't know how you manage rofl.
But if you gave it a try you'd never look back. GUI is ALWAYS missing information that is available using Terminal commands. For example:
There's nothing to be afraid of. It's only imprinting that makes it seem awkward or unfamiliar. It's not complex and the amount of information that is available - you'll SWEAR in fury at how GUI programs have been insulting you all this time once you realise. It's a fucking outrage really.
Anytime you don't know what commands to enter, you can just press # info <command> so # info hdiutil shows:
Because Mac OS X is effectively a Linux distribution, you'll find a great deal of overlap between the two. Of course, you'll eventually start seeing patterns even with Windows - or I did - so I went looking into that and lo and behold, I found Windows is based on the Unix kernel. This is mildly intriguing because the way these morons talk about kernels you'd assume there is other kinds of kernels (in addition to Unix) but if there are, I've been unable to find a shred of evidence of such a thing.
Effectively, there's only the Unix kernel. Every OS in the world is based on it. I was only mildly curious about this 'peculiarity' until I discovered everyone was uncomfortable with talking about it. Sonatine might know more about this, actually; but it's impossibly creepy the way they all go out of their way to obsufucate the FACT that every OS is built on a Unix kernel.
Apple Computer first launched Mac OS in 1984, bundled with its Apple Macintosh personal computer. Apple moved to a nanokernel design in Mac OS 8.6. Against this, Mac OS X is based on Darwin, which uses a hybrid kernel called XNU, which was created combining the 4.3BSD kernel and the Mach kernel.[50]
Fuck off. I mean, I'm sure that's all correct. But they literally go out of their way to pretend there is some huge difference when there isn't. I dunno if it's important, but I have a sick radar for "creepy" and the way these creeps start talking about's creepy.
Mac OS X is a fucking Linux distribution. It has fucking /etc configuration files for christ's sake. I haven't actually heard you mention them, have you been inside to look at your /etc files? There is so much fucked up shit there - here are mine with 1/3rd of the really infuriating ones deleted (like /etc/services with 13800 lines of horrifying services I'll never use, but which are GREAT for hackers):
Also, aside from the now deprecated there isn't really any GUI program that I'm aware of that can manage your entire system's .plist files. The way these creeps (Microsoft, Apple and Linux distributions with their filthy 'dependencies') are all locking down control of their operating systems (from Windows 7, Lion and ubuntu 10.10 or ~) is SO FUCKING CREEPY zomg. The guy who wrote Lingon released Lingon 3. I bought it for $5 because Lingon 2 is amazing. Lingon 3 is Lingon 2 with ALL access to System / Library .plist files removed. rofl?? The guy doesn't respond to confused queries about why he's had to do that. I know why. This is a creepy fucking world.
Also I've never heard you mention launchctl - there's no GUI to control launchd. My launchd is so full of filthy corruption, it's infuriating. All these nonsensical entries aren't supposed to be there - I'm pretty sure in any case. The info / man page for launchctl says:
Note that you may see some jobs in the list whose labels are in
the style "0xdeadbeef.anonymous.program". These are jobs which
are not managed by launchd, but, at one point, made a request to
it. launchd claims no ownership and makes no guarantees regard-
ing these jobs. They are stored purely for bookkeeping purposes.
What the fuck is that even supposed to MEAN?
I try to remove them because I don't fucking LIKE anonymous BULLSHIT. No dice.
"launchd claims no ownership and makes no guarantees regarding these jobs."
Fuck off. Try and ask simple questions about this shit and if you can repress the HOMICIDAL RAGE that these creeps inspire, you're more Zen than I am. I am not saying, for one second, that such Zen would be a good thing.
In the BaseSystem.dmg image, I had it loaded r/w using the above hdiutil and shadow command, and it's so full of nausea I eventually just slammed my lid trying to shatter my LCD screen in fury.
In the, I was fuming reading through all the creepy files it pulls from somewhere and saw this amsdstat.plist listed above all the CREEPY fucking modem scripts.
I've seen this amsdstat often but never had Internet access whenever I have so I Googled it just to find out what it is. Like vomit?
I translated that German discussion and read it. More fury. That guy wasn't worried about amsdstat (which I think is related to Mass Storage which = USB Conspiracy) but he was fuming about JMicron error messages he gets which I get as well. Something about "JMicron (which is a Serial ATA driver) doesn't declare a kernel dependency" and the experts were telling him JMicron is incredibly dubious etc.
I already knew JMicron was incredibly dubious because the day after DELL took Bitlocker-encrypted hard drive when the Broadcom TPM failed to do it's ONE SINGLE fucking job, and replaced it with my corrupted death sentence in Feb '11, all my systems crashed with BSODs. When my desktop loaded, suddenly it had a new controller. JMicron.
JMicron is a Taiwanese company and they give their controllers away FOR FREE! You understand? I swear to god, you do not have to be bright to 'get' this shit. But no one gets it. They just download from and and because CODERS aren't CREEPY at all! No really. They're not. They just love working for ungrateful, abusive, entitled Catholic Toddlers FOR FREE!
I tried everything Scute, my hard drive will NOT allow me to reset the DCO. It has someting to do with the Bios and I haven't figured it out yet. I managed to get the drive to sleep and unfreeze, and secure enhanced erased, no hpa, but the damn dco configuration is hiding some 17 gigs or so of my hard drive away from me. At least it does when booted from usb or dvd, anyway.
What does # diskutil list bring up in Terminal logged in as root?
Also try # hdiutil imageinfo -verbose /dev/disk0
You can see the kind of info you get in Terminal. You cannot continue to use insulting GUI tripe.