just wondering why you flood these forums with foul images and seem think its clever and funny to be offensive and disgusting intentionally
that's a valid question
I stand by my previous contention that sick fucks like you ruined the 'uncensored' business model
the right to free speech doesn't mean you yell fire in a crowded theater
I honestly believe you are probably the worst poster on the internet. Not just for being foul and obese and creepy, but because you are intelligent enough to know the damage you do
Laugh it off and make some smart comment now
If I ever saw you in person I would spit in your fat face you bloated fucking pedophile loser
your content has no redeeming value. You don't inspire your readers, you disgust them. your only 'fans' are other equally disturbing losers.
say something funny now or post a gif. I certainly don't expect an intelligent response.
Sad that a smart guy like you is such a lowlife. You spread so much bad karma with your revolting bullshit.
I like smart people because I like good conversation and debate.....but you offer NONE of that. All you spew is smug, cryptic nonsense ...ponies and cocks.
please start eating lots of bacon and sausage and run up steep hills while smoking a cigarette after pounding a half dozen Red Bulls
<Ripptyde64> anyway I just wanted to give you some props for your posts....you really have a unique way with words and as a fellow writer I am humbled
<Ripptyde64> lol I just like your style. there are so many useless and moronic poster on these forums and you are vastly superior in quality, form and content.
I want you to know that no matter how bad you hurt and how alone you feel, I'll always be here to acknowledge the awkward crush you have on me and never ever think less of you for it.