yeeeeeah the pms, like the last 10 hours of my life didn't happen, sounds fair?
i have some vids on the drawing board, sent you something, can you work with the current world record holding hottest hot pepper on the planet? i have several right now, check it
how do we get this boat off the ground captain? let's make something fucking HAPPEN
and then this happened "408Mike's Meth Lab Roid Rage Funhouse"
Get all your cake mix updates from the man teetering on the brink of homelessness & insanity.
See I'm thinkin I can do like a memorial to sonatine's bath salts vid idea that never was and like lock myself in a bathroom and sit in the tub naked and I can't leave until I eat like 3-4 of the peppers one at a time with nothing to drink, i just sit in the tub hallucinating my ass off sweating and shit, and I can tell penny eating stories at the same time
I ain't working with a full deck just yet, but something will come along, just need a spark to set things offf somehow
GTFO NIP, YOU SAW THE PICTURES, and I even added 8 habaneros.
Look, I'm not saying these hot peppers lead to my salvation, but it's something interesting. What can you work with here based on what I have got?
I have the worlds hottest pepper, rusty the dog, a digital camera which is good for 30 minutes a pop that is also secretly a 3mp digital camera, a mountain bike with no rear tube so I cut a hose and am using that (poorly I might add) to get around WITH FRONT BRAKES ONLY, very little cash (under $100) a LOT of gumption and will power and very little self esteem.
You've done more with less, the real question then is do YOU have it in you to make this work Sonatine?
how the fuck did my rep go from 10 to 0 without getting one single neg?
vaughn are you still dicking with my account? that was all like last week or last month, move forward dude, skatz has bigger fish to fry and more entertaining things in the works than my tilt.
plus this is the busiest time of the year in terms of forum traffic, you want those alexa HITS and baby so do I, so let's make like we need to pass Romneycare here and work 2gether
LISTEN while youre busy driving your cocaine submarine, i was out here defending the idea that all star survivor is better against scooter who thinks its a bad idea, JESUS CHRIST YOUR JIMMERY KNOWS NO BOUNDS
Originally Posted by neverstop in a PM
. . .
But whatever, yes I can be a huge canadian faggot and you can be terrible yourself but theres no reason we shouldnt be able to co-exist at the very least, ya feelz me??
ill take whatever drops of juice you feel comfortable enough to give me
bro I won't be doing anything I don't feel comfortable doing, which means whatever I do you are not culpable for, I won't look back in a year and scream "I KNEW IT! I WAS UNDER MIND CONTROL, GAY SEX IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT I MADE THIS HUMILIATING VIDEO! I HATE YOU!"
you gotta pay to play, Bob and Reppat got the cinn vid because they asked for it, plain and simple. It was a success because it was requested, I can't succeed if there is no desire, that would be me regressing back to flooding the forum with gibberish because I wanted to feel needed but no one was in need of me so I foolishly attempted to create the need and Scooter hates me for it to this day.
In all seriousness if Gay Sex and Sonatine can't cut the mustard as project managers someone else needs to. Jim Dave and Mrobot, I am looking squarely at you guys to pick up the slack.
Vaughn, what do you thinK? Got any legit funny/creative ideas I can pull off?