One Scream-Free Day and I Wrote This. Toddlers, feel free to FAULT it.
I'm literally taunting you.
This is pretty huge, what's happening here. This is going to change the world because you fucking morons have the stupidity to imagine that I am talking babbling shit but I'm talking about the extinction of the species, as evidenced by the sociopathic insanity that is Nicky's Mike-like horror when he did that thing I made him do - you remember or are you just oblivious to anything outside your bubble of fuck?
I told Mike upon hearing that he was Christian that I would expose him as a pedophile. Do you know how fucking brilliant that shit I did truly was. Not very.
Because every Christian on the planet wants to exploit children.
And Mike cracked it under the pressure of being unable to justifying his fucking transparent pedophila and in the space of a couple posts, wrote that children are in the best position to chose to be exploited and only posts apart, that children have no right to choose. OF COURSE. Were his words. THEY'RE CHILDREN.
Check out (pretty) Nicky's identical insanity. This is a Christian insanity and China is going to save the world if it's not too late already. Because I am not the only sane person in the world and there are those are not afflicted by Toddlers letting mosquitoes out to scream and they can write better than I can and they will DESTROY the Christian sociopathic Caring and Compassion in the way I have been writing brilliantly if not adeptly about for all of this fucking scream-filled year.
You see, what the Christian HORROR is going to face plant into is the hilariously transparent terror that a 12 year old "woman child" is exercising her right to (for better or for worse) think for herself and refuse to permit the most insulting sociopaths alive to force her to comply with their filthy fucking delusions that they Know Best.
Knowing Best.
Now who or what in your life Knew Best - much better than you - about what made you happy or what was likely to?
Did she perchance make you AS FUCKING STUPID as you are by forcing you to act in your own best interests and develop an aversion to wanting to learn? Did she force you to go to school?
Don't worry. The misery of your life is on you. If you blame your mother, that would only be JUST. And justice is for the mentally deranged.
You pwned a mentally unstable only child who grew up in pampered upper-middle class California. A man child who still hasn't left his mother's utter... bravfuckingooooohhh jonny v.
Come back and babble at me when you have done something truly good and meaningful.
On a side note, this guy gets his life back after three plus weeks in the sticks of west virginia living a fucking John Grisham novel. Literally not gonna forgive edwina and her family when and after I get shot for cockblocking big energy's little Appalachian ass raping plan for this section of God's country.
What the fuck are you imbeciles talking about? This has nothing to do with a screaming little mosquito. This is a global event that exposes the horrifying sociopathic selective empathy LYING of Christians who pretend to 'care' for the welfare of "women children" but they don't - really - care about anything but their horror that they might not get to rape little girls.