I cannot tolerate the hardheadedness by ownership here. Only way Ill have a home is to start a new forum competing with Skatzpoker
The new site: fuckskatzpoker.com will be up within 48-72 hours. I understand how this will be distressing but I ask you dont be gay and block my ability to promote the new site with fuckskatzpoker links.
I mean dont be surprised if 20-35% of your core posters at skatzpoker migrate over to F.S. Poker within the next couple months.
Check your PM boxes for fuckskatzpoker info coming soon.
IP Ban, IMO, for spaming fuck[spam].com. I'd suggest IP banning the whole state, but lindsey may wander in here some day, and we can't have that.
Look you dumb nigger. The reason why there fuckskatzpoker even exists is because you fucking people have made so many boneheaded moves. YOU HAVE DRIVEN THE POSTERS THERE Not me.
My website is just the natural conclusion to Scooter and gang fucking up Skatzpoker. I mean, when I joined skatz there was a sense of togetherness toward a common cause. Now all we have here is hate and infighting. We are a shell of our former forum. This sucks bad because we were a shell of borispoker who was a shell of nwp. Now we have to compete pretty soon against another shell of nwp that really isnt a direct shell of boris but may well be for all I know.
Im not even sure what shell level we are at but I know the hate stops at fuckskatzpoker.com