Also had an awkward run in with Steve Lombardi on the same visit as Jake. They tossed me out of the bar because I was underage, and I was hanging out in the lobby outside of it. Lombardi at that time was the heel. Lost like 100 straight matches or something crazy, so as a kid, you see him and think he's a loser POS. He came out of the bathroom close by and saw me ask a wrestler for his autograph. He came up and said, "hey kid, want an autograph?" I looked at him, and realized he was the guy who got his ass kicked every single match. I think even as a kid I could read people's faces, and something just told me to say "oh yeah, thanks Mr. Lombardi!" He signed my book, asked me if I wanted a picture, I said sure. I think I had some shitty instamatic or maybe the old polaroid, and we got a pic too. Seemed to make his day, and looking back on it. he prolly never got asked for his autograph since kids don't know any better and just think he's a fucking loser.