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Old 07-03-2012, 07:39 PM   #21
Lord Bathrobe
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Didnt read any of that.

Fuck you showing up in a Luigi thread at all.

  you read every word- stop copying wrenchjockey it's sad and pathetic, even for you
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Old 07-04-2012, 12:14 AM   #22
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Mike carpet-bombing the truth up in here.
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:41 PM   #23
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Mike, this is not intelligent EQ on display in this thread.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
He isn't here? Unless I am missing a crucial piece of the "where the fuck did luigi go" puzzle it's pretty clear you miss him but....


What's are you trying to say? That you feel butthurt that a former poster is missed, whereas you feel you're not appreciated? This gives me shivers like I used to get when I'd visit my siblings and hear my mother speaking. It's emotional drivel. It's dumb on multiple levels, because your feelings are not valid, they're insane. And to express them is plain stupid because in all of living history, I'm not sure anyone but a mother has responded well to puppy dog butthurt whining. I could be wrong. Have you had success with this insanity before?

You are a jerk at times which I credit with being bored mostly (you certainly aren't perusing the forums most hours of the day and night because you literally have nothing else to do. I suspect you work a shitload and browse on your mobile, this makes skatz a way to pass the time and it you amuse yourself at a few people's expense (this would be me for sure)) so I mean no disrespect.

What is all this? Are you in the position to be doing psychoanalysis? What or who gave you that belief? Don't listen to them anymore.

For what it's worth, I think my comment came across with a harsher tone than I meant, I have been helping a neighbor with a variety of things (reformatted his comp and laptop, configured to help his wife get online that sort of thing) so i am coming and going a bit, but I didn't mean to be so negative.

What the fuck? Dude, I don't think you get that your emotional outbursts don't hurt people like you think they do. You don't need to re-qualify the level of illusional insanity you intended. Who make you like this?

I shouldn't be the one to have to explain this to you at our age, but your emotions...they're not actually real. I say this an awful lot. I'm surprised you haven't picked up on my 'underlying' theme of all my rants. You do realise you cannot 'hurt' anyone who doesn't value your opinion, yes? You understand how this works?

Or is that what all this wanting to be included / earning your stripes / horrifying nonsense is really all about? Do you want to be valued so that your emotional slurs can sting? Why is it so important to you that others make you feel appreciated?

I know all the answers to these questions. The question marks are for you.

I just don't think luigi is fondly reminiscing about you most days is all...

Is that what you think? Who made you think your opinions in this vein were worth expressing? I'm not saying you should kill them or anything. I'm not saying you shouldn't. I would wonder if I was hobbled, myself; if I did stuff like this routinely.

You're just trying to hurt people, aren't you? You big illusional bully. All Toddler rhetoric aside, most people aren't 4 year old girls yo. You're just going to creep them out doing shit like this.

You're not going to make them cry. You know that, right?

Also I have always wondered why you treat Scuter with 100% respect and reverence at all times?

He doesn't. It's very creepy when you assert lies like this. I think I know what you 'imagine' you're doing, but histories go back many years. Sonatine and I have clashed, usually because I'm smoking a FUCKLOAD of pain relief. I don't mean to brag. And sleep deprived. Again, I don't mean to brag. But when humans have disagreements, or misunderstandings, as long as the emotional insanity is kept to an absolute minimum almost everything can be cleared up or laughed at or blown off.

Most people don't read what I write. You are one who pretends to, but you don't. You make sweeping statements like this and you're going to be annoying for no other reason that it's obviously incorrect. No one agrees with anyone 100% of the time. What the fuck. Humans aren't our mothers. No one sane wants that kind of insanity.

You're forcing awkwardness with this crap that is just weird. What's your motive? You know he's going to give you an accurate answer, so you're going to either be told your wrong and we get to revisit irrelevant disagreements for the sake of it, or you're going to induce compliments which I've never liked for the sole reason that 80% of compliments are sleazy Christian creepiness.

I really don't fucking like emotional shit. It's fucking creepy and it's horrifying. Stop this bullshit right now. That is an order. Grow the fuck up. Act like a fucking human being.

You know how you might hear a really cheesy love song or see a really cheesy love poem or something on a girl's Facebook page and it just makes you shiver? You're making me feel that way right now with this shit.

Stop it. I'm not going to say "please". It's fucking horrifying. Grow the fuck up.

You never disagree with him, never debate anything, never have much of an opinion on things he says (unless it's positive)may I ask how he earned your respect? Was it given from the get go???

I have never, in my life, set out to earn respect. How dare you assert such an offensive insanity onto me. You rude little Christian rat. We've spoken about this bullshit ad nauseum. You need to join the fucking military. Jesus fucking christ. You're the first person I've ever said that to, and meant it.

But I am vaguely aware that this is a world of opposites. Were I the sort of person who wanted to be respected, I could do a lot worse than not desperately hungering for it. You understand what I'm telling you about opposites?

Don't be yourself. Be the opposite.

Obviously from the outside looking in I am curious why things click for certain people and not matter what they do.

These constructs are in your fucking delusional mind. I feel no bond to anyone here. There is no inner circle. I think I fucked off when I was butthurt over being censored on Viper forum and made a goodbye post and didn't speak to anyone for like a year or something; I'd be lying if I really remembered because Aun was mixed up in that year but stop with this horrifying 7 year old tripe. This isn't a treehouse. Grow the fuck up.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
nah I have a laptop now (payment for some computer stuff I did for a friend)

Are you just going to live on favours and charity? Bartering emotions and sentiments and little favours you would do for friends without payment so...I guess I'm not getting what your community is about?

I think it was Suicide King who made the pretty good point about your time spent on here. I believe I'm writing about very important shit but I also fucking rambling fucking repetitive bullshit as well. There's no clinical process to anything I'm doing here. I'm getting high, ranting about faggotry that annoys me, passing out. You understand? I'm killing time because I'm in the position to do so. Aren't you supposed to be looking for work? I'm not interested in the responses to these questions. The questions are what you are supposed to be asking yourself, and failing to. I'm expressing confusion at your confused meandering. I think time spent reading what I write cannot be time wasted but then I'm working on the assumption you have the capacity to respond. THIS (as in this bullshit you're doing right now) is not the response anyone in the world wants to invoke.

You should read what I write but you're either not reading it or you're not comprehending it for one reason or another because everything I write is anti-THIS.

You don't really want to work. In my experience, this usually means you want to leech. I'm not accusing you. But a fucking job could do you good. Christians are so fucking lazy. My parents are lazy fucking wretches. All of the Philippines. Lazy fucking wretches. Looking for shortcuts. Looking for edges. Looking for ways to advantage. Doing favours. Imposing on decency. Jesus Christ. GET A FUCKING JOB.

I'm vaguely aware some people respect that sort of thing.

I'm actually getting a fair amount of work at $25 hourly doing simple shit for people. reformats cracking passwords troubleshooting printers etc. super easy, navy says they want me for linguistics or IT but the process takes ~2 months so I'm making some money killing time, essentially.

Fair enough. Probably easier than getting a job for two months at McDonalds or something? Super easier even. Guess in time 'we' will see. You either snap out of this shit here, or I will fucking leave. I'm not as emotionally stable as I like to pretend. I'm feeling horror right now, for example. That's not supposed to happen. It's not natural. It's not sane.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
wong you do realize I am not a complete idiot right?
don't waste your time trying to make me jealous.

But you are a complete fucking idiot. You just proved it right then. There. Just now. IDIOT. You just don't fucking get it because you'll all bullshit. You're like an exploited girl on one of those tragic Tumblr blogs, she doesn't care what you think (if you criticise) but she loves the nice 'feedback'. Vomit. Stop lying. If you didn't care, you wouldn't care. What part of this 'complexity' eludes you?

out of curiosity's sake I tracked down a gram of bath salts (no clue what exactly i s in it) and I may partake and produce a trip report of some kind.

This would be making yourself useful but it's still a bit Christian isn't it? Just do it. Or don't do it. So much talking about what you're going to do. It's giving me flashbacks of life as a child, and promised food. Just deliver. Or don't. What's with all the promising or pre-discussion? No need to hype it up, is there.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
What the hell do you think I come here for? The circle jerk banter that I am never included in?

You're going to make me shriek like a girl if you keep being this horrifying about 'inclusion' and 'feeling left out' and OH.MY.GOD. I cannot believe I'm going to say this but BE A MAN? Or a teenage boy? A 10 year old boy? Jesus. Do you think this is how you get 'included' if there was such a thing? Where have you gotten all these ideas from?

No one here hardly knows each other. I know Tapper pretty good. I've met Sonatine. I've seen photos that are likely representative of Rum Dick, Gay Sex and SK. I wouldn't be able to tell you a single first name of anyone, without pondering on it some. Tapper's only.

What do you want? No, no answer. What the fuck. This is a forum where people come to have fun and you're just not getting it. I haven't been fun for over a year but then I believe I have somewhat valid reasons to impose on the fun of others; because their apathy is giving power to institutions that are preventing the world from having fun. Under normal circumstances, I'd kill myself rather than leverage my own misery onto those trying to have fun. What is wrong with you.

By normal circumstances, I mean "yours". You have no reason. You have no point. You're just being you. That's a terrible idea, for you. Whoever gave you that advice, just...don't talk to them again. You just want to FEEL. This is what you like to do. Keep it up, and you'll just creep the world out, with you. You cannot possibly want that? So why don't you listen?

I imagine I'm already pushing the limits of their capacity to tolerate awkward discussion, but then I'm not bringing the awkward, I would hope. You're bringing the awkward. I don't like it. I don't like how it smears everything. Also I've posted heaps of silliness prior so they tolerate me but mostly ignore me. And when I found Boris78 I loved it and I desperately wanted to contribute. It was embarrassing, in all honesty. I was almost in tears as Harley laughed at me, after I started with noose. But I was sick of posting on forums with demented low limit dour poker players. It meant a lot to me. All I wanted to do was contribute. You should realise why I've said that word twice. Spend some time thinking about what you want to do. Leech or contribute. This isn't a world that has historically treated leeches very kindly. They tend to get ditched with a shudder.

I didn't want to put my best foot forward and then sit back and collect? You're like my fucking maid who cooked brilliantly for two weeks before she just...forgot how to make food edible. Everything is lazy with you. It's Christian. Stop it.

And stop dragging me into your Awkward. Imposing your bullshit emotional lies onto me, as if you had the fucking right? Focus on you. How many times has someone said that to you lifetime? I'd be amazed if it was under 250. You're perfectly horrifying. Humans are going to be repulsed by this Christian shit.

You're just spraying yourself onto people. No one is ever going to respond well to that insanity. But have they ever? Where did you learn these 'winning' behaviours? You need to go back to the fucking drawing board.

So where the hell is it?? As far as I can tell you almost NEVER engage in any kind of serious discussion (a couple times yes, all of which were BRILLIANT)

What is this? You sound like Jewdonk. What is this insanity? Do we have a minimum contribution requirement?

What are you doing here? You're doing what those creeps I fucking hate do when they go around parties trying to 'police' the amounts people are, forcing everyone to drink up, stay with the herd, creeping everyone out, attempting to ridicule those who aren't man enough to drink as fast as the pace-setter. What the fuck. "He's had four, I've had five, what's this? Your second beer. You faggot."

You're doing that, aren't you? Stop it.

May I ask why you choose to remain aloof when you have a lot to bring to the table?

You're going to make me vomit. Does he need your 'encouragement' to post more? What is this prompting. It's fucking insane. And I don't care for it. It's making me emotional. Insanity is viral like that. I haven't slept in awhile. I don't have the tolerance for this bullshit. Stop this Christian shit right now. FOCUS ON YOU.

I have to assume you make so much damn money that your time is either paid for or spent not taking much of anything serious, so coming to skatz to engage in intelligent discussions doesn't appeal to you (not for free anyway)and that's totally your right, but it's also a damned shame.

Nothing about this passive-agressive horror is crafty. It's horrifying. It's cheesy. It's fucking transparent. Stop it.

I came to skatz solely to get a stronger dose of my favorite poster gaysex, realized this is a gold mine for intelligent discourse, and have been largely let down since unfortunately.

I'll personally send you your refund. With my sincerest apologies? Will that make you FEEL better about not getting what you wanted?

Potential still there, keeps me hanging around hoping things will turn around, but yet...

Things are never going to turn around for you until you stop caring about what others do for you, and start doing for yourself. Do unto YOU what you would have others do.

Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
Plus youre hilariously jealous of Mama Luigi, who will always be this sites Jesus Christ.

I'd prefer someone who didn't deserve to die but that's just the OCD.

You want so badly to just be made a part of the scene while doing absolutely zero work to achieve it. You just want it handed to you.


You should listen Mike. But you're not going to are you? People have said all this to you before. This is what you like to do. This is who you are? Really?

Is this the person you want to be.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
Scuter is usually right this is true, that still doesn't explain your reverence for the man.

I'm warning you.

I am doing zero work to be part of the scene? Spilling my entire life onto this forum isn't enough? I choked on cinnamon on video for fucks sake, the fuck has anyone else done? Scuter seems to be your best bud, and certainly has your highest respect- how did this happen? He EARNED your respect and admiration? This happened how? I want specific details (which I am sure do not exist)

Okay you need to consider taking your own life again. This is unacceptable insanity in any context. You are incapable of comprehending anything said to you. You just spray your horrifying shit everywhere. You just waste time. Try to invoke emotional reactions. You feed on insanity. It drives you. This is how you Win, huh?

Have you thought about having children? You could get really emotional with them every day. I understand this is what people like this have children for.

If anything you ought to be embarrassed your tried to con a good human being out of time and money he doesn't really have, just for your amusement.

Go to Manila with this shit you imbecile. Don't you even think before you become the cliche I write about? Preaching? What is wrong with you. Freeroll huh?

You are an elitist piece of trash is what you are and I am being up front about it. If scuter were dirt poor when you met you would never have befriended him, same with most others of whatever inner circle you have if I had to guess.

You fucking imbecile. I give NO ONE money. There is zero financial benefit to knowing me. I burned most of my money on casino games too horrified at people like you to even think; I had PSTD but no answers. No one had answers. I just couldn't tolerate the insane screaming of leeches like YOU.

There is no elitism here. What the fuck. You would imagine Filipinos are elitist by sinking beneath them.

Most posters here are fairly certain I'm batshit crazy but they tolerate me. They're wrong but it's fine. But I will get emotional by your insanity if it keeps up so I will fucking leave. It's infectious. You're infecting the world with your imbecilic inability to listen to a god damn word anyone says. You just want to scream. ENOUGH.

I have never cared for politeness but have some fucking decency for christ's sake. Have some respect for yourSelf. Or fake it. I don't care. Stop your fucking whining. I feel like slapping you. You're the reason laws are invented. Imbeciles who cannot be helped because they don't want to be sane. They just want to scream.

For a while I was actually annoyed because it seemed a mystery how you blow hot and cold to certain people, then I made the connection- all sonatines "friends" have something to offer, be it cash or strong job connections, anything that might benefit your life in some way.

Kill yourself if you're going to be decent. You're a horrifying disgusting human being when you do this. There is literally no sane rationalisation you can muster for what you're doing right now. You're just screaming your confusion and misery at those who've already given you the answers.

What do I have? No money, no job connections-NO FRIENDSHIP.

Why are you alive? Do you think I was born into money? What the fuck is wrong with you. I don't know this kind of insane. This is a new kind of batshit crazy. Work you fucking leech. FOCUS ON YOU. Stop fucking looking around yourself for reasons why your life sucks. It will suck until you become a fucking functional member of whatever Society you impose yourself onto.

People like you make the world a very shitty place to live.

at least I like and respect people for who they are

rather than quickly size them up and either keep or discard them based on what they have to offer me personally.

That is a very shallow way to live.

You're mocking me now. This is a level. You're reading everything I rant about that is wrong with the world and you're mimicking it? This is Cobson's work surely.

You couldn't possibly be so representative of the horrors which horrify the world of decency, not in real life.

I've just been played. Well done.

If not, kill yourself. I think I need religion.
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:54 PM   #24
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In before Mike looks at that post, makes sure he can pronounce every word, and claps himself on the back for "reading" it before regurgitating his own childish non-innocence to an increasingly disgusted audience because the only qualifier for 'victory' he can compute is people:

- telling him he is right
- appreciating him for something he is not and will never be
- giving him shit so he doesnt have to get it himself

and he will stay here like a blind, crippled stray, nipping at the ankles of adults because his only alternative to 'victory' is to salt the earth with his own shattered dreams of entitlement.
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:56 PM   #25
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I bet he doesnt even have the bath salts.
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:58 PM   #26
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I'm very emotional right now. You have fucking Christian AIDS. Stop infecting decency.

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Old 07-04-2012, 06:07 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
In before Mike looks at that post, makes sure he can pronounce every word, and claps himself on the back for "reading" it before regurgitating his own childish non-innocence to an increasingly disgusted audience because the only qualifier for 'victory' he can compute is people:

- telling him he is right
- appreciating him for something he is not and will never be
- giving him shit so he doesnt have to get it himself

and he will stay here like a blind, crippled stray, nipping at the ankles of adults because his only alternative to 'victory' is to salt the earth with his own shattered dreams of entitlement.

Yeah. This is unbelievable. Is this really what he wants, this is what drives him right? Good god. I'm still hanging onto it all being a brilliant level but they're never this brilliant are they? No one levels like this.

He's not looking for answers. He's not in transition, is he? This is who he _wants_ to be?

This world has been poisoned. I don't see how it can be cleaned.

I'm going to cute Asian girl carpet bomb my way out of shuddering.

  unfortunately they are never levelling
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:09 PM   #28
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Whatever, wait until Mesami Cafe opens, go to, order Roasted Duck Breast with Cherry Vinaigrette.

Problem solved.

Every problem.
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:22 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
Whatever, wait until Mesami Cafe opens, go to, order Roasted Duck Breast with Cherry Vinaigrette.

Problem solved.

Every problem.

They're pretty good lately. Pulling even with foodbyphone. god I fucking love this city.

The decency is just...more, and stuff here. Thais are saner. New shopping centre opened at Asoke-Sukhumvit - huge thing called Terminal21. They have these Japanese toilets. Fucking Japan. Got a lot of time for the Japanese. These toilets are amazing.

You could do worse than spend a weekend with a paper or your laptop on one of these things. It's got four functions. I couldn't really tell the difference between the first 3 but the blowdry I thought "ahhh". Sayonara toilet paper.

[edit: forgot to mention the whole thing is heated. it's roasted comfort. I don't mean you'd sit there blasting the jet at the highest speed all weekend, though you could probably do worse. Some homophobes are going to have a problem with it.]

Can you imagine an Indian on one of these things. He'd be as awkward as Mike with a pretty girl.
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:39 PM   #30
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Where in gods name did they fit a shopping mall near Asok..? Wow... Also I hear Suan Lum shut down. My heart fucking broke at that one.
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