Originally Posted by
Change of subject. Hey scoot. I hope you don't try to explain these philosophies/theories/your version of reality to girls you are trying to bang or have a relationship with.
I usually talk about shopping and travel with girls I am interested in until I know them well. Most importantly i just ask questions about them and what they would like to do in the future. Its been working out for me. Just curious if you try to get all deep with the fairer sex.
If you're asking whether I'm socially retarded, the answer is I might be one of the least socially-retarded people on the planet.
Capacity to do a thing is not a great reason to do it. But I have done it. I did it for years. I dazzled people in the moment. They creeped out the world with their gushing, at times. Oh I knew why I was horrified. I wasn't as innocent as I was lying to myself, desperately trying to feign ignorance. I knew there was something fucked up about me, but that's where I was wrong.
There's a great deal fucked up about all of you. I was just reflecting you all. I was a clean slate, impressionable. I just mimicked humans and did it much better than they could. This would horrify people, when the moment had passed; no one likes to feel raped, especially not grown men who've just embarrassed themselves with exuberance that's made everyone a little awkward.
You know what it feels like to be looked at as if you're a witch? I know that look so well, but then I haven't seen it in a very long time now. It would probably take me a very long time to get back in 'form'. I'm very much unpractised at controlling minds now.
It's not even who I was. I didn't know who I was. I had this vague idea of who I wanted to be but being me is very hard in a world of you. I've only ever been me for maybe 3 weeks? In a quarter of a century, between 5 and 29.
Then I was me for 3 months.
This is not who I am now, of course. This is who I need to be. I'm not happy about it. If I was someone who was retarded enough to place blame on those who are the reason for wrongs inflicted against me, I would know exactly where to place the blame. At some point, you're going to need to take responsibility for the consequences of your Certain Ignorance, if that's the road you're maliciously going to take.
You don't really have the right though, do you? Intentional ignorance might be the most malicious of all malice, I suspect. It sure is the fucking dumbest.
Originally Posted by
back on subject, first of all whats the story with meen being back on the scene ? i thought that was all over with
Meen met me when I was being who I was meant to be.
My stories about being exploited by friends would make a lot more sense I imagine, if you saw who I was when I am being myself. It's a very rare thing, though. Toddlers aren't horrifying creeps by accident.
Meen calling me still almost 8 months after I last spoke to her, to tell her the Truth as best I could; when she believed (stupidly) that she must have done or said something...would make perfect sense if you knew who I am when I'm being mySelf. This is also why I need to protect her. She's not happy now, but there are different kinds of Misery. You creeps have a lot of nerve to give me advice though, as if there was something 'wrong' with me for being disgusted at an entire race of beasts feeding upon their young - or anyone who cannot see the Insanity of a Confidence Trickster coming.
You're all just lying to everyone whilst extolling the 'value' of Truth and Honesty to everyone. The planet needs so badly to be put down. It's the only humane thing to do. The screaming is getting so out of control but a narcissist who cannot receive is never going to hear it, until they hear their own screams.
Too late then. Sure, someone will save you. Wouldn't that be a nice thought to hold onto?
secondly have you ever read george orwell ? i guess you must have but you never mention him.
I've probably said "semi-Orwellian" (because Orwellian would just be too easy, wouldn't it?) 20-30 times on this website alone. Yes I have read Orwell. I have mentioned reading 1984 in a post where I tender a theory they only give it to human children to read because the title of it isn't 2084. You can use the Search function if you don't believe me.
I'm too lazy to confirm my certainty.
1984 isn't his best novel. But Orwell didn't really have Answers. He just knew that when it rains, the sidewalk gets wet. His books are all about sidewalks getting wet. I grew up in flooded gutter. I know about humans who aren't humane, and don't want to be. They killed my little siblings. Do you think I'm joking about this?
Orwell's best novel was his first. It was a novel about the British exploitation of Burma, where he worked as a policeman in real life for five years. I bet he was a fucking good cop. The most brilliant parts of the novel aren't even in the main plot, which is kind of a love story of sorts. He just nails every character so fucking perfectly. But the best character he nails is the corrupt bureaucrat Toddler's motivations.
Gosh, but he's just so crafty he's diabolical. He's a real winner, of course. He can't stop winning.
if you have not then i am sure you would enjoy his works. orwell is the man. he lived a very interesting life, fought in the spanish civil war, spent so time living live a tramp.
Although your Toddler Rules of Ownership post was exceptional, something tells me he wouldn't be overly impressed with most of you guys, of course. He didn't much care for deception that was viewed to be crafty. And he had a penchant for seething off the page, when describing snivelling creeps who aren't willing to make the logical case for why they believe their exploitation, in the position where they're made to believe they're on the inside and are exploiting those below them, could possibly be sane.
i have never read le carre as i prefer to read factual writing over fiction but if i was to give him a go what title would you recommend ?
Hah. Le Carre doesn't _really_ write fiction for the purposes of entertainment. And unless you're reading a biography as brilliant as the one written about Steve Jobs by the brilliant Jacobson, you're going to be reading fictional bullshit guaranteed. So in that sense, le Carre's 'fiction' will be more factual than 99% of 'factual' writing. History is pure fiction.
But I'd have suggested his autobiographical novel as his best even if it were pure fiction. I have no idea - I'm not sure anyone but David Cornwell really could have an idea - how much of the protagonist's life story in
A Perfect Spy is biographically accurate but for a man that has (in his own words) a compulsion for telling the truth, it's very interesting to read his claim that
A Perfect Spy is autobiographical.
His father was an infamous Confidence Trickster in real life.
You'll have to read the 'fictional' novel to find out why his claim that it is autobiographical is WHOA.
Actually, you could have it read to you with this audio book you can download for free:
You could start reading it 10 seconds after reading this:
Or you could buy the novel. John le Carre doesn't give a fuck. I have every reason to believe he would give his novels away to anyone worth giving something to. What he's giving away inside the novels are worth more than every fictional book ever written in history that I'm aware of.
He has answers. He speaks Truths. Show me another novellist with a clue, and I'll read anything they write as well. Orwell understood how things were. I'm not sure he understood how things should be. He was horrified by Toddlers so he tried to warn Toddlers. le Carre isn't horrified by Toddlers or at least, he manages to keep the horror more or less internalised - essays titled
"The United States Has Gone Mad" notwithstanding. In that 2003 essay, he basically accuses the President of the US of doing what everyone sane now more or less understands was done.
It's called treason.
Kings love their treason.
But the traitor they hate.
and finally you are getting called by someone called tao gay, whats all that about sounds hecka gay bro
A phone call from a gay man sounds hecka gay? I know lots of gay people. Do you reject the calls of homosexuals on the basis of their sexual preferences?
Sounds hecka gay bro.