Hey marty, do we think we can get a nice druff rant or two? you know he's been lurking, sniffing your butt hairs, but he hasn't come out of the woodwork yet. Maybe something on his autism? Thanks in advance.
dude you know that when it comes to Druff, I'll unload huge and fire on all cylinders at high speed. We have been going at it like cats and dogs for a long time and I am just burned out on Todd ************************ period. I'd much rather forget he even exists, but that has not been the case now has it
He is the one that chased me over to Venom. I left DD and NWP to get away from those lying pieces of shit, and made more than enough efforts to put that entire chapter of my life behind me once and for all and move on, despite being provoked and slandered constantly.
I mean fuck. I am mentioned on radio every week multiple times despite not saying a word about either Druff or Micon for at least 3 months, and they persist in trying to yank my chain. I don't think anyone can say I am the 'instigator' of this ongoing bullshit.
I have plenty to say about Druff. Its not a big secret I fucking hate his guts and would laugh if he dropped dead. But I have zero desire to perpetuate a flame war and would much rather focus on people that aren't robotic, balding, boring, self serving, self righteous, pompous and semi intellectual one dimensional thinkers.
He is not worth my time or energy anymore and its difficult NOT to respond and react, but I do what I can to take small steps at distancing myself from his vile stench.
Druff is simply beneath me, (way beneath me) and just being in the same hemisphere as him makes me physically ill. I am a good person, he is a scumbag. He gets off on inflicting pain, he points fingers at others posturing as some kind of saint-figure or pillar of integrity. He is a two faced and spiteful miserable fucking Jew and has virtually zero redeeming qualities.
I could go on, but its better to just lock it up before I get fired up and go get a pint of Jim and go off all fucking night.
I want to respond to your PM's in Shooting Off in addition to the replies I sent you, because it's very important for me to clear the air and try and correct or rather resolve a few issues.
There is a matter involved which I obviously can't be too specific about in the forums other than to tell you that there has been no 'breach of confidence' whatsoever.
Nothing is getting passed around to 'random' people in bulk. But it's painfully obvious to me at this point that there are certain people that I have put my confidence in that can't be trusted. I was upfront with you about that back in May, and nothing has changed. Nothing is getting 'distributed' or publicized and I certainly have no malicious intentions, nor did I ever. 'betrayed' your trust ? You're joking right ?
I would appreciate you sending me a PM and telling me who exactly contacted you regarding this matter , because that person is the real snake here, not me. The only trust that has been betrayed is mine. I share things with people I feel I can trust not to turn on me and clearly there is someone here who is working to assault my integrity by ratting me out to you. In May I told you exactly the same thing I told you in PM's today and nothing has changed since then.
I passed this on in my replies to you as well, but I want to state for public record that historically I have always been in your corner when the chips have been down around here and also during a crisis that brought NWP to it's knees. You sure have a selective memory Bryan.
With that said, of course I was pissed off when our agreement was terminated. I made my sentiments pretty clear previously that in my opinion the deal we struck was between you and me. Not me and whatever party or parties was funding the bulk of operating costs on NWP.
The circumstances here would be similar to a general contractor hiring numerous subcontractors to perform a variety of jobs, but then when payday rolls around, telling them.. 'oh gee, sorry the developer cut off funding for the project, I can't pay you' but continuing to reap the benefit of their efforts and expecting them to perform charity work.
I think I am perfectly justified in being more than a little annoyed that our agreement went south considering the facts I am privy to. But let me make it perfectly clear that I have never taken measures to exact any kind of childish revenge or launch some silly 'counter assault' in retaliation. What's done is done and I may have bitched about it, but anything I said was not going to change the circumstances or the end result. So I put it all to bed and made a decision to move on.
As far as the threads I started this week about your poker game, training methods, source of income and statistics. The vast majority of what I said was right on the money and that can't be disputed.
However, not ONCE have I ever stooped to the level of personal attacks, slurs, character assaults or demeaning you as a person. My intention was to get you fired up enough to actually explain some of your decision making and to inspire a poker discussion as well as spice up Shooting Off a bit, because God knows it needs something lately with the surplus of deadwood and infestation of trolls.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but NWP is supposed to at least resemble a poker forum, and I am issuing my opinion (as much as it may sting) that the Maven system is bullshit and that some of the plays I see you making are simply horrible. I don't know how else to spell it out for you. This is what some people might call a healthy discussion. You see it as a personal attack.
Granted I did bust out some heavy artillery, but IMO poker discussion, criticism or praise is fair game. Your reaction was more along the lines of me calling you a filthy kike or stabbing you in the back somehow. I find all of it comical considering the amount of shit you have taken over the last 5 years on this site. I had no idea you would react like a wounded animal backed into a corner or I never would have dared to critique your game, or the Maven for that matter.
Hell I don't have any idea what this 'system' is all about I (other than multi-tabling), nor do I care. The Maven seems like an intelligent young man who is clearly marketing his product like a true professional and for that I give him props. But I stand by what I said previously that it all reminds me of a cheap snake oil salesman pimping his product on the open market for personal gain and nothing else.
If the Maven system was that extraordinary and this 'secret' was as effective as he claims, then why on Earth would he be passing it out like warm biscuits to anyone with an extra 5K laying around the house ?
Logic would dictate that if 'The Maven System' was everything he claims it is, then he sure as fuck wouldn't be distributing it on the open market for a measly five grand. He would be holed up with multiple monitors crushing the game and never looking back. He certainly wouldn't want to pass on a 'secret' of that much value if it was the diamond in the rough he claims it is.
You seem to be taking all of this very personally and I there is nothing I can do about that. I am entitled to disagree and state my opinion regarding poker strategy like anyone else is, and if you got caught in the cross-hairs, well that's because you willingly put yourself there, not because I singled you out over spite.
Now to re-address this 'breach of trust' you seem to think I am guilty of. You can bag that up right here and now because I am done trying to pacify your fragile ego or trying to explain what has transpired.
Not as if you are listening to a single word I said anyway. The truth is that you have reaped the benefits of my presence on this site for a hell of a long time, and if you think for a single fleeting moment that I am going out of my way to fuck you over or spread vicious rumors about you, then you are on fucking crack Bryan.