This isn’t the first time Kings Of Leon have quit a show midway through. In July last year they cancelled a show in St Louis, Missouri after a pigeon shat in Jared’s mouth.
"Very recently, I’ve arrived, after much forethought, with a few conclusions about the what the internet, mass media, and human interaction as we know it, have been silently evolving into, right before our collective and unsuspecting eyes."
"Donnie called up and said 'I don't hear the single'.. so that night I wrote Cherry Pie, sent it to him, he listened to it over the weekend and all of a sudden, the album's called Cherry Pie, the record's called Cherry Pie, the single's called Cherry Pie, Im doing cherry pie eating contests, the single's Cherry Pie ... and my legacy is Cherry Pie, everything about me is Cherry Pie, Im the Cherry Pie guy."
Whilst this thread is obviously the best on the site it saddens me, because it reminds me how much better I am than all of you, which is why I had to leave in the first place.