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Old 02-10-2012, 06:43 PM   #111
Bobby Wong
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its skynegress bro

  That would imply she is of African descent. Nigger is an affection term for slaves.
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Old 02-10-2012, 07:14 PM   #112
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:58 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Look, I don't really know how to tell you this without patronising your stupid face.

But go to a shrink. Get Desoxyn. Name your first born son in my honour. Sky. Or if it's a girl, SkyeNigger.

How many shrinks would I have to go through and how much time would I have to spend to get a script for this ? Quite a bit. Do you know anyone with a desoxyn prescription in the U.S. ? I know meth is more euphoric... but.. does it actually treat ADD symptoms better? What angle would I use to even get desoxyn... get prescriptions for ritalin/adderrall, then say "hey doc this doesn't work, have anything else?" Then they whip out the script for meth? Honestly I didn't even know they still prescribed meth. They did bring back oxymorphone .. which I'd like to try before I die..infamous stuff.

I need to move to thailand ?
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:01 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
How many shrinks would I have to go through and how much time would I have to spend to get a script for this ?

As many as it takes and as much time as your life is worth.

Do you know anyone with a desoxyn prescription in the U.S. ?

Yes. You have ADHD and you don't read ADHD forums? What kind of fake Ritalin junkie are you hmm? - Desoxyn threads

I know meth is more euphoric

What? No. You clearly don't know anything about meth. When you overdose on a drug, you will get 'high'. Overdose on Ambien and you'll see hallucinations (my mate stole 3 from my room cause he didn't want to wake me - he woke me an hour later running around the apartment screaming; he was seeing some horrifying things - I didn't know what to do, whether Xanax would make it worse and my Internet wasn't working and he wouldn't come to the hospital so I just took a shot and gave him a Xanax and lied to him by telling him 100% it works if he closes his eyes and holds on for 5 min. I was going for Placebo effect obviously. I don't know if it worked. He was asleep 10 min later though, probably the Ambien knocked him out once he chilled down.

You can overdose literally on any drug. Paracetemol / Codeine. Take 4-8 of those at once and you'll have a fun day. Or you won't be able to stand up straight.

Meth is not euphoric, for christ's sake. It is if you overdose, sure. Just like cough medicine.

... but.. does it actually treat ADD symptoms better?

I have tried almost everything. All the stimulants crash and burn because I can't drink a coffee without getting anxiety / jitters / panicked. So Ritalin / Adderal / Concerta can - almost - work if I take so many beta-blockers, Diazepam, Alprozolam etc to counteract the anxiety. Like, I can be...functional. But not productive. If that makes sense...

Adderall and Adderall XR (tried and impressed, but couldn't get the dosing right)
Concerta (basically Ritalin - long release / tried, wasn't impressed)
Dexedrine (massive failure - made me quite sick actually - Dexxies are used 'recreationally')
Focalin and Focalin XR (not sure about this one - I can't remember if we tried it, or if it was out of stock or something - it sounds interesting though, I'll need to investigate it further)
Metadate CD and Metadate ER (basically sustained release Ritalin)
Methylin (basically Ritalin)
Ritalin, Ritalin LA (a lame-ass drug that morons rave about; I firmly believe is in the same class as SSRIs in terms of 'effectiveness' but SSRIs are pure placebo whereas Ritalin actually will make your teeth chatter and your eyes burn if you take it with meth - my eyes were fucked for a month, after I was dared by a guy on BB forums to snort a couple crushed Ritalin tabs - I got more work done in 3 days than I had in months - but then I'm not sure I blinked in 3 days, and it took a month or two for my eyes to stop burning)
Vyvanse (this one isn't available in Thailand but is interesting in the sense that it's the only stimulant which has zero dependancy issues - it's tied to a protein and won't activate until it's absorbed by the liver)

Vyvanse is the first stimulant medicine made available with zero potential for abuse. When it comes to the other medications with low abuse potential these include the long acting stimulants including: Concerta, Adderall XR, Biphentin, Metadate CD, Ritalin LA, Focalin XR, etc.

When it comes to the only other medication with zero potential for abuse, that is the non-stimulant for ADD/ADHD, Strattera. This is also a good option, however if someone needs a stimulant medicine with no potential for abuse, Vyvanse is the medication to choose.

Stattera (I was so excited about Stattera because it was the first non-stimulant ADHD med. I tried this dumb bullshit for 4-5 months. It takes 8 weeks to 'work' [ostensibly] - I'm always suspicious of the logic behind drugs that take 8 weeks to work. Because it's bullshit? You should feel the improvement. At week 5 I was telling the doc it's bullshit, I felt nothing and he's like "you gotta give it 8 weeks" - well I gave it 20 weeks and all I got was heartburn and headaches and indigestion - stupid drug imo)

Desoxyn (miracle drug invented by the Japanese and quickly banned across the Westphalian illusionary 'nation-state' globe - Literally everything you read about it is a lie because everyone pretends they're too stupid to distinguish between a chemical substance and a chemical claimed to be a substance, by a criminal who 'cooks' in a basement rather than a lab, never studied chemistry, using substitute ingredients because the DEA's of the world have to control the market, blah blah blah - no regulation, and poisonous and addictive as all hell obviously, because that's optimal Commerce 101 - so it's all moronic bullshit. Methamphetamine has never killed a single person, that I'm aware of. I'm - aware - that tens of millions have been killed taking what they were told was meth. But then you just can't trust criminals, can you. I'm talking about your governments.

This is the opening line from Wikipedia. "also known as..." I mean seriously?

Cognac, also known as light beer, Bacardi Breezers, dry white wine, and Jagermeister...insulting bullshit.

Methamphetamine also known as methamfetamine, N-methylamphetamine, methylamphetamine, and desoxyephedrine is a psychostimulant of the phenethylamine and amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs. Methamphetamine increases alertness, concentration, energy, and in high doses, can induce euphoria, enhance self-esteem and increase libido.

Methamphetamine has high potential for abuse and addiction, activating the psychological reward system by triggering a cascading release of dopamine in the brain.

Methamphetamine is FDA approved for the treatment of ADHD and exogenous obesity. It is dispensed in the USA under the trademark name Desoxyn.

There is literally zero evidence that Dexoxyn triggers a cascade release of dopamine in the brains of ADHD sufferers, unless the overdose. Fill up a bathtup with logic, and you'll have a cascading overflow onto the bathroom floor.

What angle would I use to even get desoxyn...

Angle? Are you a junkie? You tell your doc to do his job. If he won't, you find a doctor that will. These guys are criminals but like 1% rounded up are only half-corrupted. Like they still want to help people or they imagine they do. You find one that isn't 100% vile and you tell him to give you the meds you need to live, a normal life.
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:02 PM   #115
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Honestly I didn't even know they still prescribed meth.

Because if you go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist and they made you better, they'd go bankrupt wouldn't they? It's ridiculous that people have to have this idiotic stuff explained to them. But welcome to the reality of the dark side of medicine. Stay away from surgeons as well. They have a lot of 'complications' during surgery but that's not the real issue. The real issue is that once they've cut you open, they cannot be shown to have been 'wrong'. This is basic logic.

I had RSI in my wrists so bad, just when I started getting okay at poker, I was trying to play a couple hours through the pain gritting my teeth and wincing. My friends were the, I'm not the sort of person who's going to be complaining about chronic pain - period. Definitely not at a dinner or night out or social gathering where people are trying to have fun. But my mates who I only realised were dependant on me, years later; fucking junkies, would get so ugly when they'd try to twist my arm to come out. I'd say No. They'd insult me thinking I'm doing that creepy thing humans do when they mean Yes but say No? No. I don't do that shit, I'm not a girl who wants to be raped or not. She's uncertain. Yes? No. NO! Okay yes. Fucking freaks. I'm just talking about my friends, who would try and drag me into situations where I wouldn't be able not to share pain.

And I'd tell them to fuck off and leave me alone. My wrists were killing me, I'd explain. "God would you just stop going on and on about your wrists all the time - you're becoming intolerable."

This is what they'd say. This is humanity. I then made some of them realise they didn't know anything about intolerability.

But I was in a LOT of pain. Both wrists. I couldn't sleep at night until the physio gave me straps to freeze my wrists still. Which I adored her for, but the bitch...the moron....just made it worse, obviously. The muscles atrophied. And soon even her braces and straps weren't working. Things were very bad, like I was in pain 24/7 which is no way to live. Every day more doctors, physios, chiros, specialists, then finally surgeons. Who instantly scheduled me into theatre with a 100% diagnosis of "carpal tunnel syndrome". I was horrified. 6 months without use of my wrists, with < 50% success rate. I missed the theatre appointment, agonising about whether to go or not.

I saw a second surgeon. Identical assessment. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He'd seen it a thousand times, he'd recognise it anywhere, he said. He booked me into theatre but apologised as his theatre was booked out for 5 weeks. I resigned myself to my fate.

About 3 weeks later, I was walking down Brunswick St (just where I lived in the middle of the Valley) and a new store had opened, a little humble office where a cute as hell blonde and what I - think - was her boyfriend had opened up a physio/chiro/holistic kind of "hippie-sounding" practice. Mostly cause she was hot, I shrugged and walked in and told her about my wrists and shit and the 8 months of nightmarish treatment that always seemed to relieve pain then make it worse. I told her I was scheduled for surgery but wasn't thrilled about it.

I saw her grit her teeth for a moment when I mentioned surgery. Her face brightened and she said "so we have two weeks then?" God she was cute. Swedish girl. I had 3 sessions with her at a cost of $45 each so $135 total.

In one week, 90% of the pain was gone. It would have been 100% in 4 weeks if I followed her instructions, but every once in awhile I'd have to do the wrist exercises again for a couple weeks. The RSI is 100% gone now. It's been years since I felt the slightest pain in my wrists. $135 and she saved my life. My stabilising muscles had atrophied. They just needed to be built back up. Strapping my wrists was literally the worst treatment for my RSI. Apart from, perhaps, cutting my wrists open to slice the carpals apart. I was so furious, I wanted these criminals arrested. I spoke to laywers, they shrugged. Happens all the time, they said. If the laws were there, did I think they'd be so cocky in their crime, the lawyers asked me. I guess not, I sighed. This world is so fucked up.

I moved to Manila only a couple months later and kept meaning to go back and I dunno, throw money at this miracle physician who saved me from (probably saved my life, really - cause I wasn't going to live indefinitely in chronic pain). I basically just wanted to express gratitude, or whatever. A couple years later, I was in Brisbane on holiday, with a million dollars I wasn't really thrilled about having but living without the pain of RSI is pretty fucking cool, just quietly. And I thought maybe I should pop in and give her 10k or something and refuse to take no for an answer. I raced over to the Valley but there was a clothing store where her practice used to be.

Maybe she just moved back to Sweden.

Maybe there is no money in treating people.

$ criminal physio made my wrists worse and worse and she made thousands of thousands of $ out of me. And no recourse, you're allowed to be incompetent as long as you pay your guild fees. All these professions regulate themselves, claiming no one else has the 'expertise'. It's so insulting. Am I supposed to just - believe - that the 'conveniently' profitable strapping of my wrists tighter and tighter as the pain got worse and worse, was an innocent 'mistake'? The surgeons would have made thousands of $ for being filthy criminals. Zero % chance they were making a 'mistake'. Filthy butchers.

They did bring back oxymorphone .. which I'd like to try before I die..infamous stuff.

What the fuck does this have to do with ADHD? Are you a junkie? Go to Manila. You can buy morphine from any plastic surgeon.

I need to move to thailand ?

No. You should move to Taiwan for the girls. But for ADHD treatment, you're in the only country aside from Chile on the planet where Desoxyn isn't blockaded completely. It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy Desoxyn illegally, not from the Internet - not on the street. This tells you all you need to know about the blockade and 'confusion' of governments who manage to blockade the medicine ("fears of abuse potential" - vomit) with 100% success and enough Supply of the poison to satisfy the Demand of 4 million addicts in Thailand (pop. 80 mil) floods into the country and can be bought literally on any street in broad daylight.

Do you - understand - the realities?

If you want to talk about being a junkie, we can talk about that. But if you're talking about quality of life living with ADHD, don't get the two confused or you'll piss me off. Mildly. I hardly ever get even annoyed anymore, but then I've already explained why and how I became sane.
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:39 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy Desoxyn illegally, not from the Internet - not on the street. This tells you all you need to know about the blockade and 'confusion' of governments who manage to blockade the medicine ("fears of abuse potential" - vomit) with 100% success and enough Supply of the poison to satisfy the Demand of 4 million addicts in Thailand (pop. 80 mil) floods into the country and can be bought literally on any street in broad daylight.

Do you - understand - the realities?

I literally am going to die for doing this sort of thing, because I made a conscious decision that I couldn't live with myself by remaining silent - apparently yall don't have that problem, which is great for yall. Like, if you genuinely didn't care, I'd be cool with that. But people who imagine themselves to be good, or sell the perception of decency to the public-at-large or on Facebook / Twitter / Google+ etc. If they're not talking about shit like this routinely, they're the worst people alive.


Because I've been telling so many people this shit on forums and there is just zero interest. In countering my arguments, answering my questions, or even just engaging or participating in the subject. And I was frustrated and confused for awhile; until I realised, everyone is pretending.

On both sides. I'm literally serious. This phenomenon is everywhere. Everyone who disagrees has a vested interest in one side of the problem, which is never the answer. The answers to the problems are all literally so simple and obvious. The Pareto optimal solution to every point of conflict in this world is not being proposed by any side fiercely debating the 'issues'. That's because they have an interest in profitting from the continuance of the problem. Everyone's arguing over how to split the pot basically.

And there's like a tiny handful of people who are arguing that there shouldn't be any pot, to split.

Usually I'm just censored. Sometimes when I make it gentle like this one below, they let it stand. And it just brings discussions to a close every time. Because no one ever goes "interesting, hang on, tell me more" or "what the fuck, I'm Googling this shit" or "omg! that's outrageous"....they just stop the fake 'fighting'. It took me ages to figure out this phenomenon cause I've been doing it for years.

They're all fighting over the pot. They're not interested in Solutions. They're all arguing for their invested "work-arounds". It's nauseating. And I'll come back to this page at some point and my comment will just be gone. This happens literally all the time.

Desoxyn - basically methamphetamine, not used often because it is essentialy the same as the street drug "meth", which has very bad associations

This is the logic used by criminal doctors to - NOT - prescribe life-saving treatment. It's unfathomable and it's almost terrifying that people would just read past it and not have a conniption. And it took me a long time to work out how they could even get away with such insulting idiotic 'justifications'. Then it hit me: You're all too stupid to live. It's no wonder, really; that they're going to coddle you and keep you 'alive'.

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Old 02-12-2012, 12:02 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
As many as it takes and as much time as your life is worth.

Yes. You have ADHD and you don't read ADHD forums? What kind of fake Ritalin junkie are you hmm? - Desoxyn threads

What? No. You clearly don't know anything about meth. When you overdose on a drug, you will get 'high'. Overdose on Ambien and you'll see hallucinations (my mate stole 3 from my room cause he didn't want to wake me - he woke me an hour later running around the apartment screaming; he was seeing some horrifying things - I didn't know what to do, whether Xanax would make it worse and my Internet wasn't working and he wouldn't come to the hospital so I just took a shot and gave him a Xanax and lied to him by telling him 100% it works if he closes his eyes and holds on for 5 min. I was going for Placebo effect obviously. I don't know if it worked. He was asleep 10 min later though, probably the Ambien knocked him out once he chilled down.

You can overdose literally on any drug. Paracetemol / Codeine. Take 4-8 of those at once and you'll have a fun day. Or you won't be able to stand up straight.

Meth is not euphoric, for christ's sake. It is if you overdose, sure. Just like cough medicine.

I have tried almost everything. All the stimulants crash and burn because I can't drink a coffee without getting anxiety / jitters / panicked. So Ritalin / Adderal / Concerta can - almost - work if I take so many beta-blockers, Diazepam, Alprozolam etc to counteract the anxiety. Like, I can be...functional. But not productive. If that makes sense...

Adderall and Adderall XR (tried and impressed, but couldn't get the dosing right)
Concerta (basically Ritalin - long release / tried, wasn't impressed)
Dexedrine (massive failure - made me quite sick actually - Dexxies are used 'recreationally')
Focalin and Focalin XR (not sure about this one - I can't remember if we tried it, or if it was out of stock or something - it sounds interesting though, I'll need to investigate it further)
Metadate CD and Metadate ER (basically sustained release Ritalin)
Methylin (basically Ritalin)
Ritalin, Ritalin LA (a lame-ass drug that morons rave about; I firmly believe is in the same class as SSRIs in terms of 'effectiveness' but SSRIs are pure placebo whereas Ritalin actually will make your teeth chatter and your eyes burn if you take it with meth - my eyes were fucked for a month, after I was dared by a guy on BB forums to snort a couple crushed Ritalin tabs - I got more work done in 3 days than I had in months - but then I'm not sure I blinked in 3 days, and it took a month or two for my eyes to stop burning)
Vyvanse (this one isn't available in Thailand but is interesting in the sense that it's the only stimulant which has zero dependancy issues - it's tied to a protein and won't activate until it's absorbed by the liver)

Stattera (I was so excited about Stattera because it was the first non-stimulant ADHD med. I tried this dumb bullshit for 4-5 months. It takes 8 weeks to 'work' [ostensibly] - I'm always suspicious of the logic behind drugs that take 8 weeks to work. Because it's bullshit? You should feel the improvement. At week 5 I was telling the doc it's bullshit, I felt nothing and he's like "you gotta give it 8 weeks" - well I gave it 20 weeks and all I got was heartburn and headaches and indigestion - stupid drug imo)

Desoxyn (miracle drug invented by the Japanese and quickly banned across the Westphalian illusionary 'nation-state' globe - Literally everything you read about it is a lie because everyone pretends they're too stupid to distinguish between a chemical substance and a chemical claimed to be a substance, by a criminal who 'cooks' in a basement rather than a lab, never studied chemistry, using substitute ingredients because the DEA's of the world have to control the market, blah blah blah - no regulation, and poisonous and addictive as all hell obviously, because that's optimal Commerce 101 - so it's all moronic bullshit. Methamphetamine has never killed a single person, that I'm aware of. I'm - aware - that tens of millions have been killed taking what they were told was meth. But then you just can't trust criminals, can you. I'm talking about your governments.

This is the opening line from Wikipedia. "also known as..." I mean seriously?

Cognac, also known as light beer, Bacardi Breezers, dry white wine, and Jagermeister...insulting bullshit.

There is literally zero evidence that Dexoxyn triggers a cascade release of dopamine in the brains of ADHD sufferers, unless the overdose. Fill up a bathtup with logic, and you'll have a cascading overflow onto the bathroom floor.

Angle? Are you a junkie? You tell your doc to do his job. If he won't, you find a doctor that will. These guys are criminals but like 1% rounded up are only half-corrupted. Like they still want to help people or they imagine they do. You find one that isn't 100% vile and you tell him to give you the meds you need to live, a normal life.

I tried adderrall and ritalin and never noticed too much of a difference. The doc did both but I never liked either due to the anxiety at the end of the day when i wished they would stop. This is why I never took either of them to medicate. I now take Ritalin because thats the only thing I can get without having to deal with a doc and plan to cease it once I am done with these online courses that require reading that doesn't immediately interest me. I actually have some adderrall sitting around I should take and see. Yep, i don't know much about meth, but I also didn't know what dosages you take or what your reasoning for preferring meth is. I do know meth is more euphoric than simple amphetamines. I also take xanax after I'm done with the days work. Only way I can reasonably stand this crap. Caffeine just makes me neurotic.

I am pretty much broke until I get a job or move somewhere to play poker again. Tired of that. Online poker is a miserable affair, live poker is full of likeable scumbags but less $$. Not sure which is better. Don't have luxury to doctor shop.

And yes, "angle." I'd still have to work through all the ADD meds to get to desoxyn. I did mistake you for a tweaker. Your writing seems to suggest as much, but thats not because it is bad. If I go to a shrink and say give me desoxyn ... at best they start me down the route working up to meth. At worst they show me the door for being a 'drug seeker'.

On the anxiety route, I did suspect my liver is deficient in the enzymes requires to excrete ritalin and adderrall. I'm not so sure about that anymore, but it is an area of medicine thats only recently been explored. Apparently ritalin/adderrall use the same enzyme a lot of anti-depressants do.

I did read your post and will probably reread it again. Maybe even visit ADD forums. I've always wished it was something they could easily quantify, because I suspect my ADD is considerably worse than most others who claim the same brain disfunction.
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Old 02-12-2012, 12:22 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
What the fuck does this have to do with ADHD? Are you a junkie? Go to Manila. You can buy morphine from any plastic surgeon.

No. You should move to Taiwan for the girls. But for ADHD treatment, you're in the only country aside from Chile on the planet where Desoxyn isn't blockaded completely. It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy Desoxyn illegally, not from the Internet - not on the street. This tells you all you need to know about the blockade and 'confusion' of governments who manage to blockade the medicine ("fears of abuse potential" - vomit) with 100% success and enough Supply of the poison to satisfy the Demand of 4 million addicts in Thailand (pop. 80 mil) floods into the country and can be bought literally on any street in broad daylight.

Do you - understand - the realities?

If you want to talk about being a junkie, we can talk about that. But if you're talking about quality of life living with ADHD, don't get the two confused or you'll piss me off. Mildly. I hardly ever get even annoyed anymore, but then I've already explained why and how I became sane.

I had no clue you took your ADHD so seriously or that meth actually helped significantly more with ADHD.

I know methamphetamines > amphetamines to any tweaker. I didn't know it was the same for ADHD. I like pain killers, but I don't seek them out. Haven't had even the most minor ones in years. I've had habits in the past. Not sure if that makes me a junkie. Man's own heaven and hell. Morphine is shit, but we won't have this discussion as it isn't material.

I respect your scooter. Maybe I'll try to get a desoxyn prescription at some point. I've quit drinking. Glad your RSI was fixed. I once wrote a program that let me multitable without the use of a mouse. I found the tracking of the mouse/etc inefficient and hard on the wrists. But I became bored with playing poker and pretty much stopped advancing while friends became rich. oh well. Meant to sell the program but likely ADD kept me from packaging it up well enough to sell it. Once it was functional enough for me, my interest faded. I have had a lot of projects like that in my life. ahh well
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Old 02-12-2012, 12:31 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
I literally am going to die for doing this sort of thing, because I made a conscious decision that I couldn't live with myself by remaining silent - apparently yall don't have that problem, which is great for yall. Like, if you genuinely didn't care, I'd be cool with that. But people who imagine themselves to be good, or sell the perception of decency to the public-at-large or on Facebook / Twitter / Google+ etc. If they're not talking about shit like this routinely, they're the worst people alive.


Because I've been telling so many people this shit on forums and there is just zero interest. In countering my arguments, answering my questions, or even just engaging or participating in the subject. And I was frustrated and confused for awhile; until I realised, everyone is pretending.

On both sides. I'm literally serious. This phenomenon is everywhere. Everyone who disagrees has a vested interest in one side of the problem, which is never the answer. The answers to the problems are all literally so simple and obvious. The Pareto optimal solution to every point of conflict in this world is not being proposed by any side fiercely debating the 'issues'. That's because they have an interest in profitting from the continuance of the problem. Everyone's arguing over how to split the pot basically.

And there's like a tiny handful of people who are arguing that there shouldn't be any pot, to split.

Usually I'm just censored. Sometimes when I make it gentle like this one below, they let it stand. And it just brings discussions to a close every time. Because no one ever goes "interesting, hang on, tell me more" or "what the fuck, I'm Googling this shit" or "omg! that's outrageous"....they just stop the fake 'fighting'. It took me ages to figure out this phenomenon cause I've been doing it for years.

They're all fighting over the pot. They're not interested in Solutions. They're all arguing for their invested "work-arounds". It's nauseating. And I'll come back to this page at some point and my comment will just be gone. This happens literally all the time.

This is the logic used by criminal doctors to - NOT - prescribe life-saving treatment. It's unfathomable and it's almost terrifying that people would just read past it and not have a conniption. And it took me a long time to work out how they could even get away with such insulting idiotic 'justifications'. Then it hit me: You're all too stupid to live. It's no wonder, really; that they're going to coddle you and keep you 'alive'.

So much of the stupidity in the world is due to people having an innate desire to believe in a system. The poorer or more stupid you are, the more this is the case. This desire has been bred into us, so that we can functionally live in a society. The idea that everyone has their factions and own motivations doesn't explain a lot of behavior. People choose against self-interest all the time.

If I remember or you express interest, I'll dig up a paper I read last semester about 'system justification theory'. Kinda explained a lot of things to me. It really is tied into the ol cognitive dissonance. Guys like us, I would like to think, are either 1) smart enough that we can understand the grand picture and avoid cognitive dissonance or 2) have brains wired specifically to seek out the truth and the dissonance does not disturb us because we find more comfort in knowing the absolute truth no matter how ugly. Maybe these are both the same thing. I don't know, I just realize there is no changing it.
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Old 02-12-2012, 10:36 PM   #120
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
I never liked either due to the anxiety at the end of the day when i wished they would stop. This is why I never took either of them to medicate.

That's basically what I just said was the reason I don't take them. They're not effective medication.

Yep, i don't know much about meth, but I also didn't know what dosages you take or what your reasoning for preferring meth is.

Normally I'd do a here but the only accurate information about Desoxyn you'll get from ADHD sufferers on ADHD forums. Literally, it's a miracle drug. Like, I'm taking the poison and I'm only ever loose when I can't manage the dosage. But then that's only one of the problems solved with this: opposed to this...

You understand? How vile these fucking criminals are?

Originally Posted by Doctor - 2nd in his class at Harvard
Desoxyn - basically methamphetamine, not used often because it is essentialy the same as the street drug "meth", which has very bad associations

Do you get it? or are you just daft? They pretend the two are the same, in order to not medicate with the micracle drug methamphetamine, whilst profiting gratuituously from the addictive poisonous substitute (which may or may not be remotely associated to meth, it really depends on whether you trust these guys - the government trusts their chemistry - the government says they make Desoxyn.

Call me crazy, but I have my doubts.

I do know meth is more euphoric than simple amphetamines.

Do you even read what I write? Am I wasting my time?

What the fuck are you even talking about. You had it right the first time:

Yep, i don't know much about meth

You can learn if you learn how to read. And stop referring back to your ignorance and misinformation propaganda 'learned'. Amphetamines are speed. Speed is euphoric. Speed makes your blood race. Methamphetamine is not euphoric unless you overdose.

I live and function medicated (albeit with poison substitutes) every day. I am in public and shit. You think I'm "rushing"? I'm not even "high". I'm functional.

I also take xanax after I'm done with the days work. Only way I can reasonably stand this crap. Caffeine just makes me neurotic.

Yeah I pretty much stated the same thing. And you're still confused about why I medicate my ADHD with meth? You think Xanax is safer than meth?

Xanax isn't even safer than the generic poisonous substitutes branded as 'meth' by criminals. I literally almost died from Xanax withdrawal in Christchurch, NZ; when my mates snorted EVERYTHING on day 1 of a 3 day wedding thing. I spent the day (a Sunday) looking for a doctor, finally found one and showed him all the evidence, all the scripts from certified doctors, all my plane tickets, passport stamps, hotel paperwork, wedding invitation - everything basically to show that I couldn't possibly be anything but legit, and I said I needed like 6 pills till I could get home to my doctors (I'm showing him scripts for hundreds). I'm asking for 6 to save my life, and he says "No."


"No. I don't approve of Xanax."

"That's not really relevant, is it? You're bound by ethics and the Hippocratic Oath and your government's legislation to write out a script for me, so write out the script because I sat in your waiting room for hours and I'm not in the mood for games."

He said he didn't like my tone.

"My tone? Write the script you dog or you're going to have police in here tomorrow arresting you, if something happens to me tonight. Google "sudden Alprazolam withdrawal" and educate your stupid face. Google the NZ legislation if you're that incompetent. Now give me the fucking scripts or you'll be running your luck on my making it through the night. If I don't, you'll lose your license and spend a decade in prison, getting butt-fucked by guys who don't much like your type of criminal. You don't like my tone? You're not going to be able to handle their tone. Write the script, dog."

He refused. Ordered me to leave. I asked his nurse and a waiting patient to come in and witness the evidence and his refusal to abide by the fucking law. Standing between me and safety. They both witnessed it and he was starting to lose his control by this point, his left arm was shaking and he was trying to calm his voice demanding I leave.

I'm like "You're a fucking moron. I'm going off to ER now and if they're out of stock or something hilarious, your life is over. Because you don't approve of Xanax? Enjoy sweating the night out."

I never made it to ER. My friends had gone to a bar and I couldn't operate my phone, the taxi driver wasn't understanding me or maybe I wasn't making any sense - I was really losing the plot by this point. But he understood my hotel name and I spent a horrible night in withdrawal from a 6 x 1mg pill /day dependancy. I swore to kill that fuck so many times that night but I woke in the morning alive. And went to the wedding rehearsal instead.

This is a fucking insane world, yo. You would be well-advised to ditch that Xanax. I haven't taken Xanax in a very long time. If you must take a relaxant, get beta-blockers. Beta-blockers are god. Benzos are....filthy.

Don't have luxury to doctor shop.

I just assumed you would have medical insurance? How ironic.

Well it's moot if you don't have insurance or cash. Because they make it so fucking expensive, it's just...they're going to ban it soon. They'll figure out an excuse. Kinda hard with so many ADHD sufferers raving about it. Also the FDA might not actually be the enemy people assume them to be. They do some stuff occasionally that suggests they're fighting a war they cannot win, exceptionally heroically. Or that's my read, in any case.

This guys is not a borderline genius. This guy is a genius. He has autism and ADHD and on Desoxyn he's got a finer brain than I can manage. I spent a day reading his articles around the internet. God damn genius, for real.

And yes, "angle." I'd still have to work through all the ADD meds to get to desoxyn.

No. You'd do your research on ADHD forums, print off so many raving reviews from ADHD sufferers and you tell the fucking criminals to do their fucking job if they give you trouble, you demand your consultation fee back or threaten to take them to court because they're compelled by law to provide you with the best medical care available to them. Refusal to provide you with a medicine on the basis of their associating it with a criminal replica is an argument I'd like to force them to make in a public setting.

Of course, they are the law in reality. And of course, you couldn't begin to imagine how sick and twisted this corrupted world is. I am literally serious about all this vile shit. No one refutes it because it's irrefutable. They just won't be drawn into a discussion on it.

I did mistake you for a tweaker.

I tweak because I'm the victim of criminals. If you're wondering whether I enjoy being forced to be addicted to poison when I shouldn't be addicted at all, to medication; if you're asking if I enjoy being ripped off by fucking dirtbags and lowlifes and morons who can't think more than 1 moment in advance (or they'd never lose the most reliable customer on the planet for a cheap score; if you're asking if I enjoy embarrassing myself when I can't get the dosing right or enjoy the pain when I can't get my meds (you don't know the first thing about excruciating); if you're asking whether I thought it was fun to get AIDS which logic said I should have gotten and I lost 6 months to obsessing over it, then my answer would have to be....No.

No, I don't enjoy being the victim of corruption. And that's what they're expressly going for. Creating victims. They create pain, then sell the fake pain relief, which creates more pain. OH it's really complex. No I mean they're geniuses!

Pity they're not happy. But I bet they're all in agonising denial. I spent a couple years doing something similar playing poker.
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