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Old 04-08-2012, 08:41 AM   #21
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The Conspiracy Theory I Seem to Remember I Proved (part 5):

I then tried to reproduce the filthy UTS-UTN trick (shown in Part 1), and install it in the Intermediate Certification Authority Trusted Root Store as well as the Untrusted Store. I got this warning.


The answer:

Originally Posted by Microsoft
In Windows Vista and Windows 7, root certificates are automatically updated when a user visits a secure Web site (by using HTTPS), reads a secure email (S/MIME), or downloads an ActiveX control that is signed (code signing) and encounters a new root certificate. This process is seamless to the user, so no security dialog boxes or warnings are displayed.

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Old 04-08-2012, 08:54 AM   #22
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The Conspiracy Theory I Seem to Remember I Proved (part 6):

Here you see the 3 defaults for Windows 7. Two Microsoft and one Thwate, which is all Windows 7 is supposed to ship with. I'm not deleting them in this screenshot.

I am deleting the rest, one of which I added in the testing above and the rest are what was added silently in the hour I was testing.

I get one insulting warning for the one I added and then deleted. I get no warnings deleting the dozens which get added to my Trusted Root store silently. Silent addition. Silent deletion. Because it's a Virtual Store. And I virtually delete the pixels 1000 times for redundancy's sake alone.

And the fucking endless insulting of these companies. You ever tried to delete a friend on Facebook? I wanted to delete about 400. I deleted three. And then I deleted 514/514 by deleting one (my account). I had no fucking choice. Delete a Facebook friend and you'll see. "Are you sure that wasn't a misclick?" - "Are you sure you really want to? Remember, you can't change your mind after we stop insulting you." - "Final chance to be insulted, if you confirm for the fourth time that yes, you are not a moronic lunatic who says DELETE three times and then needs the fourth opportunity to think NOOOO THANK YOU FACEBOOK THAT COULD HAVE BEEN A DISASTER, I WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO CONTACT THAT PERSON AGAIN OR ADD THEM PHEW".


"Last chance to delete this file PERMANENTLY before it's placed in the Recycle Bin where it will be gone FOREVER and UNRETRIEVABLE if you confirm your decision now. After you do this, there is no going back unless you want to restore it from the Recycle Bin. Whatever you do, don't empty the Recycle Bin or it will be deleted forever. Warning Warning Warning! If you empty your Recycle Bin these files will never exist again unless you want to use one of the hundreds of File Recovery utilities which restore 100% of the perfectly preserved file. Are you sure? Take your time. There's no rush, or at least, it's funny if you were in one."

THIS IS FUCKING CATHOLIC, YOU FUCKING MORONS. This is Catholicism through and through. They're just being sweet, you ignoramuses. They're just looking out for you. Better that they warn you, rather than not warn you right? It doesn't hurt to ask, does it?

"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

I say, "You absolutely cannot use my hotel bathroom. It is for my private use alone. I'm sorry but if you want to go to the bathroom, you will need to piss on the floor."

And they laugh and proceed to ignore me. You understand? They were just being polite. It's polite to slap faces asking for permission, and then slap the other one when permission is not given. You don't have to listen to the person you just insulted, if they don't insult you back. They weren't being very polite, when they refused to insult you back; were they?

"I will bring the corruption of Jesus dying for the premeditated sins of these innocent children, to the innocent children anyway. They deserve better than their heathen parents who refused my request to corrupt them. I will list all the sins and insanity they have never heard of, allow them to think about it all for the first time, and then I will tell them NO. DON'T DO IT. OF COURSE, IT'S INEVITABLE. SO WHEN YOU DO IT, MAKE SURE TO ASK FORGIVENESS IN CONFESSION. JESUS DIED FOR YOU AND THE SINS YOU WILL DO NOW THAT I INTRODUCE THEM TO YOU AND SUGGEST THAT YOU ARE PREDESTINED TO COMMIT THESE NAUGHTY SINS."

This is what it's all about. I solved their dumb shit. Utopia is not a pipe-dream, Utopia is where everyone is selfish intelligently and no filthy religious pedophiles are suggesting sins and laws and commandments to children by - politely - warning them not to act against against their own best interests and not to be insane.

They warn you not to be insane. That's how they made you stupid to the point where you are insane. They were just being nice!

"Please mind the gap between the train and platform."

You hear this moronic bullshit every time a train stops on the London Underground, i.e. it drives me fucking crazy. What fucking gap? The 6mm sliver? Do people fall down that gap or trip on it? FUCK OFF.

It drives me crazy. Because I'm sane. I understand you all appreciate the reminder. It probably saves your lives at every single station. Which is great! You can then die in a car which drives at 250km/hr because they remembered to remind you 20 times a day to mind the 6mm gap but they forgot to remind car manufacturers to install 50 cent speed limiters.

Do you imbeciles understand the fucking simple genius I'm explaining to you? Do you understand the implications of what I'm proving?

Have fun dying in the next war, you moronic vassals. But make sure you mind the 6mm gap until it's time to pull the shrapnel from 6cm inside your face and genitalia. They will take care of your children whilst you're taking care of Westphalia illusions. Whatever you do, don't die! Please? Not if you have an ugly child, wars create so many children they will have to kill the ugly ones. There's simply too many children to molest.
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:06 AM   #23
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can we get a thread that focuses more on killing christians please. I would like to participate in a thread like that, but this certificate stuff may as well be written in Mandarin
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:13 AM   #24
rum dick
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Wait. What? Do Mormons hate Christians?

What's the Mormon position on Biblical infallibility and inerrancy? I know the spiritual leader (who never gets involved in politics) of one billion Catholics believes every word in the Bible is the literal word of God. That's blasphemous if he believed in God. If he didn't, it's reality.

Christians need to die but the problem isn't their beliefs. Make someone stupid enough, and they'll believe anything. Visit the Philippines if you want to see 100 million examples of this fact.

The reason the atheist pedophiles who manage religion across the globe - really - need to die is because they use religion to turn humans into imbecilic creeps. Like my mother, who drowns everything in her obsession with public perception, her imbecilic awkwardness, her nauseating coy and her sensitivity to your non-existent shame, imagined for your benefit by her. She's so fucking polite, omg. She will tell you not to feel bad about something you couldn't possibly feel bad about.

"I can't transfer Julie's private school tuition fees until I land in KL. I can't get internet in this shithole airport and my laptop keeps crashing with BSODs before I can even run a Microsoft diagnostic assessment informing me that they can't detect a problem. So it'll hit your account like Wednesday, and Julie starts next week right?"

"In a fortnight, so you shouldn't feel bad. You know you don't even have to pay for these things; so if you can't, you shouldn't feel like you have to. Julie can just go back to her old school. I've asked her already, and she understands; she says she'll be fine."

What the fuck. Why would I feel bad. I know I don't, it's an agreement between Julie and I. Yes, she could go back to her shitty hellhole school if I was a cunt like you who makes promises they cannot keep; like "get ready for dinner" trusting in the Lord and then when the Lord doesn't come through with dinner, break into tongues thanking him for 'testing' you. Why the fuck would you alarm Julie. Of course she's going to say it's fine, and then stress cause you've made her think she's going to be bounced between schools. FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING CREEP. Christ.

I would never say the above. I would just shudder and get very dark trying to think about something else. I was in denial because I couldn't take care of them.

And now they're all dead.

Christians brutally assassinated our prophet so no we are not fans. But we do a great job as coming across as harmless, goofy, and nice. Yeah well that noise is gonna end come January 2013 when Romney is sworn in as president. Playback is about to be a bitch y'all.
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:20 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Wait. What? Do Mormons hate Christians?

What's the Mormon position on Biblical infallibility and inerrancy? I know the spiritual leader (who never gets involved in politics) of one billion Catholics believes every word in the Bible is the literal word of God. That's blasphemous if he believed in God. If he didn't, it's reality.

Christians need to die but the problem isn't their beliefs. Make someone stupid enough, and they'll believe anything. Visit the Philippines if you want to see 100 million examples of this fact.

The reason the atheist pedophiles who manage religion across the globe - really - need to die is because they use religion to turn humans into imbecilic creeps. Like my mother, who drowns everything in her obsession with public perception, her imbecilic awkwardness, her nauseating coy and her sensitivity to your non-existent shame, imagined for your benefit by her. She's so fucking polite, omg. She will tell you not to feel bad about something you couldn't possibly feel bad about.

"I can't transfer Julie's private school tuition fees until I land in KL. I can't get internet in this shithole airport and my laptop keeps crashing with BSODs before I can even run a Microsoft diagnostic assessment informing me that they can't detect a problem. So it'll hit your account like Wednesday, and Julie starts next week right?"

"In a fortnight, so you shouldn't feel bad. You know you don't even have to pay for these things; so if you can't, you shouldn't feel like you have to. Julie can just go back to her old school. I've asked her already, and she understands; she says she'll be fine."

What the fuck. Why would I feel bad. I know I don't, it's an agreement between Julie and I. Yes, she could go back to her shitty hellhole school if I was a cunt like you who makes promises they cannot keep; like "get ready for dinner" trusting in the Lord and then when the Lord doesn't come through with dinner, break into tongues thanking him for 'testing' you. Why the fuck would you alarm Julie. Of course she's going to say it's fine, and then stress cause you've made her think she's going to be bounced between schools. FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING CREEP. Christ.

I would never say the above. I would just shudder and get very dark trying to think about something else. I was in denial because I couldn't take care of them.

And now they're all dead.

You have some rather poor Christian examples to judge your beliefs by m8. I can't even tell where you stand, but at the very least I'd like to think you are open minded. I can work with that. It's the close minded and ignorant ( I tend to find atheists are indeed the most closed minded and stubborn of all- ironic isn't it?) whom i loathe and wish at times would be cleansed from the world. Our society has little use for ignorant and stupid people, though coca-cola and capital one might say otherwise. And barack obma for that matter, but that's several other topics altogether.

On the certs, if I am reading this correct, why on earth are we NOT typing away in a garage someplace creating fake certs and geting filthy rich? Why the fuck does that make sense to me right now-IT SEEMS SO EASY
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:20 AM   #26
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From 2cm inside your genitalia.

Don't get distracted by the physics.
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:22 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Christians brutally assassinated our prophet so no we are not fans. But we do a great job as coming across as harmless, goofy, and nice. Yeah well that noise is gonna end come January 2013 when Romney is sworn in as president. Playback is about to be a bitch y'all.

ROFL mormons are less than harmless and Romney will do just as much for your "cause" as obama did for impoverished blacks. The hard truth shall set you free my friend.
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Old 04-08-2012, 11:37 PM   #28
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Sky nigger wrote:
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Old 04-09-2012, 01:55 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by 408MIKE View Post
You have some rather poor Christian examples to judge your beliefs by m8. I can't even tell where you stand, but at the very least I'd like to think you are open minded. I can work with that. It's the close minded and ignorant ( I tend to find atheists are indeed the most closed minded and stubborn of all- ironic isn't it?) whom i loathe and wish at times would be cleansed from the world.

Mike, If you haven't picked up on this fact by now, Scooter was raised by a cult. Not like, someone's overbearing mother making them go to sunday school and church camp and carry rosaries sort of church that atheists will glibly call a cult to condemn mainstream Christianity. I mean, a hard core, fucked up, sex and pedophilia, mind control, hierarchical control, isolation and brainwashing sort of cult. Like pretty much the archetypal cult that the whole 80's cult scare stemmed from. Here's a quick wiki for reference..

If there's anyone who's earned the right to be closed minded about religion in general and Christianity in particular, it's scooter.
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Old 04-09-2012, 02:00 AM   #30
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why you gotta blow up spots cob
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