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Old 05-16-2012, 05:59 PM   #71
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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grapes just trying to bang a 15 year old to recapture his youth you guys, this has been going on for centuries nothing wrong with it

  Not sure why he'd want to recapture his youth? Not sure why he wants to do anything but RIP.
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Old 05-16-2012, 05:59 PM   #72
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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grape dont let these haters get u down u go after ur dreams big guy

  trust me no one is getting me down friend
  will you be my friend..? for eva, and ever eva..?
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Old 05-16-2012, 06:13 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
grapes just trying to bang a 15 year old to recapture his youth you guys, this has been going on for centuries nothing wrong with it

Probably the best way I or anyone could ever have put it. Thank you.

  Was there something about your youth that you wanted to relive / recapture? Kindly extrapolate.
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Old 05-16-2012, 06:17 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
4. Why have you not renounced the Christian Bible yet? Is it because you want to fuck "women children" like I stated the day I found out you were a Christian?

Until the day you offer me a reality that is happier and offers more life than my Christian faith does I will keep doing as I am thank you very much for your unwanted unsolicited advice JV.

  You admitted to be X-tian. I said I'd prove you were into children. You then solicited my doing so.
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Old 05-17-2012, 03:39 PM   #75
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Horrifyingly, the story I need help writing is completely intertwined with all this Christian insanity.

This is what is going to happen to Mike.

I'm...experienced. I know what I'm talking about.

Those poor "women children".

They'll have done nothing to him!

That will be their 'MISTAKE'. I've seen this shit play out so many times...

Those little snickering "women children". Little brats, making him feel frustrated and BAD. THEY JUST HAD NO FUCKING RESPECT.

NO RESPECT FOR THEIR ELDERS, WHO'VE NEVER EARNED ANY. Anyone who's never been treated to sanity will always be obsessed with R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

"Have some fucking respect."

"You will respect me, or else."

"Please just respect my exploitability."

Mike will imagine the child 'dissing' him when the child couldn't care less if he lives or dies because he's not important enough for anyone to CARE and he will think ME ME ME. And he will say something like, "HEY YOUNG LADY. ARE YOU MOCKING ME? HOW DARE YOU GIGGLE AT ME."

Maybe they mock and giggle. Maybe it's all imagined. Mike has the power to imagine things. That's what Mike's insanity is all about. You see that little line I snapped down on...?

"Getting more and more bitter by the minute..."

That was Mike getting ready to be the most horrifying insane creep alive. His friend probably don't even realise he owes me. rofl.

Mike will be fuming, so furious - almost pious - with these DISRESPECTFUL children. Sorry, they are young ladies. And you know, Mike is also horny. He will know it's his responsibility to teach them a lesson about respect. He has no choice really.

"Do unto others what he would have the women children do to him."

Mike will be conflicted. He'll know what the RIGHT thing is to do. And if he doesn't teach her, who will?

Her parents?! They're the reason she's this WAY. NO RESPECT FOR HIM. No respect for themselves. You only have to look at their child. Those parents don't have a clue. No.

This will be all on him, as per usual.

"I have to teach that child a lesson about RESPECT. I have to teach her not to giggle at grownups. How else will she LEARN. I'm going to put the fear of God into her. And give her something to giggle about."

I have seen up to this point. After that point, I never saw a thing. But I have ears, don't I?

Just no earlids.

I noted BigDMcGee was credited with pulling him down from some ledges. I dunno. I don't think you should pull people down from ledges unless you have a plan. If he cannot get sane, because he doesn't WANT to be sane; you should really get him back up on that ledge, because trust me. I can tell when a CHRISTIAN is COOKING.

Stick a fork in Mike. He's almost done. He'll be grunting something like:


Then there will just be silence.

Mike will be done.

Just joking. He'll only just be getting started. Hallelujah!
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Old 05-17-2012, 04:15 PM   #76
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On 09 April 2012.

Christians have everything to hide. They're the most private people alive. Because they're setup to feel shame. You know what Christ told you nigger. So why are you pretending to be his disciple. Literally this shit is so simple whenever someone tells me they're a Christian I'm pretty much going to prove they want to fuck children if they engage me. If they don't, they prove it themselves.

You don't really want to play this game with me because it's painful. And I never lose. But then I never win either. And that's a pity because if I won, you'd win.

And that's the winning this world has gotten confused about. And it's because of Christians who spout rhetoric like "love thy fellow man" and "open-mindedness" and "tolerance for those who hate".

The Bible is full of hate. It's almost non-stop hatred and fear and insanity and vile. Why would they need logic? They hate logic. They have Faith so they can fuck your children.

Keep an open mind about it.

On 17 May 2012, the pedophile confessed.

Look either I'm brilliant.

Or every Christian has fooled you. Let's just pretend I'm brilliant. The other one is correct but how embarrassed world, are you?
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Old 05-17-2012, 04:50 PM   #77
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But back to the story for which I have an introduction, a conclusion, 300 boring pages of brilliance I'd like to fit in but will probably have to cull; and this.

The argument. Without all the convincing, of course.

About the Thai riots / Red Shirts betraying the peace deal to stab everyone in the back on the night Bangkok burned 18 May '10.

I was getting flashbacks to my childhood. All the way back to when I was seven. I had read all about this very strategy. I had visualised it all.

All the seemingly insane and wanton destruction. But they have a purpose. Or at least, they have an aim. The screaming is the means to a very horrifying end. The arsonists are the screamers; they're communicating to anyone capable of fear.

"We are terrifying. We are insane. We will slaughter and kill anyone who doesn't join us. Are you with us or against us?"

If you're capable of being afraid, Thaksin's Red Shirt arsonists were talking to you on the night of 18 May '10. As all of Thailand reeled from the horror.

On the night of 18 May 2010 I was one of a tiny handful of people in the country who understood what Thaksin's screamers were doing.

I instantly recognised the pattern. I had seen it all before in my mind as a tiny child. I had not created it. It was not my intellectual property. None of the evil in the world is created by children. Parents are just too stupid to realise their children aren't bright enough to come up with that insanity on their own. More creative screaming horror shows put all that evil into a single book they give to children to read.

It's not very good. But it's very good at making people frightened. Uh oh. Imprinting.

Thailand's Red Shirts are imprinted to Thaksin and this isn't remotely insightful or even original. Other writers have noted the cult-like adoration of those Thaksin kills when CNN needs bodies. But I wonder how many of those bright fellows understand how the printing happened.

Long before 18 May '10. You only have to look at Thailand WikiLeaks cables. Every other one is talking about more Red Shirt horror. What was the media doing? They're doing what you're doing. They're shooting themselves in the foot by being afraid.

I'm afraid. But then, I dunno. Because do I want to live in a world where Evil wins ALL the time, because everyone is so afraid? I'm a wimp, and spiders and things make me shriek and I hate pain. But there is a outside chance for Humanity. It's really slim.

I dunno. It's just a hole in the game theory lockdown, calling the win for Evil. Don't forfiet. Think. Consider. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's worth getting finer minds than mine to consider? Who knows. It's a chance.

Newton's Third Law of Motion:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

There is a threshold where the fear of domestic terrorist campaigns launched against the victims of the state will splash over fears of death. Or vice-versa. You get the picture. Actually, it's inevitable that Good will comeback. If there is any Good left .

That's what I'm worried about. It's what I was worried about on 18 May '10. I had read this plot. I'd understood the pattern. This was a set play. I'd see it from miles away.


Only the Thai Army will know how many filthy screamers got their cummupence that night and I heard the shots ring out but it was never enough. it was never going to be enough. Once the screaming starts...Evil wins.

And Evil won.

I knew it, I had the set play burned in my repressed memory. Once the screaming had died down. Next would come the 'sweet'. Yingluck. Adorable Yingluck. She's probably literally just trying to bring her big brother home.

I called it and others did as well but no one was listening. Now everyone's too confused and frightened to have a clue. Everyone's gone silent. Playing it shrewd. And slowly, though it's been heart-breakingly painful, I've watched history get revisioned every day.

YouTube videos missing.

Articles mysteriously published and indexed by Google, no longer online.

Evidence evaporating. Posting accounts closed. Outspoken voices for sanity suddenly deciding they have better things to do, than speak or write or fight.

Just vassals thinking 'smart'. When insanity is wrong, and powerful; it can be very dangerous to be right.

I don't know if my story can do anything. But if I could only tell it right, I know it could - do - something. It's Truth. And I'm 100% right about the HATE HATE HATE DESTROY HATE screaming of evil's pain.

Thaksin brought Western evil tricks to Thailand and owned Decency the way that Decency has been getting owned around the world by these tricks for thousands of years.

The Red Shirts are the Chosen People. They die just like the Chosen People. Gratuitously.

Thaksin is Moses. Leading his glazed-eyed slaves out of imagined slavery, into a land of milk and honey also known as Bangkok. They're going to wander around for a bit because the trick to successful politics is never to do your job. Had Thaksin done everything for the poor he 'wanted' to do, in the five years he had total power between 2001 and 2006; he wouldn't have a platform on which to run for power again. The poor are never going to get what they want because they're the joke on which the world runs.

It would have run a lot better, using Abhisit's welfare state game-card. I know how the Chosen People have suffered.


All the vassals line up like lemmings on the side they're most terrified of, to sneer. He's THEIR father. They're imprinted. He's terrifying. They're powerless.

"And together, they will obliterate you." Hahah.

How is Abhisit or Sanity going to stand a chance against horror, this horrifying. It's so horrifying what they're doing, you wouldn't believe a human could be capable of doing it.

And you know Horror. They'll exploit that.
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Old 05-17-2012, 04:50 PM   #78
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Also I have written 20 pages or so of my movie script, it's quite awesome, and I'm basing it loosely on my own life

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Old 05-17-2012, 04:56 PM   #79
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Just stick with your damned story please, I hope it's half as good as you envision it.

Also I have written 20 pages or so of my movie script, it's quite awesome, and I'm basing it loosely on my own life, intertwined with some clever ideas I got from a girlfriend of mine. I might share it, at some point when it's got more meat.

2012 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for skatz.

  Possibly the most disturbing post in this forum's history. I am right, but everyone's blocked out the screaming.
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Old 05-17-2012, 05:00 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
Also I have written 20 pages or so of my movie script, it's quite awesome, and I'm basing it loosely on my own life, intertwined with some clever ideas I got from a girlfriend of mine. I might share it, at some point when it's got more meat.

2012 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for skatz.

Think positive huh?

Care to give us a rundown of the plot or is that CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Christians are a lot like stoners. They love to tell you about what they're going to do. Who needs to do it once they've talked about doing it? They'll move onto something more interesting.

  meeeee the plot was meeeee!!!!.....just like your book tho.
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