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Old 07-21-2012, 04:42 PM   #471
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he may get angry sometimes but his bark is worse than his bite
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Old 07-21-2012, 05:30 PM   #472
rum dick
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Scuter i was going to ban him per your request but then you had to ask him questions. Wouldnt be fair to ban him until after he has had a chance to respond to your questions.
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Old 07-21-2012, 06:10 PM   #473
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
My comments weren't an attack on you but alcohol is the sleaziest, creepiest drug of ALL the pain 'relievers' I've tried. And I've tried (to some high degree of persistence) surely all of them.

I lived in the Sun Apartments in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. Actually, let me grab the Google Map for it. So like this is a bit of overkill but the things I saw...

Some imbecile legislated 3am lockout, for reasons that have never been clear but which you would understand are highly dubious if you saw the insanity. It's about creating pain.

I lived 4th floor of the Sun building and the taxi rank for the entire district was below my window. I would party weeknights but weekend nights for poker...US weekend days...

So I'd be sober and I had to smoke at the window as my best 'mate' / flatmate ostensibly didn't like the smell but when his g/fs (he always had multiple for the same reason he controlled me) were around, they could literally chainsmoke without it bothering him but I was in denial about all his little guilt-creation games. I'm considerate because I'm Selfish and intrinsically desiring of Sanity (unlike so many). I only mention it because "emotional manipulation" should be what the entire world talks about non-stop.

But I'd be at the window smoking and watching as Family Superclub (capacity thousands), Empire (capacity thousands), Birdie NumNums, GPO and Press Club (as well as a stack of smaller bars) would all lockout at 3am (massive fines for letting anyone in at like 3:01 - I once lost a phone and my wallet by walking out for a smoke only to be joined by my friend and her handbag "oh that was your phone?" *gritted teeth* "lockout mate" - I could see my wallet and phone from the door, security guards in Australia are all on Niggerstop power trips getting $15/hr to do what they really want to do - legal violence and brutality like you wouldn't believe - almost all on roids, almost all bullied at school and with obvious emotional issues, almost all cunts, I couldn't bribe them because my wallet...yeah, anyway, that was that).

But thousands and thousands of GUYS would pour onto the street. Maybe 5-10% girls, because all the girls were fucking or doing drugs in some guys apartment (like ours, for a very brief dalliance I had with trying to spend money to create fun - fucking leeches, they don't do coke you know? But if someone's offering...)

They'll hoover it up in a race between themSelves imagining there is some limited supply. This would creep me out but obviously these are very pretty girls - I don't give the time of day to ugly girls not because they're ugly but because they're UGLY; this is a horrifying Society obsessed with aesthetics because "it's 'wrong' to tell the truth" so of course, everyone becomes obsessed with illusions and lies and airbrushed insanity. UGLY girls are treated so horrifically by this world, you permit their presence at your (very grave) peril. It's not fair, no. But then we are talking narcissists and their superior genetic code producing what amounts to entire lives of misery and games of denial and lies.

But these leeching girls, the junkies...fucking robotic narcissists, everyone is incapable - I swear, INCAPABLE - of having fun. All they want to do is ruin fun. Snipe. Tear down. Create drama. Bitch. Complain. Whine. Impose. I would be sucking air through my teeth trying to "think positive" for hours of this kind of insanity. When I couldn't take it anymore, I'd be honest. "Get the fuck out. You ruin fun."

Then they're all like "psycho" and "emo" and "don't hurt me!" rofl. Every time I see a girl who's WAY out of line cringe and do that "don't hurt me" shit I want to beat the shit out of them. Vile dumb trick (it's like bursting into tears preemptively). Why would someone with the intent of hurting you tell you to leave their apartment? It's just dumb Christian Confidence Tricks. "Do as I say. I'll do the opposite."

But anyway, all the girls are doing free drugs and getting fucked by 3am, is my point. And all the guys who drink are thrown out of clubs where there was only really guys left anyway, onto the street. Let me put it this way.

No girl's ever going to come back to your place for a beer.

"Coke? Oh I don't really do it that often...but ok!"

They do it often. They're fucking addicts in denial. It must be horrifying for them when their willingness to whore themselves is no longer capable of attracting the market's Demand. But they hate prostitutes, omg. These whores fuck only for blow and for free.

But guys who drink probably wouldn't have a clue about where all the cute girls have gone. I'm not sure anyone really thinks beyond their impulses and immediate bubbles, when they're drinking. Or thinks. Period.

The reason alcohol is the creepiest drug of all is the Sloppy Effect that is so sleazy because you feel in control, until you hit the pavement, or trip, or walk into a bus stand, or a bus (I saw two bodies go under but the busses coming through have a timetable and the thousands of imbeciles are expected to get out of the way - this is easier said than done when you're drunk and don't realise how sloppy you are). Driving drunk is pure insanity. That's why they make it a game with the law.

"See if you can beat us, are you crafty enough to avoid our 'random' BTs?"

"You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"

Wrong question.

Not remotely incidental. They change the goal posts on anything that deals with acting in your own best interests. That's a little too close to "sanity" for Power's comfort. I'm assuming you understand how Power 'works'?

Power cannot exist unless you give them yours. The only reason you'd be that insane is if they make you insane. It's not rocket science, but to a Toddler brainwashed into thinking nationalism and patriotism and fear of Humanity is in his or her best interests, it's probably very confusing.

The things I saw these drunken men do. They're not bad humans. They're not evil. Most would kind of be the sweeter or the romantic types, screwed over by their whore mothers who were playing little games of denial with themSelves about the "bad boys" they always went for. They want their sons to be nicer to women so they fuck them over with horrifying lies and no pretty girl - in history - has ever been into a sleazy complimenting creep. At least, I've never met one. It's illogical. They're complimented by sleazy creeps all day, every day, non-stop. You cannot imagine their lives of enduring endless sleaze unless you're going out with one. I couldn't imagine it until I was too horrified to speak.

You cannot imagine the narcissistic insanity of Toddlers. You literally won't exist. All they can think about is sticking their dicks into your g/f. I'm not going to care, but most guys would fight there. They weren't doing a brave play, they just didn't see me. I didn't exist because all they could think of was one (1) thing. They're not subtle either. I would laugh, except when she'd be interested. That feeling sucks. But then it shouldn't really; should it?

I didn't own her. As long as she chooses to hang out with you at all, that's a win. Beats the losing I did. It's all insane corruption of perception. I've dumped girls for their 'outrageous' behaviour; but invariably I'd be wondering how my 'dignified' actions could be in my best interests? Does it matter if she sleeps around so long as she's sane and not a whore obsessed with deceit? If she doesn't deceive and isn't using you, who could give a fuck? Only the emotionally insane Toddlers.

They own. They possess. THE ONE. You reckon?

The result: Everyone fucks everyone anyway. But it's all shrouded in naughty and notoriety and hidden with horrifyingly demented and usually transparent lies and deceit and obsessions with privacy.

But Toddlers are too dumb to lie so why do they? I literally couldn't have had a reason to imagine a motive for looking in one of my g/f's phones, until I reached for the Nutella and she thought I was reaching for the phone. So I grabbed the Nutella and made her think I didn't notice a damn thing and her moronic relief was evident. It reverted into hyper-anxious when I picked up the phone she had put down, once the 'danger' had passed.

I didn't really win, though. No, no I really didn't win much there at all.

I'm all over the place but anyway, these thousands of drunk lads; just kids who wanna have fun but haven't a clue about anything because who's going to tell them the utterly non-horrifying reality? No one has a motive to illuminate what they cannot understand. And if you put yourSelf in their position, it's really quite cruel because of course they're going to think there's something wrong with them.

There's something wrong with them.

But it's so easily fixed it's a matter of understanding the information no one has a motive to give them. Also, they've all been corrupted so even if you try and give it to them, you won't be able to help them so they will never be fixed because they don't want to accept there's anything wrong with them. They will just keep on being confused and not bother trying to figure out why no girls are interested in them. This has...macro-economic implications. There's a lot of blood.

Frustrated, drunk, confused 18 to 30 year old men kicked out by rude bouncers who are literally itching to start fights where they do not fight fair; there is no such thing as fair fighting. Once you get into a fight, if someone isn't dead at the end one or both of you has made a grave tactical error. But anyway, these poor drunk guys get dumped onto the street after yet another night of being reduced to feeling tiny as the unfortunate victims of some of the cruellest little creeps. Australian girls' rejections are so viciously brutal...but of course it's all for the sake of appearances. The more horrified they are, the more superior; the more outraged at a drunk donk's awkward and futile attempt to hit on them, the more illusionary distance they place between him and them). It's very important of course, because everyone is watching them all the time.

I'm not sure anyone is ever watching anyone they're not directly interested in, with the possible exception of a few creeps like me who watch everything because it's a fascinating and dangerously insane world and I had thousands of questions and desperately looking for non-existent answers. For most people, this phenomenon doesn't occur. The question-asking about confusing things they don't understand. They know everything already.

The result: Blood.

So much blood, you can't imagine it. Street stained with blood literally every weekend night. They'd fight on the most ludicrous of all pretexts. A slight bump. A mocking comment. They're looking to vent their frustration at what is really a brutal existence. They're angry, frustrated, confused, drunk men who've worked hard all week and just blown their weekly salary on $7 basics or $15 cocktails only to get sneered at by some of the vilest animals (Brisbane's clique-minded Toddlers). It's a huge city but it's Queensland so a city of 3 million has a small-town mentality. And it's God's Sun-kissed Country.

Gay men managed to lubricate their way into being almost accepted overnight (but not really, the rave scene was started by them and rapidly allowed everyone to realise they weren't the faggots they were horrified at the thought of maybe being). I don't know if that was some brilliant strategy or if it was fluked by gays (bringing drugs to nightclub scene) but that's how they got Australians to realise they're just normal people who want to have fun like anyone else. There is an outside chance Religion v Gay might pan out for a Win for Humanity. Religion are really playing their hand badly there. People like Queer Eyes.

It makes them feel like more of a Straight Guy.

Things change very quickly, but not that long ago if you were a fucking fag or a fucking boong (Abo), life would have sucked for you in Queensland.

The Aborigines didn't bring 'recreational' drugs to the party, as a social lubricant. Connect the dots on their current status.

Australians are the most racist fucks you'll ever meet and I literally went my life without really noticing too much of it. Because Toddlers learn how to act in public. But no one talks about it, until everyone is talking about it. A Cronulla riot fuelled by the media and police 'helpful' warnings (hah! They do that all the time to advertise crime) or maybe you get an Australian girlfriend who's 75% Caucasian and 25% Asian who's never been out of the country in her life. Then you'll hear the snickering. The cliches. "mail order bride". teehee. Toddlers don't really win with all this insanity.

They just make everyone lose.

That's their intention. It's called egalitarianism. Cut down anyone who makes you look bad. Then we can all look bad together.

Here's a test for you. I make all these seemingly outrageous claims that I know you skip over (if you even read them at all), but most of you can't do logic so you don't realise I'm usually making pretty convincing logical cases for the assertions. I don't know about this one but I have a pretty good idea it's as horrifying as a conspiracy theory to create blood and violence will ever be. But if you disagree, make the logical case for why.

Why. That all important question of motive that no one ever asks, I've noticed.

Why does every alcohol dispensing club, bar, cocktail lounge or bottle shop in Australia serve alcohol in glass bottles?

I never could have imagined caring about such a thing or asking such a question until I first saw a face get slice open by what really is such a convenient weapon it's horrifying. My immediate, instant thought was Why?

Why can we put a man on the moon but cannot manage to come up with another way of serving the most emotionally-inflaming and insane drug of all?

I've seen so many fights and so much blood let with glass bottles smashed instinctively to become deadly weapons but usually the victims aren't that lucky. I think I know why. Moronic Toddlers like to imagine these sorts of things are incidental. Merely happenstance. Accidentally overlooked. "Just one of those things."

It's understandable. Those in Power pretend to be stupid to identify with Toddlers. Toddlers who drive taxis will tell you, Power is stupid. Taxi drivers would run the country better.

That is, if they weren't driving a fucking cab and annoying hungover geniuses with their moronic assertions about Power's idiocy.

Ironically, they would actually run the country better. They're not bright enough to create the horror created by those who pretend to be dumb about everything but they mean well, they really do. They overlook things at times. We all make mistakes. But they will refuse to serve you when you look like 40 years old (because you're like 40 years old?) and serving alcohol to a minor is against the law. Stephen K Amos should have brought his ID. How could they be sure he wasn't a 17 year old boy?

For a genius standup comic, he's a fucking moron.

Someone kindly tell me what he won?

An illusionary emotional buzz? Uh huh. Whatever insane imagined dementia you're into but let me tell you how that story is going to play out, on occasion; in reality where illusions no longer have 'value'.

Or I could let Mike tell you. He listened to his mother tell him to Stand Up To Bullies. And he got taught a lesson about Power.

Power doesn't play fair. That's the fucking point of Power.


Aborigines are imprisoned at 8x the rate of non-indigenous Australians. You think they're 'naughtier'? That's what the government made them think. Look for their caring example above. Stephen K Amos is from UK but he's a narcissist so he doesn't get it.

They do that shit to every boong.

Why would you give a fuck about some Australian Abos? I know you don't give a fuck about them. That's where you made a big mistake.

The government is doing the same thing to you.

Stupid people drinking makes them even more stupid. I don't know what to tell you. Not everyone drinks and gets in fights. Not everyone drinks to get girls sloppy all over. In Texas too many people carry guns. I've never seen a bottle broken in my life. I did have a "motorcycle club leader" pull a gun on me on my birthday this year just a few weeks ago. That was from accidentally emasculating him by offering to do drugs with him after he was talking about his meth and so forth. I asked him to do some really rare shit of the gods, oh which my friends were either too scared or not interested. (No, not heroin) He declined then rando pulls out a gun and I laughed some more, reassuring him I knew he w as a legit dude. He apologized saying he didn't pull it on me, just showing me. Pathetic. He kept trying to impress me with who he was and I'm like bro, I don't know anything about MC clubs. In the end I left there thinking he was a narcotics informant as he asked me 1/2 a dozen questions about drug manufacturing, RANDOMLY. It was stupid and I'm tired of drinking at shitty bars with morons. Too many idiots at bars. Girls are never up to par either. I need money to go to better bars to find higher quality girls but then they just want to see more money. I don't know what to do.. fuck

All this aside booze has given me some of the best of times and put me at my lowest. Few of the lowest times have I truly regretted. One learns not to drink if they are in a shitty mood.

  The girls are doing blow bro
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Old 07-21-2012, 08:49 PM   #474
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Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Scuter i was going to ban him per your request but then you had to ask him questions. Wouldnt be fair to ban him until after he has had a chance to respond to your questions.

yeah fuck you bud

enjoy your power trip, just like scuter, and just like my mother. power power power

do as I say! or else!!!!

or else i'll throw you in the street!!! OR BAN YOU!!!!

  stop screaming. you have no value to control
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Old 07-21-2012, 09:05 PM   #475
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Easy there able ape, that wasnt directed at you. I was fucking with scuter.
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Old 08-01-2012, 04:54 PM   #476
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Originally Posted by Gay Sex
when there was noone posting, apparently rum dick and blake are now in charge of ur website

please erase my account and delete everything ive ever posted i never wanted this but i think ive earned the right, i dislike what is happening i wish u immense luck but as someone who i know wasnt looking to monetize this my posts have zero bearing on ur bottom line please erase my account top to bottom.

yeah this is gay sounding scuter but ive more than earned it by bringing tons of traffic with the ist and then subsequent posts, so eithe rmake me an admin or just erase my account


Archie, I literally detest power because I'm lazy. I have no idea how to do that, or even want the responsibility of making these kinds of decisions. I'm kind of like the powerless Thai King, who is respectfully ignored. I would like to be less ignored, but not at the expense of added responsibilities.

I'm flat out (failing) to take care of my Self. To be honest, I don't even know what's going on. Something about onestep? I dunno. Whatever it is, it hasn't grabbed my interest yet.

  dont diss the king you gonna get in trouble
  decadent dog party is plat
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Old 08-01-2012, 05:22 PM   #477
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gare on behalf of skatz management (myself and rum dick) please don't try to go behind our backs again. thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

  erase my account you worthless faggot
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Old 08-01-2012, 05:40 PM   #478
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gare on behalf of skatz management (myself and rum dick) please refrain from calling me a worthess faggot. thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

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Old 08-02-2012, 12:19 AM   #479
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Originally Posted by Gay Sex
when there was noone posting, apparently rum dick and blake are now in charge of ur website

please erase my account and delete everything ive ever posted i never wanted this but i think ive earned the right, i dislike what is happening i wish u immense luck but as someone who i know wasnt looking to monetize this my posts have zero bearing on ur bottom line please erase my account top to bottom.

yeah this is gay sounding scuter but ive more than earned it by bringing tons of traffic with the ist and then subsequent posts, so eithe rmake me an admin or just erase my account


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Old 08-02-2012, 12:21 AM   #480
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Say what you want about Garence, he brings the hits!
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