Zero Tolerance for insanity. It all starts with one word.
Say it or your master will starve you to death.
Say "Please" and you'll be a good BOY.
Who's a good BOY?
You're a good BOY!
No you're a good BOY!
Yes you are.
If you tolerate their lies, you are a collaborator with the Insanity and your Needy needs to be put out of its misery because the entire world cannot sustain a population of leeches.
If you're confused, this woman will not be neutered. She can just make another slave. She can make a dozen more slaves. She has the right to rape, molest and destroy her Own before discarding their broken bodies when they do not serve her current Needs.
And then they pick fights with performance vehicles on highways because he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. He wasn't trying to lean on anyone else. He only wanted to lean on himself but this is not that kind of a world. He didn't have a motive to hurt me. I nearly killed him because all I could think about was a pretty Toddler WHORE. He was screaming "I'm walking here. I'M WALKING HERE" in frustration and tears as he beat his fists on the car that nearly killed him because he's no longer living in Reality and I wasn't that far behind.
He was walking. He didn't need his mother's insanity. His mother was a Toddler who likes sex more than men and she doesn't want to trade. So she breeds children to retard with her love and make them dependent because children don't need mothers in the animal kingdom for longer than the amount of time it takes them to become independent. But religion poisoned the well. Flipped everything around. Mothers don't sacrifice their lives for their offspring. They breed offspring so that they don't have to pay for sex.
He was walking when his mother raped him. It's Stockholm Syndrome. Violence and love. Dependency. His mother snapped his mind. Broke his free will and destroyed his life.
He did nothing wrong. He'd done nothing wrong.
This is a Needy world where you cannot do anything without some vile whore asserting that you should be considering their feelings. Their preferences. Their insanity.
Tolerate them and you Need to die.
Do Unto Yourself, you fucking creeps. Let others walk from A to B without your putrid insanity demanding they politely consider your Need to die.
I'm taking back this world from love and lies. I don't need your fucking help.
I'll do it alone.