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Old 12-12-2012, 02:06 PM   #31
Things could be worse...
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Produce something brilliant or just produce anything of value and maybe I won't keep on destroying your filthy fail by pissing all over you.


But you cannot.

So you express your feelings.

This is not an environment where you are going to be able to do that. I don't care for screaming leeches ' feelings here. You'll scream in an unintended kind of pain.

It will be that emotion you call "shame".

Degree of Importance? OFF THE FUCKING CHARTS. I produce. You don't know how to read. Hmm. Why are you alive again?

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Old 12-12-2012, 02:38 PM   #32
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This is in response to a comment from an academic too stupid to be imagining he's in the position to do analysis. The issue is Israel's inhumane treatment of those who are trying to kill them. You will never read a more insightfully brilliant and perceptive assessment of the Middle East than this essay.

Did this shit as easily as flicking my fingers because I have empathy. So I embarrass everyone else who cannot fucking see a damn thing because they're blinded by emotional agendas and toxic self-defeating fear and hate.
Why do you feel that the motives of those who "put Israel where it is" could have been even remotely correlated to yours? Why do you assume that what you imagine to be sane or optimal or right or pragmatic is what Power imagines? Why do you presume that what you value is valued by anyone else - ever - at all?

This narcissistic insanity is a terrifying deficiency I see in analysis everywhere, from every source. People assume that the motives they have for doing something are automatically universal. It's madness, empathy-less Toddler insanity. It is the mutually assured destructive force that has been fuelling this world of war for 5000 years, in our racing in misery to wipe out the species. This is the end game.

If you presume that those who "put Israel where it is" shared your goals, aims or reasoning; I assure you that it doesn't matter whether or not your predictions are correct, your analysis will be bunk. It’s a question of empathy. No one has it in this Toddler world of wanting their cake, wanting to eat it as well, wanting the cake of others too. Greed. Misery. Death. And soon...Peace. .

Here is something you should consider; the world does not perceive Reality in the way you perceive it. What others want & value has no correlation to what you want & value. Strategic decisions of this magnitude are not made for the reasons you imagine because you cannot comprehend the motives of Power. Things are so much more simple and transparent than anyone imagines, but you're all blinded by NPD. In this Yahweh world of insane lies and sociopathic deceit, everyone has been reduced with the emotional corruption of Yahweh’s Need to muster armies. Humans don’t fight wars when they’re happy. God makes you miserable so that he can use you to kill value or be killed. Wars are fought between leeches now. Who are the power-brokers in a world of War? Who could "put Israel where it is"? You know nothing of these things because you’re babbling nonsense imagining that what Power says is what Power does. But you don't even know who the power brokers are!

We live in a world of War which means there is a Need for weapons. Power exists in Supply. Arms manufacturers have ALL the power. All the bases belong to them. All the wars are fought for them. They give power to whomever will fight wars for them. This logic is pure and flawless.

So we move to the question of motive regarding the insertion of Israel into the Middle East. This is grade school complexity. Israel exists to fight wars. The Jews were exploited once again. The bottom line of arms manufacturers is what war is good for. Dubya's grandfather financed Hitler's rise to War. Everything you have been led to believe is a lie told to children. Wake up. This is a world of exploitation and the only people you can exploit are your own. If you cannot instantly appreciate why the military and industrial complex created the nation-state of Israel, you’re a fool. Western arms manufacturers "put Israel where it is". The Jews were stupid to fall for it.

Israel cannot win. They will fight bravely, brutally, unfairly because they have been set-up to be annihilated. They cannot defeat the Middle East. So they will generate profit for Western Warlords until Israel is wiped out, probably from within. The Western Warlords will prop them up for that reason. They survive to be exploited.

Do you see?

It's amazing that people know nothing of the 6 Day War or the USS Liberty. All the evidence is in front of your eyes. You can do five minutes of reading and see the horrifying Truth that Israel realised in the lead-up to the 6 Day War. They'd been set up. The US armed their enemies, who machinated against them. And the US washed their hands of the affair, with an insult of “Good luck. We'll watch from over here." It was a brutal back-stabbing. They were betrayed whilst their 'allies' cheered from the sidelines after arming their enemies. "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT."

They were on the verge of annihilation because the US government since WWII has been all about War. But they fought like Israel always fights, backs against the wall; heroically. They make you want to cry. Because that is how the species should be fighting for the species. It’s beautiful. Pure Selfish heroism. The stuff of legend. But alas, we don’t have a common enemy so we’re cannibals raping our own. Israel is the best of our species when they fight. And the most stupid to be in a fight at all. Wars fought for the right to be exploited are going to wipe you out, one Holocaust at a time. They're the most persecuted race of people in all of Known History because they cannot realise that they were Chosen to be molested and murdered and exploited by a demented, tortured sociopath. He was led to believe he was born to rule over slaves. So he took his Chosen slaves and he killed them all because he needed their children to imprint with misery.

Israel won the 6 Day War on Day 1. Why do you think Nasser lied to his allies; telling them that the returning IAF squadron were Egyptian fighters which had routed the IAF and were on their victorious way to Tel Aviv? The Egyptian Air Force was destroyed. The answer is right in front of your eyes; represented by the USS Liberty. That was stupid from Israel because it was emotional. The arguments for it being a tactical decision don’t hold water. That was pure emotion, understandable but not justifiable. And the US called back it’s fighters and left its sailors to die because the State doesn't fight wars for reasons that are honest. Only Israel ever fights wars for honest reasons. Because only the Jews are moronic enough to imagine that you can exclude 99.8% of your options for happiness OR misery, and not pay the invoice over and over and over again.

We have no enemies. We need a single common shared enemy and we would all live in Utopia. But without enemies we fight ourselves. And every exploited child buys the lies of their mother who tells them that they are more Special than everyone else. How does that logic work?

It doesn't. And so no one ever lives. We all just fight to survive, trying to fight for a birthright that is our exploitation denied. We’re just Special. We’re all Chosen. We’re more important than everyone else put together. We’re Superior because we’re the most inferior species on the planet. Not even leeches bleed their own. We have that entitlement, that right, so we rape our own because we’re the winners of Apartheid.

Divide > Conquer > RULE and we live in Hell on Earth. Without any enemies, we defeated ourselves. Nasser lied because he was forced by Power. Someone wanted those tanks in play for no strategic purpose because there is never a strategic purpose to war. It’s merely lucrative. But there is no profit in what cannot be sustained. Toddlers cannot think in such complex terms as "empathy" or "potential" or "mutual advantage"; and this is why your analysis is bunk.

What you imagine has no correlation to what is imagined by Power. You need empathy to intelligently process analysis. You have to be sane to perceive optimality. Disconnected from what should be an interconnected Humanity, humans leach the life and value out of the Species. Humans breed children in misery for miserable motives which no one ever discusses because they're as obvious as the need to raise children with love. The existence of Israel is a horrifying betrayal that Israelis appreciate and you do not. They exist to be exploited. They refuse to take the only option they have for survival but then so does the rest of the World. They take the cake away from you so that you will be their slave. You don’t want to earn cake so you fight and die and practice your leaching techniques instead of practising your Humanity in the meantime.

Where are the medicines that prevent or eradicate illness? This isn't that kind of a world. We deal in pain. We treat pain. The best business of all is pain treatment that generates more pain. Optimal commerce. Perfect.

Addictive painkillers. Do you see the beauty of the commercial opportunity? It’s perfect. It’s spectacular genius that has been corrupted to generate an illusory commodity derived via the processing of human suffering and pain. We have exploited ourselves to perfection. There are no answers now. No solutions. No get out clauses, no escape hatches. We will die now. This is a world of powerful Toddlers who refuse to accept the laws of physics or they simply do not care. The polar ice cap will melt, fresh water is going to run out, oil has peaked and children mine blood diamonds in miserable holes dug deep into the Earth's crust in exchange for a crust. It's brilliant labour cost minimisation because you don't have to pay crusts to the ones that die.

Wars are predictably becoming more and more clinical and transparently motivated. Arms manufacturers are giving away weapons to whomever wants a crack at power. If they are successful, the arms manufacturers will give away weapons to whomever wants a crack at them. And round and round the bloody cycle spins. We’re just getting better at racing towards The End.

You did get there in the end, almost. The mistake you made is that you started from an incorrect perception of the Reality in which we exist to suffer. It’s a world of Yahweh madness. You imagine the Ends are motivating the Means but you don’t have a clue. For all I know, you’re a world authority. No one has a clue. My analysis is perceptive in ways no one else can produce because it's simply unemotional, uninvested Truth. Unlike every single one of you, I haven't any possible hidden agenda. My agenda is Humanity.

Power doesn't care about the Ends. Power is all about the Ways and Means. Unless the Singularity intercedes, there will be no more resources to plunder.

There is no game play result for our species but mushroom clouds. Our corruption has been Absolute. Only competent game theorists can comprehend what isn't remotely complex. Only a child can read Numbers 31 and know the Truth. This species’ goose is cooked. Get yourself a God Damned Clue because narcissistic analysis is nauseating. You’re presuming what cannot be known to you because you foolishly assume that power brokers in this world are motivated by humane considerations. This is stupidity. The mere existence of power is an anathema to anything remotely humane. You don’t have Power. It's not about the ME. It’s not ‘likely’ to end badly.

It will end badly for the entire species. We have guaranteed this. It will be an end fitting for Toddlers who want their cake and to eat it as well. So the cake is going to be placed on the kerb. And the boots will come up...
Numbers 31:17-18
King James Version (KJV)
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Only the insane need to lie. What reason could a sane person have to reduce their own value. There is no logic that can counter that irrefutable Truth.

The Truth is, we've already exhausted a vital resource which we could renew as easily as humans realising they're not Selfishly fighting wars and destroying the planet. We need to look down to perceive the gold we are squandering as we fight wars for worthless minerals. Value lies in the potential of the human mind, not in the potential for human conflict. We need to look to the future but we're too busy raping our present on account of the recent past. This is a farcical species of pathetic face-planting and endless fail. If we came across a golden goose laying golden eggs every day, we'd kill it not to get at the gold inside but simply to prevent others from getting the eggs.

The Truth is, this kind of 'logic' is why all of the golden geese are dead.
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Old 12-12-2012, 02:45 PM   #33
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Last edited by SkyNigger; 12-12-2012 at 11:57 PM.
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Old 12-12-2012, 03:22 PM   #34
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Produce. Learn. Improve. Become. Recover.

Sanity. It's what you can reverse of your mother's heinous destruction of your mind.
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Old 12-12-2012, 04:35 PM   #35
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This world has been reduced so brutally by its investment in lying, it's just ridiculous. The insanity is ridiculous now. Everyone is screaming insane, including academic professors who write books about the phenomenon of lying.

Screaming. Batshit. Insane.
Utterly oblivious to the fact, of course.

In a world where everyone is lying literally non-stop, when I tell the Truth all the time no one has a fucking clue what I'm talking about so in a world of liars that is exclusively dominated by imbeciles who literally cannot distinguish between Truth & Lies, when you tell the Truth it's not normal.

That means everyone imagines they're shrewd for picking up on something they're not really bright enough to process but which they know they can sense is an attempt to deceive.

I'm not normal. And everyone else tells them the Truth? They lie all the time, they know this. But they think everyone else tells them the Truth. They literally think this. They think their lying is shrewd; a cool trick they learned from their Special mommy.

*grits teeth*

This is the extent of the sociopathic horror.

Pray tell, what is "Christmas"?

"Oh that's not a lie. That's a holiday."

*grits teeth*

I could kill all of you. Protection. It's for the Protection of those we lie to, that we lie to them. We have to shield them from the trauma we're going to use later to manipulate them. It's for the best. They're delicate. Our lies strengthen them during their impressionable years.

I could kill all of you. And feel good.

You see what he's spotted there in older children who've been lied to? They become narcissists because they cannot trust anyone (except sane people who speak in plain Truths but they're listening to anyone) - they still want to love their mother though, after all she's done so much for them. It's the least they can do.

Every child with that sentiment has a mother who needs to be put down.

You have heard me mention the word Self, I believe? Some imbeciles get emotional about my - correct - capitalisation of the S to denote it as an identity, a person, individual, distinguishable from your screaming mother who raised you to please her....any light in that tortured & abused mind?

Nothing flickering is there. It might as well be switched off.

Self. It's important otherwise you'll be insane. You will lie when you have no Self. Lying is the definition of insanity.

This professor is just...he gets it correct that children learn how to lie (i.e. they don't just start thinking in malicious or deceptive terms) but then he cannot connect the dots between the lies they're told and the motive they have to start lying to protect themselves from those assaulting them with deceit.

This is lying, in a nutshell. Why it exists. Who's perceived interests it serves. Why it's sustained. Women a filthy sociopathic whores leeching off everyone.

I would imagine that if she told the Truth she'd never have been married in a million fucking years. Her logic is that her deceit-derived contract of misery requires lies to sustain so lying is okay?

The next one; yeah I'll bet he'll find some things he wouldn't like that she'd find it very hard to take, like if he found out how much she likes sex and how many she's liking it with whilst he labours as her tragic, miserable slave.

You're all so screaming insane it's just...what's the point. You're too fucking demented to have a clue.

"unnecessary embarrassment"? Is this an oxymoron? If it's unnecessary, why are you embarrassed? If you feel an unnecessary way, why are you feeling that way unnecessarily? Your fucking insanity is out of control.

"Through [denying reality and fabricating a completely false fantasy to serve as reality] a person creates a personal myth that enables coping and shields against harm"? Lies enable coping? A fake identity protects against emotional manipulation? You know what a personal myth is great for?

"I didn't do it."

You killed her.

"No I didn't."

It's your personal myth that killed her, is that what you're saying?

"Your Honour I have to plead the 5th"

For you or for your personal myth?

All the problems children have with emotions are because their mother is abusing their emotions non-stop with lies and filthy creepy sucker punches in hidden sensitive spots she's been setting up since the day her child was born. This "normal" sociopathic mechanism for denying Reality is "normal". And if you're not insane / normal, it's ironic that you're depressed.

It's not ironic to be depressed as the only sane person in a world of insanity. If you were happy, you'd be insane.

Where is deceit prevalent in the animal kingdom?

And how is that malicious intent communicated between animals?

The paradox is that children are raised by screaming insanity. That's a paradox. You cannot raise a child with insanity. The child will go insane and fail to develop emotionally.

You know what's a good idea? To make an early connection with your child who has empathy by deceiving the child into becoming embarrassed by his feelings. That's a great idea. You should all do that.


So long empathy.

  six thousand words later your mom is still a whore
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Old 12-12-2012, 05:25 PM   #36
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Old 12-12-2012, 06:39 PM   #37
Willie McAboutThatLife
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
This world has been reduced so brutally by its investment in lying, it's just ridiculous. The insanity is ridiculous now. Everyone is screaming insane, including academic professors who write books about the phenomenon of lying.

Screaming. Batshit. Insane.
Utterly oblivious to the fact, of course.

In a world where everyone is lying literally non-stop, when I tell the Truth all the time no one has a fucking clue what I'm talking about so in a world of liars that is exclusively dominated by imbeciles who literally cannot distinguish between Truth & Lies, when you tell the Truth it's not normal.

That means everyone imagines they're shrewd for picking up on something they're not really bright enough to process but which they know they can sense is an attempt to deceive.

I'm not normal. And everyone else tells them the Truth? They lie all the time, they know this. But they think everyone else tells them the Truth. They literally think this. They think their lying is shrewd; a cool trick they learned from their Special mommy.

*grits teeth*

This is the extent of the sociopathic horror.

Pray tell, what is "Christmas"?

"Oh that's not a lie. That's a holiday."

*grits teeth*

I could kill all of you. Protection. It's for the Protection of those we lie to, that we lie to them. We have to shield them from the trauma we're going to use later to manipulate them. It's for the best. They're delicate. Our lies strengthen them during their impressionable years.

I could kill all of you. And feel good.

You see what he's spotted there in older children who've been lied to? They become narcissists because they cannot trust anyone (except sane people who speak in plain Truths but they're listening to anyone) - they still want to love their mother though, after all she's done so much for them. It's the least they can do.

Every child with that sentiment has a mother who needs to be put down.

You have heard me mention the word Self, I believe? Some imbeciles get emotional about my - correct - capitalisation of the S to denote it as an identity, a person, individual, distinguishable from your screaming mother who raised you to please her....any light in that tortured & abused mind?

Nothing flickering is there. It might as well be switched off.

Self. It's important otherwise you'll be insane. You will lie when you have no Self. Lying is the definition of insanity.

This professor is just...he gets it correct that children learn how to lie (i.e. they don't just start thinking in malicious or deceptive terms) but then he cannot connect the dots between the lies they're told and the motive they have to start lying to protect themselves from those assaulting them with deceit.

This is lying, in a nutshell. Why it exists. Who's perceived interests it serves. Why it's sustained. Women a filthy sociopathic whores leeching off everyone.

I would imagine that if she told the Truth she'd never have been married in a million fucking years. Her logic is that her deceit-derived contract of misery requires lies to sustain so lying is okay?

The next one; yeah I'll bet he'll find some things he wouldn't like that she'd find it very hard to take, like if he found out how much she likes sex and how many she's liking it with whilst he labours as her tragic, miserable slave.

You're all so screaming insane it's just...what's the point. You're too fucking demented to have a clue.

"unnecessary embarrassment"? Is this an oxymoron? If it's unnecessary, why are you embarrassed? If you feel an unnecessary way, why are you feeling that way unnecessarily? Your fucking insanity is out of control.

"Through [denying reality and fabricating a completely false fantasy to serve as reality] a person creates a personal myth that enables coping and shields against harm"? Lies enable coping? A fake identity protects against emotional manipulation? You know what a personal myth is great for?

"I didn't do it."

You killed her.

"No I didn't."

It's your personal myth that killed her, is that what you're saying?

"Your Honour I have to plead the 5th"

For you or for your personal myth?

All the problems children have with emotions are because their mother is abusing their emotions non-stop with lies and filthy creepy sucker punches in hidden sensitive spots she's been setting up since the day her child was born. This "normal" sociopathic mechanism for denying Reality is "normal". And if you're not insane / normal, it's ironic that you're depressed.

It's not ironic to be depressed as the only sane person in a world of insanity. If you were happy, you'd be insane.

Where is deceit prevalent in the animal kingdom?

And how is that malicious intent communicated between animals?

The paradox is that children are raised by screaming insanity. That's a paradox. You cannot raise a child with insanity. The child will go insane and fail to develop emotionally.

You know what's a good idea? To make an early connection with your child who has empathy by deceiving the child into becoming embarrassed by his feelings. That's a great idea. You should all do that.


So long empathy.

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Old 12-13-2012, 12:00 PM   #38
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Coming to terms with the fact that you're all so stupid you cannot even understand things I came up with at the age of 5, not even when they're pointed out to you at your age - explained to you - how fucking retarded is this world? Your mothers. I should fuck them all for justice.

5 years old when I said this to my mother and got a backhand across the face for outwitting God. Quarter of a century later people still don't get it.

This is because all your mothers are just like mine and just like this one. But what excuse do you have for the way you turned out. You wanted to love her. You still do. Your misery is on you but you share it with the world. You need to die, what's stopping you?

Serve and Protect.

I'm brilliant. You're too moronic to be alive. Fix this discrepancy.

Don't covet.

Just don't do it.

You wouldn't dare.

Oh what is the JEALOUS LORD supposed to do with you coveting Toddlers. *exasperated gasp*

You know what's funny? Your mother got you to Self-harm the same way.
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Old 12-13-2012, 12:07 PM   #39
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six thousand words later your mom is still a whore

Yes. Yes she was.

She bred me to sate the desires of members of this wonderful community of Christians.

An IRFER is a Flirty Fisher who doesn't send her pimp his cut. My mother sent her pimp 150%. I know right, how is that possible? Hungrily.

It possible when your children starve.

And in this world if I say my mother was a whore, when the truth is she was a lot more whorish than your mother (who was a whore), people will start telling me how I should talk or not talk about my mother.

You're all so fucking whipped by these whores you're horrifying.
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Old 12-13-2012, 12:11 PM   #40
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If this is sane, what is insanity?

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