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Old 12-19-2012, 12:42 PM   #121
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
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Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Gare do you wax your entire body or are you naturally hairless?

Try to show some class Dave, Gary is going through tough times in every direction right now.
“Naked” Penguins Baffle Experts
(April 7, 2011)—Researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society, the University of Washington, and other groups are grappling with a wildlife mystery: Why are some penguin chicks losing their feathers?
The appearance of “naked” penguins—afflicted with what is known as feather-loss disorder—in penguin colonies on both sides of the South Atlantic in recent years has scientists puzzled as to what could be causing the condition.

A study on the disorder appears in a recent edition of the journal Waterbirds. The authors of the paper are: Olivia J. Kane, Jeffrey R. Smith, and P. Dee Boersma of the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Washington; Nola J. Parsons and Vanessa Strauss of the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds; and Pablo Garcia-Borboroglu and Cecilia Villanueva of Centro Nacional Patagónico.
“Feather-loss disorders are uncommon in most bird species, and we need to conduct further study to determine the cause of the disorder and if this is in fact spreading to other penguin species,” said Boersma, who has conducted studies on Magellanic penguins for more than three decades.
The feather-loss disorder first emerged in Cape Town, South Africa in 2006, when researchers for the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) first observed the disorder in African (or black-footed) penguins in a rehabilitation center. During that year, approximately 59 percent of the penguin chicks at the facility lost their feathers, followed by 97 percent of the chicks at the facility in 2007, and 20 percent of the chicks in 2008. Chicks with feather-loss disorder, it was discovered, took longer to grow to a size deemed suitable for release into the wild. The chicks eventually began growing new feathers. [Read More]
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Old 12-19-2012, 12:44 PM   #122
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
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who the fuck is knockin kmart socks???
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Old 12-20-2012, 03:46 AM   #123
rum dick
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This is one of those threads where you see the title and go please God don't let me have drunkenly contributed to it the night before and then are way relieved to see that you did not in fact post in it.
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Old 12-20-2012, 03:47 AM   #124
rum dick
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Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Its easily defended and its isolated and no one takes over all of Asia you tard. So you get to take a leisurely stroll taking out countries defended by one army without minimal effort to get a card for turning in for more armies later. Meanwhile you get plus two everytime its your turn because you have Australia. Meanwhile south America only gets you three and there are only two ways out - through north America or Africa. What the fucks the south America guy gonna do once Africa and north America get built up some nefarious niglet like me wipes out the south american's roaming army (the one you have to have in Asia if you want to get cards without pissin off your neighbors). Once that army is wiped out south America is forced into a death match with either Africa or north America. Meanwhile .... well id explain what to do next but about as many people will read it as would read a scooter post so why bother

Well fuck
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Old 12-20-2012, 03:48 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post

Rofl no one who is 6'1" wears platform shoes in the 21st century. Mothafucking busted shorty.
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Old 12-20-2012, 03:51 AM   #126
rum dick
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Oh nevermind just realized you were talking about blasian. Carry on. You're still fat and weaselly though gare.
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Old 12-20-2012, 11:21 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
were gonna assume his asian mother handed down that couch to him

gare well aware that it's not a couch, it's an area rug and flows perfectly with the rest of the room

Originally Posted by blake
Originally Posted by gay sex
rofl even though i have this pic in the life vault tell me thats not ur couch what is that fabric

lol it's an area rug, i think it's wool

Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
You remember that time you hoped an on the ground tornado would wipe out my friends and relatives, which was a real possibility?

Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
He said something along the lines of how awesome a sad and depressed me would be for weeks of grief posting too.

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Old 12-20-2012, 11:22 PM   #128
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actual pic of gare's hairless, burned, stubby hobbit feet

Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
You remember that time you hoped an on the ground tornado would wipe out my friends and relatives, which was a real possibility?

Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
He said something along the lines of how awesome a sad and depressed me would be for weeks of grief posting too.

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Old 12-20-2012, 11:24 PM   #129
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yes we exchange feet pics via pm
Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
You remember that time you hoped an on the ground tornado would wipe out my friends and relatives, which was a real possibility?

Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
He said something along the lines of how awesome a sad and depressed me would be for weeks of grief posting too.

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Old 12-20-2012, 11:29 PM   #130
Skatz Patrician
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Liar!! That was on twitter.
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feet, gay sex wears kmart socks, gay sex wears sixes

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