gotta say this is not the end to Sunday funday i was shooting for. a tad too real. I'll be in the mad men thread making fun of gares scurvy if anybody needs me.
so where are you on apologizing to kanye for being one of the greatest of all time
like ur racist tendencies are completely warranted but generational talent like ye at least acknowledge it so you dont look reeaaaaaaaaaaal dumb
Talent? You think what he does requires talent? Same for Lil Wayne or any of those other niggers? Explain to me how speaking a language that isn't English and using other people's songs sampled over as the beat requires skill.
What makes me the maddest are these pussy ass country music stars who are supposed to be "good ole boy rough rednecks". These motherfuckers sat in their seats while this mooncricket took this pastey faced bitches spotlight. Toby Keith. FUCKING PUSSY.