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Old 05-13-2012, 05:23 AM   #25
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
I have no darn idea to be quite honest with you, and no I have never run windows.

Download the Mac version of GPT Fdisk

The terminal command is # gdisk /dev/disk0

Actually it's pretty self-explanatory. But you can use it to get rid of that creepy Windows protective MBR and also you should be able to find where those missing 17gig are.

I have the image hosted, if you like. Let me know, you just boot into the installer via usb or what have you and reformat, then restore your single partition via the image and presto, you have magic. I like when things work, it's quite nice.

Yeah that'll be cool thanks. I don't think it will work cause my video ram has been corrupted for sure. There's an but it just goes skitz when I load it with errors.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
Scute my buddy has a theory that the only way to hdparm our drives is to plug them into a windows or linux machine and not apple altogether.

Well hdparm works for almost all commands with my SSD. It's just the Drive Config that Apple's locked. I would bet anything they lock it for all their drives. Are you saying that hdparm --secure-erase doesn't erase?

After you clean your drive or wipe it, go to a terminal and enter # dd if=/dev/sda or dd if=/dev/disk0 and if you get whitespace, you got a clean drive.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
To this day applecare insists my installer is working fine and my installed OS is fine. They said to ignore anything 'out of the ordinary'. Sage advice, just put your head in the sand. Worked out great for France didn't it.

France for WWII? That's exactly what it did. You know that was their plan from the start right? To 'crumble'. It was sfbrilliant. Compare France with Poland (who resisted heroically) or Russia (who dumped 27 million marbles defending their key cities under siege). The Poles got sfannihilated by reprisals rofl.

But yeah AppleCare are so fucking faggot zomg. I hate myself maybe $8000 worth for buying a $400 AppleCare policy. I pay them to lie to my face, idiotically. It's so fucked up.

Just realized you missed my cleverness above

I miss very little.

Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
My kindle just told me that you broke the first commandment

Christians all break the second commandment, don't they?

This is actually part of "Saving Face". I have to fit it in somewhere because it's integral to the story. Also, there is this filthy Catholic mod on ThaiVisa who censors 'offensive' anti-Catholic posts and apologises to everyone profusely for taking so long to remove the offensive slurs. 220 seconds, etc. Unacceptable. Please forgive her; she's doing the best she can. But she understands where you are coming from, and she will endeavour to do better. Your understanding is appreciated, as always.

The Ten Commandments are the rock solid foundation upon which our entire legal 'system' has been built. Look, I think we can do better?

Exodus 20:3 (Commandment I).
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

What happened to Freedom of Religion? It’s an insulting oxymoron. God commanded against it. He’ll make your grand-children pay if you screw around. This is a god that ordered the rape of tiny children and slaughtered innocents as if sociopathic homicide was going out of fashion. Every Christian is a fake, of course. Ref: Jesus Christ’s unambiguous Terms & Conditions, which must be read and accepted by anyone wishing to legally use his intellectual property.

Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Have you forsaken all that you have?

Luke 14:33
So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

Don’t call yourself a Christian if you have not. It’s blasphemous and it’s fraudulent. You cannot be his disciple. I don’t make the fucking rules.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Of course, you have to hate everyone to be a Christian. That’s the reality of Christian Compassion. It’s got a little of that religious recursion because Jesus also said to obey the Commandments and he even went out of his way to quote the evil fifth. So you must honour and you must hate your parents, simultaneously. Of course it makes perfect sense, if your aim is to send children insane.

Exodus 20:4 (Commandment II).
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Literally every fake Christian breaks the Second Commandment.

Exodus 20:5
I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

I don’t hate what doesn’t exist. That sociopath Moses has been dead for a long time. But I’d like to see you make an argument for this being ‘sane’. Leave the great-grandchildren out of it, you sickos.

Exodus 20:7 (Commandment III).
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

We gotta work through them, I’m afraid. It’s of fundamental importance to the story. God doesn’t like swearing. You've been warned.

Exodus 20:8 (Commandment IV).
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Jesus shoots this to shreds in front of the Pharisees, of course. But it’s funny when those ultra-orthodox creeps use tricks to get around Sabbath rules; handkerchiefs to step on, which reset the distance permitted for travel and imbecilic idiocy like that.

Exodus 20:12 (Commandment V).
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Honourable parents care only about their child's happiness. If their child is not honouring them, they’ll never reach for law to force their child to be happy. This is pure Evil. It 'serves' only dishonourable parents.

Exodus 20:13 (Commandment VI).
Thou shalt not kill.

That’s it. Simple, right? You’re not allowed to kill anything. And yet, you’re not a vegetarian? I know you want to assume God meant humans, but that’s not what God said. Thou. Shalt. Not. Kill. Period.

Of course, religion kills everyone. Because it’s all a transparent fraud. Very good. Did you get that one, those of you playing at home? Outstanding.

Exodus 20:14 (Commandment VII).
Thou shalt not commit adultery.

I would like to break this one, at some point; for the sweep. The Vatican sends you an set of teacup humans, to toy with for sport.

Exodus 20:15 (Commandment VIII).
Thou shalt not steal.

I dunno. What if children are starving and the rich Vatican is sitting on $15,000,000,000,000?

There are 50 million suffering children in the Philippines. They exist only because religion is playing for all the marbles. Their parents were told God would provide for them, and Jesus didn’t die for the sin of using condoms. There are hundreds of millions of children just like this in Catholic Africa. It’s a breeding game, and these children aren’t a byproduct of religion’s evil. They’re the endgame.

The Vatican is so beautiful. It’s easy to forget that it was pasted together with the blood of innocent children just like the ones above.

I don't want to give you the wrong idea. I am not the Antichrist.

But we all gotta dream right?

The Pope is a dogmatics professor with a brilliant mind. I would gamble my life v 1/10,000th of the Vatican’s gold (to be given to the suffering children of Catholicism) that he wouldn’t last an hour in a televised debate with me. How could he? How could he last a minute. Why do you tolerate the persecution of innocent children?

It’s time to ‘steal’ back for the poor what religion has taken from them. I can’t really do it on my own. I’ll be thrown in prison for breaking the law.

Exodus 20:16 (Commandment IX).
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

It’s important to God, and I respect that. I’m working to a point. You will get it.

Exodus 20:17 (Commandment X).
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

This is actually my favourite Commandment. It’s the evidence of religion’s entire approach to ‘wrongdoing’. God commands humans not to be insane. Did you think humans are born insane? Who would do such a stupid thing as this coveting business? I asked the Middle Men of God this when I was seven. I said, “Why would I covet? Why wouldn’t I just go and get my own ox or slaves or ass?”

They didn’t have an answer for me. I have the answer for you. No one would do it if God didn’t prohibit it. It’s called suggestive upselling of evil. McDonalds do it with fries. “Would you like fries with that?” Religion does it with insanity. “Would you like demented emotions with that?”

It’s how they infect the consciousness of children. Scholars have ‘pondered’ the meaning of the Cain and Abel parable. I don’t mean to brag but I understood the - point - of that twisted shit when it was read to me when I was five. I looked up at my brother after imagining killing him for the first time, and chills raced down my tiny spine. He was looking at me, imagining the identical thing. If you have a brother, and you read the story of Cain and Abel; you will imagine killing him or being killed by him. The entire Bible is full of evil just like this, for this very reason.

They’ve printed 8 billion copies of this collection of evil parables. They give it to children to read and then they say, “Now don't do all of that.” I mean, maybe you’re cool with this. Or apathetic. That’s cool. But maybe you’re sane; in which case, you need to get audible about it. It’s not in our nature to imagine what was never allowed to exist, and I'm way too superficial to ever be into Yoko Ono, but Imagine with me? Just this once?
Imagine a world where children were not infected with this corrupted insanity.
Imagine children growing up simply expecting everyone to act in their own best interests; play and trade, have fun and opposed to being coy, circumspect, reserved, shy, awkward, cautious, nervous, uncomfortable, polite, defensive, insulting, terrified and afraid?
Imagine all the extra things we would have discovered, invented, learned.
Imagine a world where skin colour isn’t an issue not only because everyone is sane but because we would all be varying shades of tanned.
Imagine a world without borders where the poor were not drilled into being demented robots afraid of a sociopathic God who ostensibly tortures them for all of eternity for the 'sin' of practicing birth control.
Imagine a world without fear, without hate, and without love’s killing embrace.
And back to reality. Of course I’m just being silly. Religion got in the way so now we all get to live in misery and pain; lying to ourselves and everyone about how much fun we’re having.

I have this genetic disease. Well it's gotta be a syndrome or a disorder or something? I just don’t like seeing humans suffer. I’m weird like that. It’s so embarrassing, I could just die! My DNA does this weird thing where it screams out when another human is suffering. I know, right? It's crazy.

I’m embarrassed to even mention it.

I wish I had sociopathic DNA like you. You're so enviable. You watch videos of humans suffering and laugh, right? Well if you don’t, have you considered the possibility that we are all interconnected? Maybe our DNA is trying to tell you something and you are not listening? That's so rude.

It’s always seemed to me that my happiness was annoyingly dependent upon the happiness of those around me. When I made them miserable, I was miserable. When I inflicted pain, I felt pain. When I made people happy...

It’s just a silly theory I had. I know it goes against every religious tenet, but Imagine. Not. Advantaging over humans. Well, we'd be forced to find advantage simultaneously. Stupid idea, I know. It could never work in practice. I’m just wondering if you’re aware that you’re doing selfishness wrong? I cannot imagine what possible motive religion could have to confuse you about your DNA and intelligent selfishness.

No more commandments. We’re done.

One question I had, which has never been answered. Why don’t they simply patch the Ten to close up that embarrassing loophole? You know the loophole I’m referring to, right?

Commandment XI.
Thou shalt not rape.

Oh you know what, never mind. God didn’t forget about prohibiting rape.

Numbers 31:18
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Next time you get in an argument with a fake Christian, don't insult them by pretending they are demented. No one is actually demented enough to be a bonafide Christian. St Francis of Assisi, I guess. What a moron. War can really screw with you. But fake Christians are not demented. They just want to kill you and rape your women children.

Hey BUDDY, they're entitled to their opinion. Agree to disagree, if you must; but you simply have to tolerate them.

Or they will fucking kill you.

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