Originally Posted by
nigger this ain't 07 you've used those stories before
the owner of a sister store, same franchise, still gets new foot traffic by advertising the old school way and the pay works out to be roughly $100 in 3 hours like $30 an hour essentially.
I know, I know, IMPOSSIBLE, these kinds of cosmic coincidences are just literally TOO LOGICALLY POSSIBLE TO ACTUALLY HAPPEN but they do
The studies also found that methamphetamine abusers have reduced cognitive and motor functions
You'd better quit now bro, it starts off with the rehashed jokes from 07 and progresses to not comprehending that a small nutrition store might need a job similar to one from 2007 done today and from there who knows? Smoking meth from a red bull can watching the WNBA championship on a tv in the bathtub of your rented broom closet home THIS COULD BE YOUR FUTURE SON, PLEASE TAKE YOUR FUTURE SERIOUSLY <----obviously sarcasm, smoke all the dope you want and please, please, only play in oncoming rush hour traffic for the initial come up so as not to waste it. I don't want you getting hurt, so wear gloves please, and keep it safe for all.