And in the End, Love Destroyed the Heavens & the Earth.
You remember how your mother used to tell you to be brave? You should stick with me, Little Sailor Man. You'll get a lot sharper than you managed with her.
What do you mean, why?
Well, I suppose that's a fair question. Let me see...
That's why. Your mother loved you, and so she clipped those baby wings. Awwh. Be brave Princess. It's what the filthiest creeps in the world tell their children on the most terrifying day of their lives. The creeps' lives. No their children aren't frightened, a chance to get away from that smothering five-year lack of choice? A chance to play with kids their own age? What kid wouldn't want that? They'll catch up with Mom later. Whenever. What do they care, she's not going anywhere. You see?
Do you understand why the creeps are more culpable than humanity would like to believe? They're terrified. And yet, they're not as horrible as it seems, at first furious blush. They can hardly be blamed. I watched their faces without even fucking realising or having a clue I was going to see what I was going to see; I was just bored. Then I was horrified. Just like that.
I was watching as mothers dropped their children off at school. A very special day. An especially important day, for the filthy creeps.
So much emotion. The air was drenched in it. I didn't understand. I thought this should be a day of celebration. Mothers were going about this all wrong, I decided. The way a moron thinks governments are going about the educational system wrong. Oh it's wrong. But then 'wrong' and 'right' are rules for you. Not them. They're not forming think-tanks and action committees and focus groups to address issues like "How can we improve the 7th year curriculum" or anything like that. They might have those groups working on the exact opposite, in all reality. If you are confused, you no longer have an excuse.
I was confused watching this mother cry as she dropped her son off, but she wouldn't let go. It was tragic. Also, it was strange. Her son kind of seemed totally fine. But her? It was embarrassing. She was bawling like a toddler. She was out of control. What a mess. I laughed. It was funny.
I was laughing. She kept telling him how brave she wanted him to be and he was like "yeah okay" and itching to go and play but she couldn't let him go. I thought, "he should be telling her to be brave, this is farcical" when my sneer was ripped off my face and I saw something horrifying and I wanted to scream but I didn't know - what - I was watching. I knew it was Evil, but it just kind of happened quick as a flash.
I must of looked like a crackpot, I was looking around frantically, finding no one, looking for someone else to confirm they saw it too. I knew what I saw. I saw something very very Evil. And I couldn't possibly mistake it. This woman had played a very twisted trick on her kid. How was I going to tell the police? Who would I tell, if I don't? Do I tell nobody, just pretend I didn't see it. This is what I wanted to do. But someone needs to be told. The kid's father? Ugh. Scratched that one even whilst I was thinking it.
But I was so horrified, my mind was spinning. She was telling him to be brave over and over, and sobbing and he was kind of - he didn't really know what was going on but he was fine. A-OK. I'd swear to it, but not on a Bible. Because I knew what I saw. I don't need the Bible clouding shit up. This mother wouldn't let up. She just kept on and on and it was ridiculous. But she knew something no one else knew. I certainly didn't see it coming. She knew her son, or she knew some dark motherly secrets maybe they exchange in whatever coven they meet to plot the misery of their children's entire lives. Or maybe it's far more innocuous, and they're all just filthy creeps who need their children more than their children need them. I don't know these things. But they knew something I wasn't capable of imagining on my own. This was a dark, dark trick she played. I didn't dare scream. Somehow, I don't know how but she just was only a matter of time before he cracked.
And in front of my eyes, this kid cracked. He started getting terrified. His eyes started darting around and his lip started quivering and just when it looked like he might burst into tears, his mother shot up to her feet and just walked away. The timing was unmistakable. I watched a five year old child get played, brilliantly. Oh she could have left him at any time in the last 5-10 minutes and he'd have been fine but no! Oh my god. I was horrified. I knew I was watching something very Evil and I had no idea what to do.
So I just watched and stared at this tiny kid, who was now all alone and not remotely okay anymore. The transformation was...magical. He was so terrified he thought he was going to DIE. He was screaming in terror, looking around just wanted to go home but his mother knew better and - just when she finally got him worried - crack! She brutally smashed him into the ground, shattering him. Then she was off, without looking back, heading for her car to leave. It was all so simple. I couldn't speak, my head was just swiveling side to side as if I was watching a creepy tennis match. Which had just turned on a dime.
I didn't think it could get any more horrifying and then my world went white, with rage. Another mother and this mother - I have no idea if they knew each other - locked eyes for a brief moment as they got into their respective cars. Only for a moment, before both mothers' eyes shot to the ground and my hands shot to my mouth to stifle a scream. The mother of the little boy, who she never - once - dared look back at, spun out and past me and I turned to face her in horror / bravery and get a load of Evil, post Evil. I was trying to be brave, I don't mind saying. Only half-succeeding. She wasn't looking at parked vehicles. She wasn't crying. She was looking at her fucking Blackberry, with a smile on her filthy fucking dial and suddenly I'm trying to punch her through the window which won't open, trying to get my seatbelt off and it's stuck and the door is locked and I'm banging on the window yelling out swear words and threats as she accelerated rapidly into the distance oblivious to her son, standing there, screaming. And the mother I was sleeping with is like "whoa. What the fuck" and I spin around and I'm like "omg this happened and this happened and then this happened and that happened and..." And then I was done.
I was hyperventilating.
And she just shook her head, and slowly got back into the car without saying anything. She was very calm. I was staring at her, stupidly. She realised this, and looked at me, and said "So?" And then she turned the ignition, and reversed out onto the street.
So? So...the world had gone mad. "So..." I thought to myself, never once imagining I could - or would - end up reacting in the way I did. This is the reaction, fast-forward four years. "So..." I yelled, suddenly certain that what I had seen had, in fact, been a horrible crime. "So where is the police station? Someone needs to be told about this. That was a crime. It has to be. It's child abuse!"
She looked at me as if I was technically right but completely missing the forest for the trees. Actually, my inability to realise I was in a forest of horror allowed me to see the tree that was indicative of the forest which has already started to burn. But I didn't realise every mother needed to die until very recently. Back then, I just needed to save that little kid from what I was powerless to see coming, and felt somehow responsible for because what had been done to him was done literally in front of my eyes whilst I smirked at his pathetic mother - who wasn't as 'pathetic', as I had assumed. Or maybe more pathetic. So hard to know, these days.
It had all happened RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES. In mere moments, that kid's life was ruined. And she fucking - knew - it. That was pure Evil, right there. I knew I'd never see something that was as clinically Evil as what I'd just seen when the mother I was sleeping with said, "You really want me to take you to the police? What are you going to tell them?" I wasn't sure, exactly. What I'd seen, I guess. I said nothing.
She continued, holding her hand up to punch out the headline blocks, "You think tomorrow's papers are going to read, Breaking News, Mother loves Son?"
And I looked at her in horror, she was an imbecile! Maybe I explained it badly. She just didn't understand. I was about to snarl something about THAT not being Love when I stopped. And thought, actually...! THAT is - exactly - what Love is. Suddenly, what I had seen wasn't so Evil. Well, it was. But it was Evil that had to be done for Love. I understood. I know Love. At least, I am vaguely familiar with it. At the time, I was in Love with another girl who I knew I'd never see or speak with again. And the things I was prepared to do, rolling back through roll back the clocks on reality; well, they were simply horrifying. But you know, Love. It's insane.
Suddenly everything made a kind of twisted, horrible sense. I groaned. "She loves him!" I explained to the mother, who'd just explained it to me. She looked at me with a kind of expression that was like "What did you think? That she was just having fun fucking with him?" - she didn't say it so much as flashed it, in disbelief. And I said "Yes." And she looked at me, with maybe the only appropriately patronising look of my life.
That's literally what I had assumed. But this new version made a lot more 'sense'.
This is such a brilliant story. Anyone who cannot see why would be too brain-dead to warrant persistent capacity to breed or remain alive really.
Love has destroyed the world. Yall just marking out time until Boom.