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Old 05-25-2013, 08:33 PM   #11
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
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sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond reputesʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ has a reputation beyond repute

Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
you literally cant afford the legal hoops scooter jumps through to make his residence happen.

He's technically Australian tho right? It's equally tough for Aussies as Americans? I find that hard to believe for some reason. Also how would any of us know what legal hoops he jumps through when he literally never talks about them?

This is my take on Scuter and how he came to live in thailand-

"Hey guys, my name is Johnny Henry Wincent, I'm Australian but I do love your country."

"Yeah ok great thanks, so how much cash you got? You a baller?"

"Well I might be sometime soon, right now I am fresh off the drug trafficking thing and playing poker and"

"shut the fuck up."


"How much cash you got on you right fucking now?"

"Like, um, 5k or so?"


"ok, great, so that's cool and all. Um, am I free to go? or what?"

"who the fuck are you?"

"...I don't follo"

"walk the fuck away and spend that money stranger. don't forget you are our guest and something something hazy memory something"

"Ok, cool."

So then he gets random apartments wherever he chooses and no one is even aware he is an Australian National residing in Thailand. If there's more hassle than what I just described I would be pretty surprised, the only thing I believe to be true about Thailand (regarding $) is that you need way more than you'd expect to survive let alone get some kind of long term residency going there. Moving to thailand is pretty tough, certainly tougher than it seems but again Scutes being the only person I know doing it never seems to be having any issues so yeah.

and fuck you black daniels you do realize while I was living with my mother at 30 with a crippling coke addiction and these pipe dreams of fantasys and shit- you do realize that was a different time and I was a different person right? I make more money than you 110% and unlike you I don't beat my women or piss off Scuters in strange countries where I am a fucking GUEST. You have no manners no game and no bankroll so get fucked.
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ is offline   Reply With Quote

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