*** Official Behemoth vs. 408mike for forum monster supremacy thread ***
With Behemoth's recent "rape for ramen noodles" revelation, I think ole boy is really making a run at the title.
I've always pictured @Behemoth holed up in a cabin using dial up with a large cache of weapons and canned foods -- pretty much would own 408, but 408's meth ladened madness and general latent homosexuality fueled literal, face eating insanity is pretty hard to touch in terms of cringe and creepiness. . .
Originally Posted by gay sex
LISTEN while youre busy driving your cocaine submarine, i was out here defending the idea that all star survivor is better against scooter who thinks its a bad idea, JESUS CHRIST YOUR JIMMERY KNOWS NO BOUNDS
Originally Posted by neverstop in a PM
. . .
But whatever, yes I can be a huge canadian faggot and you can be terrible yourself but theres no reason we shouldnt be able to co-exist at the very least, ya feelz me??