My evening
So, the woman I just started dating comes by my condo tonight and we go out for Thai for dinner. We then head over to catch LIMITLESS at the local theater and had a good time. A buddy of mine turned 40 yesterday so I told her we were going to meet up with them to celebrate. We go to the bar where he, his gf, and a few guys from my building were hanging out.
One of the guys there, I am not fond of. He started some shit with me 18 months ago when he was drunk and I had to deal with his idiotic behavior ever since. The guy is a mental midget.
At the bar, he comes up to my gf and grabs her ass. She turned to him and I thought she was going to deck him, but she kept her cool and asked him to go back to his seat. The idiot was completely trashed, and spent the day at the Cubs game, then drinking all day at this bar. He was obnoxious.
Two friends stepped in and separated them. The idiot starts problems with another friend. Apparently the idiot is mad at me for some unknown reason and wanted to fight me. They start so much trouble that idiot is asked to leave the bar.
its now awkward, and after about 30 minutes, I suggest to my gf that I want to head back to my condo. I get a call on my phone from my building, but there is no voicemail. Odd.
She drives me back to my building and as we drive past my cars in the lot, I notice two cop cars in front of one of them. The idiot decided to take out his drunk frustrations with me by grabbing a sledge hammer, and completely destroyed my car. Busted out glass, mirrors shattered, dents on every portion, lights smashed in. Apparently there is a witness, so I have to hope that this person testifies in the am. I now have to appear at the police station in a few hours (havent slept yet since the gf just left at 4:15am). This dumbfuck trashed my 2008 pimped out Ford Fusion that was coming off the lease in 3 months and I was going to buy it.