A history of Republican presidents and chainsaw proficiency
The last time a non-chainsaw-using Republican candidate was elected to the presidency was Richard Nixon.
Richard Nixon - skin too oily to grasp a chainsaw, a disgrace to the office.
Gerald Ford - too clumsy to use a chainsaw, not elected.
Ronald Reagan - avid user of an American-made McCullough at his ranch in California, even during his presidency. Did not believe in sharpening his chain or using safety equipment.
Reagan was good at making people comfortable, he said. The first time he went to the Reagans' California ranch, the president was in the doctor's cabin. "He smiled, reached up and grabbed my hand. Then I noticed he had a big hole in his dungarees, and there was blood all around it. He was out with his chain saw and he had cut his thigh. If he'd gone another inch, he might have hit a big artery, but it was a glancing blow."
Dr. Hutton treated it like a war wound, which he had ample practice treating as chief of surgery at a combat hospital in Vietnam. Before long, Reagan was back to clearing trails for horseback riding.