Maybe Harold Camping wasn't wrong about judgment day arriving sometime in 2011. Why are we suddenly converted? Because we have witnessed what is surely a sign of the apocalypse: fried Kool-Aid.
In the video below witness the creation of an abomination as "Chicken" Charlie Boghosian, the mad scientist of fried food, plops balls of pasty Kool-Aid mix into a deep fryer, then serves the little death blobs in groups of five at the San Diego, Calif., County Fair.
"It starts off tart and tangy, and then finishes really sweet... I love this stuff," one fair-goer tells Sign on San Diego.
The donut-hole sized blobs are a hit. Boghosian has already torn through 150 pounds of Kool-Aid powder and 1,500 pounds of flour.
No word on how many packages of Pepto Bismol sold in the county the same weekend.