LOL I got over 230 text messages last night from Brandon Gerson
now already its not even 2 PM and he is back to texting me again saying that I am 'threatening' him and how he is going to file a harassment complain against me with Vegas Metro
Good luck selling that story.
what a deluded pilled out monkey Brandon Gerson is, good lord
he already threatened to contact my family yesterday and now apparently I am 'threatening his life' (LOL) so he is allegedly contacting law enforcement now
this guy is unbelievable
over 230 texts in a row last night and now suddenly he is being 'harassed'
I'm looking forward to this one. I'm sure Vegas Metro PD would be very interested to learn that Brandon Gerson frequently deals cocaine (100% true) and I will be more than happy to share my phone records with any law enforcement officer who requests them
The fact that I have had to change my number several times in an attempt to distance myself from this bottomfeeder is probably relevant
Just had a nice conversation with Vegas Metro about what is involved filing a harassment complaint. The jist of it is that written documentation must be presented in person. So I look forward to seeing any evidence that I have 'threatened' him in any way, shape or form.
Also my record is squeaky clean here in Sacramento so GOOD LUCK BITCH