Originally Posted by
I have nothing against taking meth for ADHD. I read some back in the day, but everytime I see a new drug being created for ADD it is either that take it for 8 weeks shit (which I am hesistant to fuck with...) or it is the same old drug in a time-release formula so they can repatent and overcharge for it. My problem was with the drugs lasting too long = anxiety. Extended release is last thing I need.
This post would have triggered the realization 100% but it already clicked in my mind when I posted this hof post on ThaiVisa and faggots complained about its length. Always complaining about length and then spending more time it would take to scroll past something you're not interested in, to insult the person for their offensive verbosity. This is classic morons, in a nutshell.
And it hit me.
This is pure genius, by the way.
100% of humans have ADHD.
Long holy books.
Tiny pathetic attention spans.
Ca-ching. Confusion > Frustration > Anger > Pain. $$