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People do not learn languages unless some drastic life-changing Need to learn another language presents itself, like Meen.
like bob already said thats just not true. if it was then why would people learn dead languages like latin ? people learn a new language for many reasons, some people learn new languages just for the challenge and others so they can better enjoy the local television coverage of about seven Flandrian bike races held each March.
The world only needs one language. Thais should learn English not because they'll ever be capable of being witty or comedians or wry or dry or poetic or whatever, in English. But because it's the start of the process to get to the point where their children or more likely their grandchildren might learn English as their native language.
agree with the first part but lol at thais, or any other non english speaking country, ever learning english as their native language.
there is a reason many people in ireland are still learning gaelic. people are proud of their country, language, culture, and history.
Culture and language are tools used for exploitation.
yeah thats true but i just cant see the day when everyone starts learning english instead of the native language of their own country. people are way to proud to do this so they are going to end up learning both or being fucked.
its going to make exploiting the poor even easier as those with a bad education will only learn the native language. thats obv part of the plan.
This girl is very Thai.
she is very nice but i have realised that i prefer dark skinned over light skinned thai girls. always made me laugh to see the skin creams they sell over there that are supposed to make the skin whiter.
dark brown skin is fucking hot, isaan girls ftw !