Originally Posted by
Scooter, psychedelics are apparently all about where you are at mentally, spiritually, everything as a being in the moment of a trip. They will expose your insecurities with existence. If you are happy, then the trip is happy. I really am happy.
I realised immediately after commenting that of course you are correct. I had an awesome night with a little acid tripper hippie kid poker player named Punty in Sydney. Very good kid. I think it all comes down to company or if you're alone, your insecurities (as you state).
I think my problem with LSD (which I used to candy-flip every other night until the misery of the reliving of guilt and remorse and regrets as the hours wore on was too painful to continue) was my self-loathing for actions I never understood which caused a great deal of suffering.
I should probably trip again, as almost all of my insecurities were the result of those who loved me and needed me to be insecure so that I wouldn't leave them. They had a valid concern. Damn wretches. But when I used to candy-flip, the first couple hours I would be capable of wit and magic like nothing I've ever seen. Audiences would be spellbound.
Of course, I tended to undo all the good work with the insanity of hours 4 to 14 but then reminiscing is painful.
I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm gonna let you enjoy your trip.