The status of your ticket (1979099) has been changed from Open to Answered by Philip M.
This update was added:
Hello John Vincent,
Your CPU usage shows you have done enough action to reduce resource usage. Thank you for taking care of the issue.
Your compliance is much appreciated, and you should now have full access to your account. I am setting this ticket to answered, and if you have any further questions feel free to give us a call.
Thanks Again,
Philip May
Customer Relations
Please review the answer to this ticket. If your questions still remain unanswered, please update the ticket with further information so that we may continue working on it. If this ticket is not updated, it will close itself in 72 hours with no further notification.
Subject: ToS Fair Use - Web Server Overload | Check on August 22
Account Link: General Inquiry
Category: Technical
Your initial inquiry:
Hello John Vincent,
Your account, or a portion or feature of it, has caused an overload on one of our servers. As you are on a shared hosting environment, we must maintain certain levels of performance for all customers on the server.This is monitored by us and we send these notifications out when we notice that a certain account is causing a load on the server degrading performance for everyone else.Your home folder was limited to FTP access only due to excessive CPU usage.
Your consumption of CPU resources:
cpu-min date
86,98 12.08.2012
147,43 11.08.2012
96,11 10.08.2012
96,11 09.08.2012
Scripts that possibly perform a server overload:
Amount of executed PHP scripts for yesterday: 34835
Domain name | Total num of request | Total num of request from bots | 107949 32121
Total - 140070
TotalBots - 32121
Unfortunately, until this issue is resolved your account will have to remain limited. You may either log into your control panel with us or access this ticket via the 24/7 help desk or either call in or chat with us and provide this ticket number to our Live Chat or phone representatives.
Thank You,
Pavel Kutishchev,
System Administrator
Please do not reply to this email as it is sent to you automatically and your answer will not be received. Instead, please respond to us by updating the ticket. Alternatively, you can reach us by 24/7 Live Chat at
or by telephone at 1-800-385-0450 (international +1-614-534-1961).